I have acid reflux (enough to be annoying, nothing i need anything for), and ever since i was little the best way to avoid it even starting to take affect was to do everything as quick as possible and be out the door, as soon as my day started I was good -- so here i am years later, if it doesn't involve shower, clothes and a few minor things then I kinda just don't do them. If I linger and have time to think about anything that's when I start feeling sick, and sometimes I can feel better by eating crackers or bread, but if i actually get sick, it's over nothing makes me feel better -- it's just easier to avoid the whole thing.
I started bring my vitamins with me to work (i do have an alarm set for them, which does work, about 75-80% of the time). And any pill that I am taking I do manage to take that in the morning before heading out (but this round i screwed myself and have to do it at night). I really only take my prenatal--and those are gummies cause the horse pill i can't muster...
I tried putting them in a pill divider, but they became nasty and didn't hold as well as the original bottle (even through a week)