PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

So my doctor has told me that i can't have a VBAC because its just to dangerous. I'm fine with it cause she also checked my pelvis and told me that i probally have a really really narrow pelvic canal and that makes it difficult to have children naturally especially since mine are usually so big.

So i will be going in on 23rd of May to have bubs via c-section if nothing changes. I'm fine as i saw on the news recently that someone tried to do it at home and ended up loosing her baby and almost her life as well. I dont want to risk that so i'm going to just go with the doctors suggestions.

I did have a bad day yesturday cause my nanna said that she can't llok after my dogs cause she has to have a knee replacement sometime and its just making her life difficult cause she cant walk properly. so now i have to sell my dogs and its breaking my heart.:cry:
Aussiettc, is it only temporary that u want someone looking after your dogs? I.e. would you have had them back from your Nanna at some point? If so, there are groups in the UK, so maybe in Australia, that will foster temporarily, or you might be able to find someone who will in exchange for a small fee. Or is it during the day they need company while you work or something?
I've had to sell them. I can't have them with me for at least 2 years and my nanna can't look after them at all. I have found a home for one and hopefull can find a home for the other soon. I don't think its faire to ask a stranger to look after them for at least 2 years or more. Its just heartbreaking cause i have to tell my kids whats happened, and i know they will be devistated. The reality is that a new home is the best things for the dogs in the long run so i have to do what is right for them.:cry:
:hugs: aussie, I'm so sorry you had to make this choice. it was very selfless, kind and sad.
Thanks guys. I know i've done the right thing it just kills me cause when we got them we had our own house a stablee job and no intentions of ever getting rid of them. But then DH's work said he needed to transfer to Melbourne and we have to rent so i just can't have them. If i knew this was going to happen i wouldn't of ggot them in the first place cause i hate giving them up. But hey at least they will be going to nice homes.
Hi ladies,

How are we all?

I've been off here for a while going mad with wedding plans and decorating the nursery - it's my half term and I have to make the most of getting everything done I possibly can before I get too big lol

I have the midwife tomorrow and hopefully we might get to hear the heartbeat as we haven't heard it yet - only seen it beating away in the scans. Baby had hic-cups last night to my OHs amusement - my belly was jerking away was very strange!

Decorating the nursery has made me realise this is all for real and we are having a baby in just under 4 months time - which still seems forever away!

Big hugs to you Aussie - you've certainly been through it lately FX things start to look up! x
<Hugs> Aussiettc, I can imagine how hard it has been. You found them good homes. Hopefully the new owners will keep you up to date with an email now and again? When I foster dogs, the new owners keep me updated as they know it's a wrench letting go when I've had them here and fallen in love, even though we knew from the beginning they weren't here permanently.
:hugs: Sorry you had to give up your dogs. I'm sure you'll find loving homes for all of them.

orna, good luck with your midwife appointment tomorrow. That's so cute about baby having the hiccups.

I had my 20 week scan two days ago and it was SOOO nice going to the hospital for something that was routine. I've gone so many times absolutely afraid everything was going wrong or to check for spina bifida, etc that to be able to go in so relaxed, knowing everything was going to be OK was such a comfort and almost healing in a way. Baby kicked and fussed throughout the exam which felt almost strange. The ultrasound wand was pressing hard on my belly as baby was kicking here, there and everywhere from the inside. We did get our third confirmation that we are having a boy. No more doubts on that front.

I go back to the children's hospital next week for another scan to check up on my bleed/placenta abruption and also to confirm the lack of spina bifida the last ultrasound showed. At my 20 week scan the technician thought the bleed looked like old stuff so I'm hoping that's confirmed by the specialist.
SOrry girl O/T but i just told my 10year old that we had to sell his pet dog and he let out a few tears and then said but he's gonna have a nice big yard to run in and a beach to go swimming in now so its OK mum. He'll be heaps happier there than in the cage at Nanna's mum so i know he'll love it. But do you think when we go there next we could say goodbye? :thumbup:

My response "maybe it depends on when we go mate." i am so proud of him, for 10year old who is usually immature to show such wisdom and understanding its blown me away. Brought me to tears to.:hugs: i guess i must have done something right over the last 10 years to get thhat response:cloud9:
Hey ladies I had a gender scan yesterday at 17 + 1 and I am on team pink!
So sorry you are having to give up your dogs Aussie you must be so upset :hugs:

Orna hope you get to hear hb, hope your wedding plans are coming on well x

Congrats on your 20 week scan Starry sounds like your lil fighter is a lively one good news on your blood looking old, fx'd for you x

Congrats on team :pink: Lawla super news

I'm just trying to get out of the groggy feeling I have today and get motivated, hope you all have a good day :D
We got to hear the heartbeat! Was amazing!!!

Wedding plans are well on there way - glad we organised most things well before Chip came along thats for sure!

Hope you're feeling more motivated now Starry? You have got a fab excuse to have a lazy day though! You're pregnant! lol
I have lazy days everyday! LOL! The specialist had told me that strict bed rest isn't healthy but I'm practically under house arrest and need to treat myself with "kid gloves". I watch loads of TV and do tons of crossword puzzles. Sometimes I help with the dishes or folding laundry or feed the cat but that's about it.

My baby really is a little fighter. He's put up with so much but I think things are getting better. Everyday his movements get stronger and more pronounced and I'm feeling stronger too. Getting the good prognosis from the specialist has really helped. My next scan got pushed back another week so I'll be seeing my baby again in 2 weeks, not one.

Orna, congrats on hearing the heartbeat. I love that sound! At my 20 week scan it sounded so jumbled and erratic because baby kept leaping around which disrupted the sounds. lol
:happydance:Hey ladies, just a quick update. Bothdogshave found a new home (actually the same one) and are going to be well looked after. My nanna can go and check them regularlly and they are getting the best care i could think of. Even better is the female is getting desexed which means she wont have any more puppies and can stay with the male without complacations. I'm over the moon cause it ends heaps of worry and stress about whether they would be alright.

As for the baby front. i have to have my GCT on the 16th of March and then back to the OB on the 24th. I have also been booked into the hospital of my choice. It has a great menu, WIFI and is in a good location from our house. Also my FIL has agreed to come over to look after the kids so we don't have to worry about what to do with them during the time i'm in hospital either. So today is a good and happy day for me:happydance::cloud9::happydance:
Oh, aussie, that's absolutely wonderful! That must be such a burden off of your shoulders on all fronts.
Fantastic news Aussie - what a relief that things are calming down. x
Great news aussie!! I'm so happy for you and the pups.
Good luck with the wedding planning, Orna. I would elope. :haha: And congrats on hearing Chip.
Ok girls so only havev about 11 weeks left. I was jsut saying to DH the other day that i feel so unpreepared and he's like why, we have everything we need so i dont know how we could be unprepared.

And he's right but i think cause i haven't had to do anything cause i set everything up when we moved in 4 weeks ago while unpacking everything else. i guess cause i did it with everything else when we moved in i haven't actually done anything just for baby so that might be why.
So sorry I've been MIA girls. I'm off for an important scan today and I'm scared :(

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