PAL March 2012- 5 Beautiful Girls and 5 Adorable Boys!!

I was having cramps last week, but since friday they seem to have stopped. I imagine its baby moving down more and things stretching.

Apart from those, & tiredness, I'm feeling great. Hows everyone else?
i had some painful twinges in my cervix (feels like a needle poking through) yesterday and a bit of an upsetish feeling this morning - but nothing now, im getting to wrapped up on him coming ive been such a moody bitch all day, now i know labour can start now i cant wait another 2 weeks!!! :wacko::wacko:

Hows these beasutiful babies doing!! Could do with some more piccys :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:
I'm Pi$$ed off :haha: heartburn keeping me awake all night :cry:

I was at MW on Friday and she 'thinks' baby might be breech so off for my 8th scan on Thursday!!! If he is it will be a planned c-section. Will just have to wait and see what Thursday brings :winkwink:
Ft-how are you? 99%!!!
Essie, those stools sound normal. My lo nappy is more of a yellow splatter mess than a stool!
He has been discharged from midwife now after a great weight gain, he is up to 8lb11 now. The constant feeding is obv doing something right. As for me I'm still in a bit of pain but midwife thinks I have a uti so off to dr on mon. Still bleeding quite a bit but boobs seem to be settling into their new milk parlour size!


Yep veritys are thye same, amd she always( and i mean always!!) poos when we take her nappy off, or in a brand new clean one. My parenets came round the other day and she managed to projectile poop over a meter away and hit my mum right on her lap! I couldnt stop laughing!!!

I find all i do is worry, is she sleeping /feeding enough/to much? whats this little spot/lump/pimple? has her belly button healed right? is she still breathing-prod-Worry worry worry!!!

Veritys doing really well, she only lost 30g, (which is good as she hardly ate for 2 days when jaundice) and mw and hv coming today so we will see if shes put on.

Loving being a mum, its the best thing ever, cant stop watching her!!

Hope some more of these babies come soon, i bet your all getting fed up now!!

I'm Pi$$ed off :haha: heartburn keeping me awake all night :cry:

I was at MW on Friday and she 'thinks' baby might be breech so off for my 8th scan on Thursday!!! If he is it will be a planned c-section. Will just have to wait and see what Thursday brings :winkwink:

Oh no glowie, hope baby isnt breech!! xx
come on we need more babies! :happydance::happydance:

Had midwife appointment today baby is all head down still but really squashed up - had my first set of braxton hicks last night and for the past 3 nights ive had some weird feelings in tummy - im really hoping labour is just around the corner. Things seem to happen more in the evening so guessing this is probably when ill go into labour.

I really want baby on 18th March for Mother day :flower::flower:

Sarah - Glad to hear verity is doing well - i can imagine ill be a big worrier when ethan is here.

Hope all babies, bumps and mums are doign well x
Welcome to the world of parenthood SS! The worry never stops!! You will find yourself worrying about things that haven't even happened.....all the "what if's" will drive you crazy!!:wacko: Glad Verity is doing well, and good luck with your hv today! I'm sure she is putting on weight just fine!!

Sorry that baby may be breech GS! You will have to keep us updated after your scan. My sister's baby turned the right way at 39 weeks, so it can happen!!

Hope you are all feeling well, and if not, hope labour starts soon! I've felt nothing and think I'll be waiting for a while yet!!
Hey everyone! glad all the new Mummies are doing well and babies are all happy :hugs:

FT must be up next......???
i SHOULD be but i have zilch going on..... i would not bet on me if money was involved :haha:

Offf out for an indian tonight but ive ordered a mild one... total opposite to what everyone else does i know. But i dont believe in the spicy food thing as i always eat REALLY hot food (infact on sunday i ate a load of chillis) so if it were true, digs would be here. And quite frankly, if i DOOOOO go into labour tomo on my due date (slim chance) i can think of NOTHING worse than having a hot curry in me!!!! :rofl: :sick:
i SHOULD be but i have zilch going on..... i would not bet on me if money was involved :haha:

