New to thread but need advice?
My last AF was 5/30-6/4. My fw was 11th-17th on Fertility Friend and 13th-18th on another site. My O day on FF was 16th and on the other it was 18th. I have PCOS but my cycles have been stable for months now. AF WAS due on 7/2 or 7/3. I am now 10 days late for AF with 2 BFN's on $1 store cheapies .
I'm wondering if I should buy a digital test or wait it out a little longer?
I DTD on 6/3, 6/4, 6/5, 6/9, 6/14, 6/15, 6/17, 6/19, 6/22, 6/25 and 6/27.
I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms but I know it could be PCOS. My breasts are sore and achey, headaches, creamy CM really bloated etc.