PAL SUMMER BABIES (winter down south) 2011 ;) - Being updated again!

Thanks MrsWez and StarryNight. Aussie, I have a cold creeping up on me at the moment too. So far it's just sore throat and loads of phlegm in the mornings, which then makes me heave, and a temperature the rest of the time. My ears keep feeling like they need to pop too, and they won't, which drives me mad! Urgh, I seem to get everything going around since getting pregnant. I did read somewhere that when we're pregnant our immune systems are not as good as normal. Anyone else heard that? No idea if it's true or not.
Yes, I've heard that our immune systems are essentially shut-down while pregnant which stinks as it means we get sick easier, it feels worse than it normally would and we can't take anything for it! I had the flu (the true flu, not a stomach bug) over Christmas. Normally, I get it very mild and am over it in about two days with a third day to sleep it off. This time I had a raging fever with fever dreams (didn't really sleep....just went comatose) that lasted three days and then I had another three or four days of chest congestion that had me wheezing all night. The nausea was pretty bad too and I normally don't get nausea with the influenza. I also had a cold a few months ago. It was awful!!

Kess and Aussie, I hope you get better quickly!!

AFM - am going for my GD screening today. I feel like putting if off until tomorrow simply due to the fact I've had a HORRIBLE night. I kept waking up every half hour or so. And it's still silly early and I'm wide awake and in pain due to sore hips, legs and feet. Yesterday, my feet swelled up for the first time this whole pregnancy and they have yet to go back to normal though the swelling isn't as bad as it was.
Just wanted to pop and say hi ladies :hi:, sorry i've been AWOL

Glad everyone is doing well xx So lovely to read xx

Happy V day Kess, hope you feel better soon!

Sorry your not feeling great Aussie and orna x

Congrats team blue missmummytobe!

Starry hope you GD tests went well yesterday and your swelling has come down xx

Sorry if i've missed anyone! Will try and keep up to date from now on. 33 weeks today for me! Just need my little one to turn over now, still sitting with a head in my ribs!
hi ladies,

can you tell me if im having a summer or Fall baby I'm due 26th sept???

I'd say you're having a fall baby xx I think anything after the end of August is fall x
September seems like a fall baby as the 21st is the first official day of autumn.

I was a bit nervous at the clinic yesterday as there were two other pregnant ladies there for the same thing and both got sick. I was terrified of having a bad reaction to the drink they make you take. It is so incredibly sweet. It's like they took a bottle of orange pop (it was fizzy) and added a couple heaping spoonfuls of sugar. They forgot to give me the drink right away so I only had a few minutes to down the whole bottle. I just closed my eyes and pretended I was a little kid who had spent the afternoon running around in the hot sun. That mental image really helped! Kids seem to have a higher tolerance for sugar, after all. I did get a nasty headache afterwards and baby got a serious sugar-rush but it was OK.

Not sure when I'll get my results back.
Jonathan has been moving like crazy since mine this morning, Starry. I didn't think it was that bad although tell myself "It's for the baby" over and over again helped. I get my results Thursday or Friday. I'm nervous too. did go better than I thought. The drink tasted OK. It was just really, really sweet. I remember telling DH it tasted like a concentrated liquid form of a slurpee/slushie. But if you're already struggling with nausea I can see how it could have made the other pregnant girls sick.

I just remembered that I have another ultrasound this Friday. It's to check out my uterine walls. Apparently, the one side doesn't have proper blood flow so the specialist wants to check it out as it *may* increase the risk for reduced fetal growth in the future.
itss gotten heaps better that what it used to be. I remember 11 years ago now when i had it for my first that it was more like a syrup than a drink and you had to drink it in 5 mins. it was almost impossible cause it was so thick.:nope: It better now that it has the bubbles in it cause its more like soda than syrup. Fxed your results come back good.:thumbup:
Had my scan today and was finally given a clean bill of health for both me and the baby!! I am so thrilled. I was also told that I don't need to see the specialist anymore. I'm very happy with how I was treated at the children's hospital. They really made dealing with complications as worry-free as possible. Now I can relax and not worry so much about the move and transitioning to a new doctor. I was so scared something bad would happen in the few weeks inbetween.
Starry that's fantastic!!! Congrats hunni!

I have a sizing scan next Fri and consultant appointment due to changing hospital. Means we get to see a very big Chip!!! Sadly it says they won't give pics over 24 weeks though :0(

Seems to have gone so slowly looking at the separate weeks but as a whole pregnancy where has the time gone???

Hope everyone else is feeling good and enjoying the sunshine! xxx
Congrats Starry! That's fab news!

I'm finding time is going oddly now, too, Ornahayes. For me, first tri and the beginning of second tri crept by so slowly, but now weeks are zipping by and I'm wondering how I'm going to have time to get everything ready! There's still stuff to buy, and the cot needs putting together, and the house needs a deep clean, and ... argh!
Kess and Orna, time seems to be going by really slow and fast at the same time. Can't believe today's my last day in the second trimester.
I've been wondering, MrsWez, when the end of second tri is. A medical professional on the phone the other night (my IBS was really bad so DH rang NHS direct to see if I could take Mebevrine or Buscopan) referred to me being in 3rd tri, but other places I've seen 26 or 27 weeks.
Here on BNB it's 27 weeks, according to my OB's office it's 28 weeks. Confusing, but I'm going with 27 weeks because that starts tomorrow!! :happydance:
Time is going both fast and slow for me. Also, we're making our big move to a new province in just over a week and there is still so much to be done -- like selling our house!! Getting kind of desperate now...Because of the move I'm using my jedi mind powers to slow time down but I just want to get on with my pregnancy!

I find I still worry about my Cuddle Bug even though I now have an official clean bill of health. Every little ache or quiet period just makes me nervous. He loves to settle down very low which makes me feel so heavy like he's about to pop out. But I know he's not engaged because at Friday's scan he was transverse breech and I still feel many rolls from him.
99 days to go! Officially in double digits!

I've been diagnosed with Irritable Uterus, which is a completely confusing diagnosis as there's a very blurry line between just early, frequent Braxton Hicks, and actual IU and there's so little info out there. But basically, I'm having to rest, keep hydrated, and empty my bladder every hour so it never gets full. IU increases my risk of pre-term labour to almost 1 in 5, which is scary, especially as when IU does cause pre-term labour it tends to be earlier (generally before 34 weeks) than that caused by other risk factors. My MW says not to worry as I have no other risk factors, but just being told not to worry doesn't make it so!

So now I'm WANTING time to fly by. Every day that goes by is a little bit more I can relax!
Congrats on reaching the double-digit countdown, Kess! I totally understand why you would feel worried so no judgement coming from me. But I think if the MW is positive then you can at least try to be too. With the complications I had I found it impossible not to worry but in spite of the possible risks the specialist I saw was so upbeat and positive that I found comfort in that. If the experts are reassuring you then you can at least tell yourself that things are going OK.

Every day that goes by is another day closer to your due date.
Had a big scare today. Hadn't felt any movement and by the end of the day even DH was getting worried (he's always been so positive) and we were planning on going to the ER tomorrow if nothing happened. But sure enough, after some prodding by the both of us, Cuddle Bug started kicking back in protest and squirmed about for a good 20 minutes afterwards. I guess he was just having a quiet day. He's settled down again but now I can feel relaxed about it.

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