Pcos buddies?

I'm so jealous you guys are in the UK! Lol the thread is so busy during the night when I'm sleeping, but I hand around all day and it's gone quiet!

Wanna just being in the tww is awesome! And 6dpo today oooh you can start testing soon! And I would SERIOUSLY say the cramping seems a very good sign! Little bean might be making itself at home in there! If that is implantation cramping, I bet you could test at 8dpo :)))) lol I am living vicariously through you!

Vic-- so sorry to hear about your asthma troubles! It's good you've gotten good treatments and are getting allergy tested... Seems like they are taking good care of you!

Afm, temps are doing nothing fun... REALLY just want to see crosshairs on ff for once! Ugh!
haha im gonna test at 12dpo i think..still early but will be enough for it to show if it is a bfp :) another 6 days too wait - seems agessss away boooo. Fingers crossed your right and the lil bean is making itself comfy. Hope you get a 2ww soon kmr, apart from that temp dip in the middle your temps look ok..maybe just slept with your mouth open or pulled the covers off you or something? Im terrible for sleeping with my mouth open, my nose doesnt seem to want to function at night!

Vic - how did you get on with your appt today? x
Yeh kate 12dpo sounds gd to test, i have vip on ff, n even if u get a bfn on 12dpo dont mean ur out, as a few dont get a bfp until like 18dpo, so until af shows u have a chance.
Kmr, keep forgettin ur not in the uk. Ur stil involved, so dont worry lol
Had prick tests on arm, showed no allergys. Gonna have lots of bloods done at docs to tests for other stuff. She thinks it might b a reaction to adectives which they cant test for. She think its meanly asthma, got to change the pumps. N change the pain killers i take. N see how the bloods go. Got asthma clinic on thurs n seeing doc on fri.
Vic x
Morning ladies! Wanna, idk how I'm going to wait til 12dpo!! I'm too excited for you! Better post pics of your tests on here for us!!

I had another mini dip this am... It IS cold in the house, hubby jacks the ac down until I'm shivering in bed :/ we are almost finished packing up this house! Leaving Sunday morning... I'm so ready to get this move behind us!!

Vic, how are you doing? O yet? I hope something happens for you soon. Soy did nothing for me, really. But clomid gave me a STRONG o. I'm excited for you! I'm excited for me too lol for when I can get back to the doc and really start ttc. I hate moving!
Glad your appt went ok vic and thanks for the words of encouragement.
Lol i will put pix of my test of if its bfp :) i darent get too excited and dont want to set myself up for a fall. Feeling really tired today and the cramps/pains are back. Good luck for the move hun. Bet you cant wait so you can try clomid again (have I got that right?) x
Kmr - lol ur excited for everyone lol. Hope ur mve goes well, wen is movin day? I hate moving, i gather ur movin area. Bet u cant wait til u can get goin proper on the ttc.

Kate - ur temps are stil above the coverline. I look everyday, hope to see a bit raise one day, n wil start gettin excited for u. I no wat u mean, u dont wanna set ur self up for a fall. But i guess thats wat ttc is all about. Esp for us gals, excited if we get a +opk, excited if we get a raise in temps, excited to be in the tww then a shity 2 wks of spottin every symptom possible not wantin to build our hopes up for a bfp. Remind me again y do we put ourselves through this lol.

Afm - i really dont no, my temps are all higher than earlier in the cycle, n there more stable but no sign of O yet. Well not been so sick or bad tum yday or today, im gettin excited to not be gettin any side effects from met for 2 days. How sad is that lol.

Vic x
haha i dunno why we put ourselves through this. Yeah I was hoping my temps would get higher :( hope its not a bad sign, it dropped a bit this morning too. Good news on not getting any met side effects, hope it continues. x
I am living vicariously through you guys, as I doubt I will I this month! When I move (yes, cross-country, BLUGH) I am going to ask doc about metformin!! What I really want is to o on my own, try to correct the problem instead of masking it, you know? Anyway, i am so looking forward to updates from you ladies!! I am going to keep temping and just see what happens, but I think I'm done poas for now.
well you never know kmr, it might just happen on its own :) stranger things have happened.
I was looking on ff for 8-9dpo pregnancy tests earlier...i shouldnt have! See - im thinking about it already - i need distracting lol x
Lol kate u thinkin about testin tomo.
Iv done that looked at dpo8/9 bfps n some are very strong, but others u see on dpo14 n there so light, i think everyone is different.
Kmr - have u been pn met before, i no u have been on clomid. Are u thinkin of doin met first for a while then. Wat date r u movin.
Think i spoke to soon, felt proper sick after my dinner. But only lasted like half hr. so thats gd.
Vic x
thats what put me off, some bfps at 12-14 dpo being really faint. I havent tested today, still only 8dpo though. I disregarded this mornings temp as i kept waking up from 6am, although i took it anyway as was about the same! im off to the dentist this morning boooo x
Hey mornin
The temp is stil above coverline so stil looks gd.
I didnt test until dpo14 even tho it was a proper O as i new i wud jus b disappointed at least u have some chance. Let us no if u do a sneaky one before nex wed tho lol.
Vic x
Hey ladies!

