Pcos buddies?

Hey yeh cors u can join us, so u was on clomid only 2 mths n ur not on it no more, normally ur on it 6 mths i thought, how long till ur next apt. Yeh i no i have the same feelin of wil it ever happen.

Oh yeh them temps are very dif, so u got a new bbt then. If u r ov then its a nice short cycle, wud much prefer that than a 70-100 day one lol.
Yeh soya isthe same as soy. I did try vitax for one mth it didnt do anything. I think sometimes thesethings might take a few mths to work, but im so impatient. But iv heard great things about both of the tabs. They work grea for loads of people. Well i jus did a opk n itslighter than this morn, hmm not gd :(
Vic x

Yeah I am deffo going to get a new thermometer today. Don't want to worry that mine is malfunctioning!!! Before I did Clomid, my cycles were sooo short. 14 days long. Almost always 14 days. So there was never any hope. It was so depressing! So I did clomid cycle #1, and after that cycle, I had a 45 day cycle, then a 70 some day cycle, which only ended with provera... :( then cycle #2 with clomid, which did not work as well, o on cd 21. After that cycle I had a 33 day cycle, and then a 40 cycle. Now cd 9... Blah! I almost want to just give up everything and wait til I can resume with clomid again. It's getting really discouraging!
Isnt it mad how all our cycles are so different, wat i wud give to have a 28 day cycles, when u read some girls come on to the hr as the mth before must b great lol.
Vic x
Isnt it mad how all our cycles are so different, wat i wud give to have a 28 day cycles, when u read some girls come on to the hr as the mth before must b great lol.
Vic x

I know! How depressed I get when I think of all the people who take their ability to get pregnant for granted!! My best friend has had three children, two were unplanned, and anytime I breathe a word of envy she gets so mad at me! She thinks it's a curse, and I would trade problems with her in a heartbeat... She just doesn't get it!
welcome babydeabrue, thanks for joining us, hope you find this thread useful.

kmr - the pink ov test looks + but the blue one doesnt :s

I know what you girls mean - i find it so irritating when someone posts and is like 'ohh no - my cycle has jumped to 32 days' and so on...i feel like shaking them and telling them how lucky they are! TTC with a fertility issue is so hard, and often doesnt get diagnosed until after a year/18 months so i dont know about you ladies but I felt like all that time had been wasted. Saying that i bet id be one of those people if I had normal cycles lol!
Yeh it does annoy me, iv seen one so i have real bad irregular periods they go from cd28-cd32 lol, wat i wud have to be that irregular lol. Try givin them a bloody 100 day cycle lol. Least they get 12 chances a yr. im lucky if i get one lol. Oh wel guess we all have our different issues.
Gonna take another opk later n see how it is.
Vic x
Hey girls do you mind if i join?

I was told i have PCOS in feb. havent been ovulating for over 8 months. getting to the point where i feel will this ever happen again? been ttc for 18months no joy :( was on clomid for 2 months never worked for me so now waiting to see specialist..

so would be nice to meet others that know how i feel xx

Hey! I am pretty new on this thread as well. Trying herbal remedies til bfp or til I can get in to see doc. It is depressing, but at least there are forums like this where you have people to talk to about everything!

hey :)

What kind of herbal remedies are you trying? indeed these forums are a god send :thumbup:

Hey yeh cors u can join us, so u was on clomid only 2 mths n ur not on it no more, normally ur on it 6 mths i thought, how long till ur next apt. Yeh i no i have the same feelin of wil it ever happen.

