PAL - July 2012 babies

There are distinct advantages to having a baby that hides from the doppler! The OB couldn't find bubs very clearly though we did hear it for a tiny couple of seconds so she said bugger it I'm going to cheat and grabbed the U/S machine so I got to see Ziggy. S/he was doing somersaults and backflips hence the reason we couldn't get clear doppler as Ziggy was way too mobile and needs to stay in one spot for more than a couple of seconds!!! HB 156bpm

Have appointment with Diabetic Clinic on Tuesday morning and will start monitoring and then up to the ANDAS with results of morph (2 more sleeps!!) Tuesday arvo then back to OB in 2 weeks. Got a script for something to help with the reflux too. So all in all a good visit!
Hi Everyone!! Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! we're almost halfway there!!

I had a scan today and they found some choroid plexus cysts on our babies brain - has anyone else had anything like this before? They said this can be associated with Trisomy 18 but is always associated with other abnormalities and everything else (heart, spine, hands, feet, nose, lips, size, etc) all looks perfect so they will keep an eye on them but that together with everything else and my first trimester screening there is no reason to go forward with any testing for it. I spoke with my SIL (who is an U/S tech) and she said if there is nothing else abnormal that it isn't anything to worry about, so I'm trying to not freak out but it's so hard! What do you all think??

Hope everyone else is doing great!
confusedprego- So hard to not worry about things it comes naturally when its your child, but if they don't seem overly concerned we have to remember they are the doctors and try to trust that they mean what they say easier said than done but it does sound positive to try and focus on that right now.
I agree with Mommy K - try not to worry and trust in the professionals :hugs:. They know what they're doing and if there was anything to worry about you'd be getting tests. Are they going to rescan you to see if the cysts go away?
Ziggy is perfect!! Feel more happy than I could have imagined, I feel I can breathe now and that finally I will get to hold little Ziggy in my arms! I know we are only almost halfway but I feel really really hopeful and confident for the first time
Yea I'm getting scans every two weeks anyway because I had a LEEP done 4 years ago so they want to make sure my cervix can hold the baby, which thankfully it's holding up perfectly. I'm lucky and they look at the baby every time too (super spoiled!) and they said the cysts will most likely be gone by the third trimester and they'll follow them but to not worry. Today's scan was a Level II scan - which is what they send you to if they find this at a normal visit, so I think I just need to chill out. The more I read about it the more I'm feeling OK about it. It's so hard to not freak out!
Just wanted to do a quick update!

My week 20 scan went okay, baby is perfect (and still a girl) but my placenta is low lying and anterior. :( I have to get re checked at 28 weeks. Ugh. It's always something!! I did get an unexpected cute photo of her in 3D though and I wanted to share it. You can see her lips and hand up by her face. I guess she is camera shy already! ;) The other is just a B&W side profile with her leg up. :flower:


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Great scan pics girls, I love the 3D ones :thumbup:

Confused I am glad you are feeling a little more settled... Its good to hear they are keeping an eye on you and I hope soon they can say that the cysts have gone completly. I've seen a few people post in gestational complications about finding cysts and then them disappearing on their own with no harm to baby.

Breakingdawn at my private gender scan I was told my placenta was lying a little low... she said it wouldnt concern her at this stage but did say that if it was still low at my 20 week scan they would rescan me at 28 weeks. I think all it means is that you may need a ceasarian rather than a natural birth as the placenta would stop baby coming out? :hugs:

We are still doing good :thumbup: Starting to buy a few bits and pieces and even had our first gift! Feeling him move more and more and the movements are getting much stronger, I can feel him from the outside now but everytime my OH tries to feel baby stops moving :haha:
Collie, they are going to recheck me at week 28. Good news is if I get the same tech she said she will sneak in another 3D shot for me! Watch I get someone else though! Hehe. As far as a c section I already have to have one anyway. I had a c section with #1 and then a second surgery over the same scar for my ectopic in August. :( So I'm being highly recommended for one. I hope it moves up some though because I know it can cause other problems in the third trimester like bleeding and earlier labor! So far it wasn't covering my cerxiv though, just really close to it.
hi ladies, well we had our 20wk scan today, everything is perfect and we got a long time seeing our baby!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

soooooo happy but shocked we are team :blue:, so happy just didnt expect it, there are no boys in the family so i just thought girl number 3 but nope we have a son coming :happydance::cloud9::cloud9:

hope your all well xx
congrats on team blue HH!!

