Pcos buddies?

thanks kmr and vic :) its appreciated. I hope your right for next cycle kmr x
Wow no one has been on in a bit! I'm on the road moving and wanted to have a check-in. Hope you ladies are doing alright!
Im not gd sorry not been on.

Well as u maybe no, I started metformin on Cd49 n no af came by cd78. I started a new chart on ff so on cd2 i started to take clomid without a period, im now cd 5 n meant to be takin 4th pill tonight, well i woke up today with a headach, stil gettin sick after food from metformin. N been gettin cramps well gone to the loo couple of hrs ago n started spottin, well jus been again n its a bit heavier, even on knickers (tmi ) pinky brown, not proper red yet.
Wat shall i do, i have no idea, has the metformin brought my af on, is it something to do with clomid. If it is proper af, am i actually on cd1 today n do i start clomid again tomo. But then i wud of had 8 clomid tabs in 9 days? I jus dont no, my stupid body jus isnt straight forward. :cry:
Vic x
Im not gd sorry not been on.

Well as u maybe no, I started metformin on Cd49 n no af came by cd78. I started a new chart on ff so on cd2 i started to take clomid without a period, im now cd 5 n meant to be takin 4th pill tonight, well i woke up today with a headach, stil gettin sick after food from metformin. N been gettin cramps well gone to the loo couple of hrs ago n started spottin, well jus been again n its a bit heavier, even on knickers (tmi ) pinky brown, not proper red yet.
Wat shall i do, i have no idea, has the metformin brought my af on, is it something to do with clomid. If it is proper af, am i actually on cd1 today n do i start clomid again tomo. But then i wud of had 8 clomid tabs in 9 days? I jus dont no, my stupid body jus isnt straight forward. :cry:
Vic x

Sounds like a bit of a pickle vic! Did your gp advice you to take the clomid mid-cycle? If so id say ring the surgery tomorrow if your af comes. If its just spotting its probably nothing to worry about. Did the spotting just start today?

Sorry I've not posted as much, it might sound a bit dramatic but af arriving early came as a shock to me. I was/am worried incase I have a short luteal phase now. Yesterday was probably the worst day of my entire ttc journey :( Im feeling a bit better and more positive day though. Im usually pretty happy when af comes as its meant the end of a long cycle, this time it was my body saying 'nope, your not pregnant...again - loser!' Do you think i need to be concerned about a 10 day lp? x
ps...hope the move is going well kmr and that your enjoying the bank hol vic x
Aww hun, i no ur not happy with ur short cycle, i no there is a vitamin that is advisable to take if u have a short lp, i think its a vit b, i now take vit b complex, as a couple of mths ago, ff said i had a lp of 8 days so got advice then. I dont think i did o that cycle but ff said i did, mayb u shud b a search on the vit b complex see wat u find.
Bank hol is ok, been jus chillin all wknd really. Nothin special.

Afm, its not proper blood stil, jus kinda brown on toilet paper n a little on knickers, il see how it goes.
Vic x
Hope I can join y'all. I was dignosed with PCOS about 4 years ago. We have been TTC for 5 1/2 years. I am on Metformin 1500mg per day. I have done 4 rounds of clomid and still never ovulated. I have my first app with and RE tomorrow and I hope he can help me O. Can't get my little one without the O right?!? Good luck to you all.
Gdcluck karen, how did u go at ur apt today, wats ur nex step.
Vic x
Hows everyone doing today? Welcome to our lil group karen, hope your appt went well today. How are you finding the met? Vic - has that spotting turned into af? x
How u feelin kate, u still feelin a bit low after gettin ur af.
Yes my spottin has turned to proper af if u look st my chart its proper messed up lol. Gonna start opk from like cd11 n hope even tho i had af that the clomid wudcof worked a bit lol. Heres hopin .
Vic x
yeah im fine thanks - feeling a bit more positive, got another months supply of met so ill hopefully ov again soon maybe even earlier than last time. Are you glad your af has arrived? x
Yes hun best way to be, if ur O'in urself with jus met thats a great thing, n ur cycle was a more normal length too, did u look up the vitamin that helps ur lp?

I am plzed my af came but wud of prefered it to come before i started clomid lol, i dunno how my mth will work now, has all clomid left my body coz iv had a af, will clomid actually make me O if so will it be cd14. Or wil it be another cd70+ n no af. Bloody annoyin. I want a 28 day cycle n to O on cd14 every mth n to get preg on mth 1. Without even really tryin. Yes i no all a dream lol.
Vic x
Hey ladies! We made our move, and are now in Louisiana, and we are about to get hit by a hurricane. If it's not one thing, it's another... Anyway, I think I might actually o this cycle! Not for sure as with the travel I've not temped... But I had ewcm this am and cervix is open! So I'm really excited to temp tomorrow. Going to try to bd tonight. Just wanted to share, I'm beat after that trip!
I guess only time will tell vic, keeping everything crossed for you though. Yeah im going to start taking vitb-complex so hopefully my lp with lengthen a bit...something else i will need to stock up on, my amazon list is getting longer by the day!

