I told him that if I could find a way to bake a casserole with just meat and seasonings he'd actually eat it!
He hates every sauce, veggie, all condiments, onions, peppers ...omg everything good in the world that adds
physical flavor to food.
He eats a million pizzas yet hate marinara sauce, won't touch tomato sauce.
He'll eat bacon (but not ham).
He'll eat double stuffed potatoes, but won't touch a baked or mashed potato...
He'll use garlic and onion powder, tons of "McCormick" and anything in a season shaker... just not the real thing.
He eats almost any fruit, where I'm not a big fruit person (aside my favorites). He devours steak but will not eat any of the tenderloin or fat. His favorites are the chicken tenders and pizza takes the win.
He's a junk food junkie -- he'll eat all mine, so I have to buy extra so I actually get any.
So yeah ...He's a walking contradiction and I'm stuck eating what's in the house cause everything I buy goes to waste...
He says he's easy to cook for, but I refuse to make two meals! And his meaning behind that is: "If you cook meat i'll eat it, I don't need anything else".
He works outside doing manual labor, so he's more or less fit. He's lost most of his little chubby belly he had when we were dating, and is now muscular (a plus for the manual labor

) He can lift me now over 2 feet off the ground with no effort haha