Offf out for an indian tonight but ive ordered a mild one... total opposite to what everyone else does i know. But i dont believe in the spicy food thing as i always eat REALLY hot food (infact on sunday i ate a load of chillis) so if it were true, digs would be here. And quite frankly, if i DOOOOO go into labour tomo on my due date (slim chance) i can think of NOTHING worse than having a hot curry in me!!!! :rofl: :sick:

Calm before the storm lol

Enjoy your meal out xxx
unfortunately, i think its just the calm before the calm!!! My night out was good though :)
Happy due date Hun! Hope baby makes an appearance shortly x
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i was up in the night (dont hate me, but ive not suffered from any broken sleep this pregnancy... im VERY lucky i know) due to tummy pains and feeling :sick: I literally had my head over loo at one point. so i thought MAYBE something was happening.

Of course, it didnt.

Felt ''peaky'' all day yesterday though and again this morning.

But really think this baby has NO intention of budging LOL :dohh:
Well spoke too soon, verity has but on 5oz more than her birth weight. so that was good.

But she has developed a pea size lump on her jaw, and a fleshy lump on the back of her head. so we got sent up to hospital. were there 3 to 9 pm. loads of waiting and saw 5 different doctors. They didnt seam too worried and said that it was probally delayed from forcepts, but going to have a scan on it to check, they said she looks healthy though, and as long as sleeping feeding pooing okay, they arnt to concerned.

Last night we had a rough night though, i got 2 hours sleep!! she didnt get much more, she seamed hungry, but has such a temper and only wanted to doze in my arms. so worried that maybe she was poorly, now she has been sound for 3 hours and i am now worried that she is sleeping too much!! this is ridicolous!!!
Hope that baby shows up soon firstimer, exciting that you are getting signs!. When do they offer you a sweep? x
i have nooooo idea. I see my MW this friday at 40+2 and then again the friday after at 41+2 ..... so im guessing at 41+2 :shrug:

Im hoping i dont go tooooo far over due to my pelvis problems :nope:

keep us updated on Veritys scan hunni :hugs:
SS, sorry about Verity's concerns. Keep us updated on the scans. I'm sure everything will be fine as the doctor's do not seem concerned. As for the no sleep, just remember everything else can wait! When she sleeps, even if you can't, lay down and read or relax. Take care of yourself too:) :hugs:

FT, isn't feeling sick a symptom before labour starts?? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Happy due date!!

I went in to the hospital yesterday for a non-stress test as baby has been very inactive the last couple days. I just have not felt a lot of movement and baby was unresponsive when I poked my belly. I was monitored for over 30 minutes and the heartbeat was perfectly fine. Baby seemed to "wake" up a bit last night, so I was pretty relieved. I am supposed to count the kicks everytime I eat now. I just want the baby out so I can stop worrying!! (Although I will gain a whole new set of worries!!) :wacko:
Sarah - Hope verity settles well for you tonight to catch up on sleep - you can never win if they sleep too much youll worry if they dont sleep you worry - i guess its the same as when they dont move in pg'cy you worry and if they move too much you worry. Its all worry worry now :wacko: Hope her lump goes down.

Addy - Glad baby is doing ok - sounds like a quiet growing day maybe. Im feeling less now and only on certain sides - poor things are so quished now i agree i just want them all here safe now.

Firstimer - have you thought of accpuncture its supposed to have a good rate at starting labour - i have mine booked for my due date and the next day to make sure i dont go over. But ive had accupuncture every few weeks throught the whole of this pg'cy, but hopefully baby will make an appearance tonight!!!
addy - i hate our babys ''quiet days'' .. they are so worrying, dont they KNOW that??? lol xxx glad u and LO are ok :hugs: xxx

sarah - im faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too lazy to go to -let alone book- for accupuncture :haha:

so its DTD for the next three nights for me heehee :blush:

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