Ladies I don't want to bring on a downer post but can I ask a question, do you still have trouble coping with your loss/es. I don't believe we ever lost ziggy forever, I don't believe that my miscarriages mean there are babies in heaven, I always believed Ziggy had chosen us and it just took a few attempts to get here. However I still have recurrent memories of the day when we lost at 12+ weeks and still go panicky and sweaty and cry at the drop of a hat when that thought pops in - yes the thought of a miscarriage frightens me to death but until I hold this baby in may arms that will never go away but the actual miscarriage I thought would be easier to deal with if any of that makes sense. It is a little over a year ago now and still comes sharply into focus as if it was yesterday. Is it just me or does anyone else feel this way. A friend suggested ptsd and I should see someone about it or it may manifest later on etc etc. What do you think?
I definitely still have trouble with it. I don't think it will ever go away, it's a very difficult thing to deal with. I've been having a bit harder time than normal lately but my original DD is coming up (March 13th). So, I keep thinking "I would have been about to deliver any time now". I try to look back and think fondly of the time as it made us so happy to be pregnant, so that baby had a lot of love even if he/she was only with us for a very short amount of time. It also makes me appreciate this pregnancy that much more but I will never forget and I think it will always sting a bit to think about. So, you're not alone! I think we're all in the same boat!
Most definitely. I also worry that people will forget my lost babies or think it is all fine with me now I have an actual baby (hopefully) this year. Dates still rule my life. Feb - DD for 2nd baby, March, loss of first baby, June, loss of second baby and Oct, DD of 1st baby. Then of course hearing others' losses brings my losses BANG back to the forefront. I remember how traumatic it all was and the gut wrenching grief and heartbreak. You are never quite the same after a loss. I feel that if I had carried my first all the way I would have been so excited etc. Now I don't have that same excitment - it is taken away from you due to worry/fear etc.
Hi July mommas! Just stopping in…read the last few pages, and hope everyone is doing well. Lins it def sounds like something that will go away on its own based on what you're saying, but of course it's totally impossible to not worry! I'm sure things are perfect :)

I think about my angel lots, but I feel really at peace with my loss. Like, it was all meant to happen this way and everything will be ok in the end. I know he or she is still with me. :)

4 more months girls. Crazy, right???!!
Sending love to all the ladies currently struggling with their losses x not sure i can add anything x kasper is still and always will b a huge part of our family and lives x

Had my 20wk scan yesterday, all is looking perfect with our littliest :cloud9: hes still a little boy :)

Hey ladies can I be added? I'm due July 17th and having another girl. I lost my first daughter fullterm on January 30, 2011. I had HELLP syndrome and my daughter ended up with a subglael hemmorage from the vaccum.
Ann, I've see you around and just wanted to say so sorry for what you went through. I'm sending you a huge virtual hug right now!
Ladies I don't want to bring on a downer post but can I ask a question, do you still have trouble coping with your loss/es. I don't believe we ever lost ziggy forever, I don't believe that my miscarriages mean there are babies in heaven, I always believed Ziggy had chosen us and it just took a few attempts to get here. However I still have recurrent memories of the day when we lost at 12+ weeks and still go panicky and sweaty and cry at the drop of a hat when that thought pops in - yes the thought of a miscarriage frightens me to death but until I hold this baby in may arms that will never go away but the actual miscarriage I thought would be easier to deal with if any of that makes sense. It is a little over a year ago now and still comes sharply into focus as if it was yesterday. Is it just me or does anyone else feel this way. A friend suggested ptsd and I should see someone about it or it may manifest later on etc etc. What do you think?

The loss of our daughter at 17 weeks gestation is still a huge part of my life. She was buried so we have a grave for her and I visit there with pretties as often as I can. I still miss her and long for. I still occasionally have nightmares about the time surronding her loss and her delivery. I have a memory box with the blanket she was wrapped in and tiny little hats, little trinkets etc that sits in my bedroom.

Its made me very anxious this whole pregnancy and I am so thankful that my consultant OB referred me to a clinical psychologist who specialises in pregnancy / neonatal loss - I actually started seeing her before I fell pregnant this time but have carried on and she has been great for helping me 'normalise' my feelings and thoughts. So if you can see someone I would recommend it :thumbup:

PS I like your thoughts about it being the same 'soul' or whatever that comes back in future pregnancies. I've never really thought of it like that I do feel that I have 'lost' Emily :cry:

Hey ladies can I be added? I'm due July 17th and having another girl. I lost my first daughter fullterm on January 30, 2011. I had HELLP syndrome and my daughter ended up with a subglael hemmorage from the vaccum.

Hi Ann and welcome to the group :flower: I'm so sorry for your loss... I cant begin to imagine :( But so happy you are growing your little rainbow!
Where is everyone? how are you all doing?

Ann I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs:

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