Vic-- what is pn? Lol I'm guessing I haven't tried it as I'm not sure I know what it is... Yeah, I'm hoping I can give metformin a try for a few months to see if it helps things by itself... What I really want is to o and get bfp on my own! But obviously will do whatever is needed to have #2... I'm moving on the 26th, should reach our destination sometime on the 27th. So I will go there, dh will stay here and finish up in the military, that should take a few months, so I have time to try met before we can really start ttc again. I was really hoping to see an o this cycle, as we won't be together again for months, and I was hoping for one more shot! Oh well..

Wanna- I got my bfp at 9dpo with ds! Mid afternoon wee, so not as good as fmu, but could do still see a line! Lol I'm a horrible influence! Wait if you want to wait..., but if you don't, share with us!
Hi Ladies, we met with the FS yesterday after doing 6IUI's and he stated he thinks i have PCOS. So he put me on metformin right now 1 time a day but suppose to do 3x a day. I just took 1 pill yesterday and thought my stomach was going to explode! :nope: Is this very common? if I get AF in 2 weeks then i am to start BCP for a month and then start it all over again for IUI's with letrozale, ovidrel, estradiol and progesterone.:shrug: Is anyone else going through this also?>

Kmr - lol, have u been pn met before, was actually meant to b have u been on metformin before lol. On thats a gd idea, while ur in the new place havin met n seein wat it does to ur cycle while hubby isnt around, if it doesnt work u can start clomid wen he moves in. Sounds like a gd plan to me. Lol u so want kate to do a test before dpo14 lol, ur funny.

Joeys - gd luck with all ur stuff. No not doin any of that. But i was ok on 500mg of met for a wk, but now on 1000mg n havnt been that well. Nauseous, cramps, lots of trips to the loo. But think its passin after 3 wks now.

Kate - how u doin today?

Vic x
vic thank you! there is hope that I will be feeling better soon but then i am sure when I start 1000 mg it might start all over again.:dohh: hopefully you won't have to deal with all the other stuff I am dealing with! :nope:
hey ladies :)

Im doing ok thanks vic...still a bit sore from the dentist so feeling a bit sorry for myself lol, how about you? Kmr you make me laugh! If i test early I will def let you all know :)...tbh im dying to test in the morning but think if it was bfn i'd be gutted, and would rather leave it a few days, in blissful unawareness! My best friends moving to norway on saturday and I'd love to tell her in person before she goes (if it was bfp) - one of the reasons Im tempted.

joey - sorry to hear your so ill on the met...my advice is to stick with it - it does excellent things. I was lucky enough not to get too many side effects but ive been taking 4x500mg a day (working up from 1 tablet a day) and before taking it i'd not have an af since january..took the met starting end of may, had an af in july and i ovulated this cycle in cd38. As far as I know I have only ever ovulated 2/3 times in the whole time ive been ttc. I was reading your previous post about you just being diagnosed with pcos, after IUI's bet that was a shock, sounds like they've done things a bit backwards. Are you in Uk/US? x
joey - sorry to hear your so ill on the met...my advice is to stick with it - it does excellent things. I was lucky enough not to get too many side effects but ive been taking 4x500mg a day (working up from 1 tablet a day) and before taking it i'd not have an af since january..took the met starting end of may, had an af in july and i ovulated this cycle in cd38. As far as I know I have only ever ovulated 2/3 times in the whole time ive been ttc. I was reading your previous post about you just being diagnosed with pcos, after IUI's bet that was a shock, sounds like they've done things a bit backwards. Are you in Uk/US? x

Hi wanna :hi: thanks how come you are taking 4x500mg? well the FS he is mn and I am in ND he only comes 1 time a month and they said they usually don't see him till about 4-6 failed IUI's since everything else seems to be good. Since i am ovulating on my own he said that my dad has adult diabetes, i have acne those are good signes he is pretty sure i have pcos and then the last one he said was the follicles were a bunch of little ones that looked like little cysts or something like that. That is why he put me on this and go from there. Yes I feel like they have done it backwards but At least I feel like this is something that can be corrected. I am in the US also. I also have regular periods and ovulate on my own. :shrug::shrug:
ahh right, that makes sense then I guess. As you said, atleast you know whats wrong and it can be managed fairly easily. I was prescribed 4x500mg by an endocrinologist consultant, it seems to be at the higher end of the spectrum but it appears to be working for me so I cant complain :) x
wanna i guess that is good if it is working! i have a question for you not sure if you experienced this or not but after going to the :loo: i feel like my ovaries are on fire and still do for a long time. Is that normal?:shrug:

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