no I have never done the CD 21 testing. the last blood tests I had were with the endo.. I was CD 32 and my progesterone at that time was 2.2.
I have an app with the endo on June you think it could wait untill then? I am very early.. still only 11 DPO.. otherwise the secretary said I can go to the emergency clinic at my clinic and they could prescribe the blood tests there. Just such a hassle for no reason, my doctor could have done it easily.
That's awesome! What do you think helped?
I posted a few pages back about starting metformin. My DH and I have been doing a bit of googling and reading here and it seems Clomid is thought to be more effective. I get a temp rise each month and my cycles are fairly regular (30-35 days). Anyone know why Metformin would have been given to me not Clomid? Thanks