Oh yeh them temps are very dif, so u got a new bbt then. If u r ov then its a nice short cycle, wud much prefer that than a 70-100 day one lol.
Yeh soya isthe same as soy. I did try vitax for one mth it didnt do anything. I think sometimes thesethings might take a few mths to work, but im so impatient. But iv heard great things about both of the tabs. They work grea for loads of people. Well i jus did a opk n itslighter than this morn, hmm not gd :(
Vic x

Hi vic :thumbup: thanks for letting me join. be nice to get to know others that are finding it hard...having problems and feel like their getting nowhere:dohh:

well i was put on 50mg for one month which took me to a 46 day cycle so i literally missed a month..then the next month my doc told me to try 100mg..still no joy as i had another long 58 day cycle so now he said to wait till the specialist gets intouch..as from the scan it looks like the clomid doesnt work for me. i have three cyst on my left ovaries and two on my right. so pretty much sucks. the thing is with my son i had no problems...never had pcos or any problems...we was on and off trying for about 11 months with him but went all out and got pregnant in the last 4 months...if that makes sence. so you could say 11 but i say 4 as thats when i made sure we dtd on the correct day. :thumbup:

ive been having bloods taken to see if my progesterone levels go up and no joy for like i said before 18months:nope: so now im just waiting on the specialist to get intouch so that he can help me as im getting nowhere :dohh:

be great to get to know you all and hopefully get some bfp in this house xx
So ur ff chart from last mth did u ov by urself then, looks gd for a cd31 but no bfp. So ur jus doin it natural u til u hearback from themhave u tried agnus castus or soya there herbal varieties of clomid, they have worked quite well for alot. Dont think neither have worked for me tho lol. But now on metformin, so hopin that wil do something til i start clomid, on cd 70 odd now. So waste of 2 mths :(
Vic x
yup..this is the first month in 8 months ive had a "normal"ish cycle. 31days is short compared to my others. i havent been using ff that long i was using countdowntopregnancy instead so all my cycles before are on there.

my docs has told me not to take anything as he wants my body to have a break. so this month ive had nothing..not even blood test. so even tho my temps last month were good im not sure if i did or not. i had a scan when i was 5dpo and didnt show nothing of ovulation only cysts...so im not convinced i did. ive been having bloods taken since feb 2010 and each month no ovulation...even trying to take them later still nothing! my cycles have been 40-60 so have missed alot of months out.

70days is long also ..so sorry its been that long. hope the metformin helps for you. have u been seeing a specialist? what have they been doing to help you other metformin? i thought they would give clomid before metformin??
Well i first got told i had pcos like 10 yrs ago, was under fertility after tryin a yr, was put on metformin, n before i went on clomid i broke up with my hubby so went back on pill, kinda been on n off tryin since, with stuff comin up, me gettin fed up, goin on the pill, n implant, now on 3rd lot of seein fertility, iv lost 3 n a half st, n need to lose another stone before they give me clomid. Iv had tons of bloods n scans, n dont think iv ever o'd not that im aware of anyways. So my doc put me on met like 3/4 wks ago. To try n help me lose this other stone n see if cycle does anything dif. N this morn i got my ever first very faint opk but twice since no line at all. Ff has said iv o'd 3 times this cycle lol. Jus have to keep goin. Hopin to start clomid nex cycle wen ever that is, i hear such gd things about got my hopes up that it will work. Gonna b so disappointed if i dont even O, but i guess only time will tell.
If must b so frustratin for u, havin ur little one with not much hassle n now its hard to fall preg again.
I have heard that if u have pcos n then get preg that u fall quickly with ur scond. Im hopin that will be me lol. As im 31 already, think i at least want 2. Lol look at me plannin 2nd baby n im not even preg with my first lol.
Vic x
i think thats the best way to be though....when u want something so bad and have trouble getting it..you do feel the "need" to plan. im the same thinking about three..just incase i cant have two so im trying to do the best to make it happen..just not planning that way.

thats good that your getting opks coming through..it would be great if you did get a positive whilst on the met. really hope it works for you hun.

clomid can be good..and it does work wonders for people..just didnt work for me. not sure what the docs will do next ..just a waiting game now hoping to get an appointment!

