PAL - July 2012 babies

Thought id pop by and say had our gender scan today :) we are expecting our 3rd little boy and i couldnt be happier :cloud9: hes gorgeous (pic as avatar). just 3 weeks and 4 days till we get to see him again!!

Thanks lady I do feel heaps better, Friday was horrid all day but doing good today. I needed the GTT early cos my bloods were showing my iver was struggling and some oher indicators werenlt s great and I had insulin dependent GD with last bubs :-( am resigned to having it againno matter how hard I try, big draw back of age and being overweight.

Positive I can feel ziggy, sometimes I'm not sure and others I am certain it was.
Thought id pop by and say had our gender scan today :) we are expecting our 3rd little boy and i couldnt be happier :cloud9: hes gorgeous (pic as avatar). just 3 weeks and 4 days till we get to see him again!!

Yay :happydance: Congrats on team blue!! The best team to be in :winkwink:

Glad you are feeling better Miss C, sucks about the GD but yay for feeling Ziggy move! :happydance:

I've also been feeling baby move on and off for the last week for definite - but last night was incredible I think he was having some kind of dance party in there it was proper big kicks... still light feeling as no real weight behind them but was amazing to feel :cloud9:
Hi ladies! May I join? :flower:

In August of last year I suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Without getting too winded, I ended up having emergency surgery on 9/3/11 and I lost my right tube. I was devastated. :cry: We had been trying since May for our second child. I was pretty certain it would take me forever to get pregnant again after losing a tube but low and behold, I received a BFP on Halloween, not even 2 months after my entire ordeal. Needless to say I was terrified. I felt some relief at a very early scan when they saw a sac in my uterus. I was so worried it was another ectopic and I'd lose the only good tube I had left! Our 7 week scan revealed great news as well, a growing baby and a wonderful heart beat!

Things took a tiny change during our elective 16 week gender scan. It was not a medical scan, we did it at a 3D facility. Everything went great, we found out we were expecting another little girl and my daughter was so excited to learn she would have a little sister! :cloud9: However, during the scan we easily saw I have an anterior placenta. I know for majority of people, this means nothing. However, to someone with previous surgeries and potential scar issue (like myself) it can pose a problem if the placenta attached to any scar tissue. I had a c-section with #1 and then an ectopic surgery which went over the same incision making for abdominal surgery #2. I've been worried about it since my scan. I guess a part of me is just waiting for something to go wrong. I wish I wouldn't think this way sometimes! :dohh:

Anyway, my 20 week scan is in 8 days and they said they will know more then about possible location of the placenta, etc. I know some people say it moves but from what I read online although it may "appear" to move as your belly grows it never detaches from the spot it originally attached to. :shrug: I am not feeling much, if any, movement at all so I know it's still in the front! I worried so much that I bought a doppler just for my sanity. Heard little girl's heart beat last night, which was reassuring since I am really sick right now! :wacko:

Anyway, sorry this came out so long I just wanted to introduce myself! The due date is coming up soon, in April, for my angel baby... it will be a sad moment. But I can't help but feel like the miracle baby I conceived not even two months later was simply meant to be, and my angel in Heaven now just had too special of a purpose to stay here on Earth.

PS: I am due July 12th but will go at least a week early due to a planned c-section which my doctor is strongly recommending at this point.
welcome breakingdawn! I remember seeing you in other threads on here! So sorry to hear all you've been through but I hope you can start to relax after your next scan! My placenta has formed on my belly side too, the doc said it was fine as long as it was not covering my cervix.

Keep us updated how things go at your 20 week scan! :)
I've seen you a lot around here. :) Thanks! I hope it goes okay. It looked really scary on my scan... I guess because I've never seen an anterior placenta before. I didn't ask the tech a whole lot about it because it was not suppose to be a "medical scan"... so I couldn't tell what side of my belly it was on. Maybe if I post a picture where you can see it you can help? She said baby was head down in the photo.... if that's the case it looks like it's right near where my scar would be on my bikini line!? I hope not! :(


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Hi BD and welcome, wow what a journey we have all been on in here.

Looking at your scan pic if bubs is head down then the placenta is way up above where your bikini line would be, if the placenta was at your bikini line then she would be half out of your wanny by now!! That's my take on it anyway :) I too am 8 days away from my morphology scan - can't wait - I just need to know bubs is OK.
breakingdawn I actually think you were just having a contraction at the time of your scan - I had a buldge like that too at one of my scans and thankfully my SIL is my US tech and told me that's how our uterus expands and it's nothing to worry about! On my next scan it was gone. You mean that bulge right?? I've attached the scan pic of the one with a bulge and one later without it :) Hope this helps you feel better!


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Yes the bulge! You could see it in several of the u/s photos and during the video we got. I really haven't felt any movement so pretty sure the placenta is in the way?? I guess I will know more at the 20 week scan. What's odd is nothing was said about an anterior placenta at my 12 week NT scan!? I didn't really notice it in the pictures either. Thanks for making me feel better ladies. I find it so hard for me to not constantly worry this time around after what happened to me in August. :(
Yea the bulge is definitely not your placenta hun! I bet by your 20 week scan that bulge won't be there anymore. That's just your uterus growing :) Making more room for your little one! It completely freaked me out too but my SIL and my doctor both assured me it's completely normal. At your next scan ask the tech to show you where your placenta is and I'll bet it's fine.
Oh I sure hope you are right! I've been worried about it for 3 weeks now! :( One week from tomorrow we go and I booked it early in the morning so I don't have to be anxious all day waiting! :blush:
Welcome Breakingdawn :hugs: I've seen you around too - its nice to have you here! We got our BFPs on the same day and have the same due date :haha: Only I'm having a little boy and you a girl :baby:

I hope your next scan can put your mind at ease. My anomaly scan isnt till the 29th and it feels like ages away - 13 days and counting!
Aw thank you Collie, you are a familiar face too! Nice to see so many familiar faces here. :) We both hit 19 weeks today!!
Hi girls! Long time no see! I only caught up on the last few pages but sounds like everyone is doing great...getting scans and finding out the gender!

We had our scan at 18 weeks, everything is perfect and it's another girl! yay!

hope all is well!! Who has names picked out?
Yay for your little girl Lauren!! I still love your name :happydance:

I'm liking Finlay as my favorite so far. But then I think about it too much and I start to go off it :haha: so oh has banned me from talking about baby names!
We are going to do Alice for our girl. :) It's a very pretty old name which isn't used much at all anymore and me and DH really like it!
hi ladies :flower:

hey breakingdawn nice to see you here, congrats on team pink :thumbup:

collie, we both have our 20wk scan on the same day!!! iam really hoping to find out the sex, cant wait i hope it makes me feel more excited. Been feeling loads of movement this last week which has been wonderful and reasuring. Got to here the heartbeat again today at diabetic clinic and everything was great so feeling :cloud9:. xxx
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! congrats on the scans ladies can you believe it we r all almost half way there :happydance:
I still find myself stressed and wondering if its ok to get excited but i think that will be with me until i finally get that little baby in my arms.
I have been feeling tons of movement now for about 3 weeks and i can't get enough of those little kicks and turns!
For some reason my scan isn't until 22 weeks which is weird as my last two pregnancies were done at 19 weeks so i still have a few more weeks before i see my little one again.

Glad everyone's scans are going well :thumbup:

We had our anomaly scan last week but went back today to check the little lady's heart as they couldn't get a proper look last time. Everything is looking perfect, which just feels amazing given the results of the NT scan.

Scan 21022012.jpg

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