Congrats on the move kmr...yeah i heard about the hurricane on the news...scary stuff. Good luck for tomorrow, ill be keeping an eye out to see if your temp rises. Are you bothering with opk's or not?

Nothing to update you with, with me today..i usually only have a light bleed on cd4 (if at all) so this is probs the end of af for me. Will be getting back to doing temps again next week and opks the week after probs x
Everyone thank you for welcoming me to the group, it means a lot.
Vic: Have you talked to your dr about adding progesterone to you regimen? You would take the metformin every day, the clomid days 5-9 or whatever day your dr said, and then if you don’t get a BFP or AF by day like 35 or so you take the progesterone to induce AF. You wouldn’t have to waist a whole month on waiting for AF that way. Something to look into. I hope the Clomid works right for you so you O at the right time and won’t have to worry about it.
Wanna_Bump: I am glad the metformin is working for you. Maybe this will be your month! Fingers crossed for you!
KMR: I am glad your move is on it’s way, but I am so sorry about the hurricane. Are you guys all right? You and your family are in my prayers. Yay for ovulating and good luck with BD!
AFM: My appointment yesterday went so well! I was really afraid that he would say there is no hope, or I am too fat come and to come back after I have lost some weight or that we wouldn’t see eye to eye or something. The stupid nurse that took my vitals had to try 5 times to get my blood pressure. That was frustrating because my arms and legs are super sensitive and getting my blood pressure taken is like torture. However, Dr Hesla was amazing! He was very thorough in explaining what is happening in my body and what should be happening. He went over three options in detail and let us choose what was best for us. Then he took me right in to do an ultra sound to check my ovaries and follicles and things. He let DH come in with us and he pointed things out to us on the screen. They were gentle as best they can while they were trying to find my ovaries. I guess my right one is high. He gave me a detailed plan of that the next month is going to look like in writing so I don’t have to remember anything. It is wonderful. So the plan is last night I started progesterone pills one a day for seven days to start my cycle. CD1 I will call and they will set up a mid cycle Ultrasound to check my follicle growth, days 3-7 I take 3 2.5mg pills or Femara/Letrozole and then start Clear Blue Digital OPK on day 11. If I get a positive before CD 14/15 then I call them so we can come in for the insemination, and not then I will keep the appointment for the ultrasounds on CD14/15 and maybe have a trigger shot then come back in to do the IUI. Yikes! Sorry that is so long. There is my plan. I love having a plan!
Hi everyone,
Karen, Good luck for this cycle, I hope you get your + opk before cd15 then. I love having plans too. Makes me feel like im more in control. I think we're going to have lots of bfps on this thread :)

How are you kmr and vic?

Wanted a bit of advice from you really, I havent posted this in the forums as I dont want to be judged, but the friend I mentioned before who's just gotten pregnant has offered me her left over clomid. Im in two mind as, at the moment the met seems to be working for me, giving me af's and help me ovulate and dont want to risk the effectiveness of that. However my cycles are still on the long side (admittedly a massive improvement than previously) so thought maybe they could help with that? What would you do? x
Wanna-- I doubt that trying clomid would make the met uneffective... The only thing I would worry about is it messing up your cycle afterward if you were not to get pregnant. But that may very well not happen. If you want to do it, I would get all prepared with opks, sperm friendly lubricant (some preseed!!) and go for it. You can't start until next cycle anyway, right? See how this cycle goes and if it's still super long, then why not? If I had some clomid right now, I'd be using it next cycle. Is it 50mgs?
Im not sure of the dosage at the moment. But I think your right, see how this cycle goes and then decide. thanks x
If you are ovulating already on your own what Clomid would do for you is help you get a better quality egg. As long as you ovulate than you should have a relatively normal cycle. It helps with people with short luteal phases as well. If you are already ovulating I would only take the 50mg. If she was taking more she would just be taking multiple 50mg pills at once so you can still take the dose you feel, as long as it isn't more than what she has. : ) Good luck. I hope this cycle works for you and you don't have to even worry about it. Oh, Clomid and Metformin don't affect each other. They do completely different things. I have been on Met for over a year. I am still going to take it until I get pregnant no matter what other fertility meds I take. All docs think that.
Hi ladies! My husband I have been ttc for a year now and my gyno mentioned the reason I might be having so much trouble is PCOS. My only 2 related symptoms are irregular cycle and painful menstrual cramps. I got blood work and an ultra sound done early this month and go Sept. 11 to discuss results and options. I am hoping to be put on Clomid. With PCOS, do you ovulate at all? My cycle this month was relatively normal, 37 days, and using an OPK I ovulated on cd 23 (which I know is later than should be). Do any of you know if Clomid would help? I am getting so frustrated/sad/mad.

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