well i was hoping to have another one not long after my first. it was like hitting a deadend. no answers no explanation. just you have pcos, your not ovulating.. really sucks dont it. i ve been tested for so many things and all come back fine. so what the hell? im hoping that if i keep doing the natural something good will come of it. if it dont well i dont have a choice!

will keep my fingers crossed that u get a nice positive in the next couple of days..then you can get bloods done to check your progesterone levels to see if u have ovulated :)

will be looking out for your opks who knows in the next couple of days :)
welcome babydeabrue, thanks for joining us, hope you find this thread useful.

kmr - the pink ov test looks + but the blue one doesnt :s

I know what you girls mean - i find it so irritating when someone posts and is like 'ohh no - my cycle has jumped to 32 days' and so on...i feel like shaking them and telling them how lucky they are! TTC with a fertility issue is so hard, and often doesnt get diagnosed until after a year/18 months so i dont know about you ladies but I felt like all that time had been wasted. Saying that i bet id be one of those people if I had normal cycles lol!

The blue test is not an opk, it is for clearblue easy fertility monitor. One line measures for lh and one is for estrogen.
I'm replying to all of you lol too many to quote...

Herbal remedies-- I've read up on a lot. Right now I'm taking vitex, or angus castus. So far haven't noticed much difference, but I've read that it can take up to three months. I've also read good things about maca root... Wanted to try it, but can't find it locally, and I already had the vitex. I tried soy one cycle, and that didn't do anything...

Vic-- after I started getting my period again after I had ds (one year exactly!) is when I started having 14 day cycles again, just like before I got pregnant... So getting pregnant with number 2 has been just as hard-- even harder, IMO for myself, than it was the first time. I hope it's easier for you ladies!!
Dont mean to barge in but...your title of the post caught my eye...just wanted to let you all know, while sometimes concieving with PCOS is hard it can happen and I am proof :) I have been pregnant 4 times now, one resulting in a mmc but 2 live births and a healthy one growing!! just thought I would share that their is hope even if it seems to take awhile and also the best advice I got was to start a low carb diet or even "the pericone(sp?) perscription" its a book on a lifestyle change...I did low carb lost some extra weight and got my AF back with no meds!!! The low carb helps even for people who don't have weight to lose as it helps adjust the hormones apparently!! Good luck to you all!!
I wish losing weight was an answer!!! I am about 115 lbs soaking wet, and before I had my gallbladder removed was 135. Had the same problems back then :(((
I didn't read that last part! I might try low-carb diet after we make our move. Did you just make small switches? Like wheat instead of white bread, brown instead of white rice and stuff?
Yeh isnt always about weight, i was alot lighter wen i was 21 n under fertility n stil didnt ov then, but as im more now, the first thing they think is oh lose weight n ur ov n have normal cycles, i no it wont happen. But they dont listen.
Vic x
i think a diet can help if your over weight..but if your a normaly weight a diet isnt the answer...i think just generally eating healthy can help along with good exercise. good for the heart and mind which is good for hormones. everyone is different and everyones body takes differenly to stuff. over the years of trying ive notice the more things i use to help the more my cycles change and gets messed up. if u notice a good change in what ever your doing then keep doing it. what works for me might not work for you!

thanks for your post threemakefive. hope is always a good thing.Nice to know it can happen .. good luck with this one..wishing u a h&h 9 months xx
That has got to be the most frustrating thing ever-- being told to lose weight! My sister has pcos as well-- she's never really cared, though, because ttc is far off for her. She had weight loss surgery over six months ago, but still has cycle problems... I just am venting lol she's lost over 100 lbs and it hasn't made a difference to her yet.
its ture. i was told to lose weight as i put a bit on when i had my boy. i lost some and like u just didnt make a difference. thats why i think in SOME case just eating healthy helps more than the actual weight loss x
I think I'm going to abandon opks for sure. I keep getting positives, and while I KNOW pcos can give false positives, it still gets me hopeful! No temp shift yet, another positive opk. Cbefm says low fertility. Boooo.

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