Krissie: I'd go through with it. That way you can say you at least tried.
Heck I was surprised that this one worked as well as it did, but honestly I never had any of the symptoms like I had this cycled before, so I kinda knew before it was working that it at least did something!
Betty: I couldn't stand Metformin... I told the doctor that if I didn't HAVE to take it I wasn't going to. I tried it twice, and I grew depressed and couldn't eat anything. I have acid-reflux and I would have rather dealt with it every day of the year before dealing with that feeling again. I never actually got sick, i just felt like crap. When it made me depressed I quit the day I noticed the symptoms. And I was on the lowest dosage, and only once a day. I never managed to take it more than a few weeks --- But hey, it works for some people, and not for More Power to Ya if you can take it (and it help)
I"m glad that they are considering giving you Clomid, at least something to help you if the Metformin isn't alone.
I'd even ask them about the next cycle as well, options and where things may lead afterwards -- so that you know what may be in store or their ideas of what the next step would be.