Pcos buddies?

Thanks so much kmr and karen. What you've both said has made sense, im going to ask her to send over the clomid ready for next cycle...who knows - maybe i wont even need it :)

Hi rocky, clomid will help you ovulate (if you dont already) so gives you a chance when ttc. Sometimes you can ovulate regularly on pcos, some people may not ovulate ever. if you're having regular cycles and ovulating your doctor probably wont prescribe it and may advice/prescribe something else to help while you are ttc. I ovulated on cd38 last cycle, 1st time in roughly a year/18 months. We have all felt that frustration and sadness so you arent alone and it will get easier once a plan is in place x
Hi ladies! My husband I have been ttc for a year now and my gyno mentioned the reason I might be having so much trouble is PCOS. My only 2 related symptoms are irregular cycle and painful menstrual cramps. I got blood work and an ultra sound done early this month and go Sept. 11 to discuss results and options. I am hoping to be put on Clomid. With PCOS, do you ovulate at all? My cycle this month was relatively normal, 37 days, and using an OPK I ovulated on cd 23 (which I know is later than should be). Do any of you know if Clomid would help? I am getting so frustrated/sad/mad.

Dr. vary on reasons why they will give you clomid. It is ment to help you ovulate. It can also help you ovulate sooner, and it can help you grow a more mature egg. It all depends on when they have you take it and what is already going on. I hope your appointment goes well and you can get on your way to your BFP! Good luck!
Hey everyone.
So im on cd 8 now gonna start doin opk in a few days. Oh n kate i got my clomid off a friend too, nswty hey lol. Thats y i took it without a af as cudnt get the tablets from the doc as they didnt no i had the clomid. I didnt want to say anything incase i was judged. But iv stil got af today, god knows how this cycle wil go, if i wil ov or if i wil have af at end of the cycle, if af comes at the end of the mth wil jus start clomid again.
Kmr - ur chart is a little up n down, do u think u did ov then. Hows it gettin on in the new area, u gonna go get met from ur doc soon. Did the hurrican by pass u, hope alls ok.
Wow karen, sounds like u had a fab apt, wat a great doc. Sounds like a great plan for the nex mth. Hope it ends in a bfp.
Rocky i think the advice kate gave was spot on.
I have a long list of vits too, take them for medical reasons too, bloody expencive lol.
Vic x
hows everyone doing? vic are you having any clomid side effects? x
I did wen i was on them after the 3rd tablet, hot flushes, headach, nauseous, n af n very moody n emotional lol. Im ok now tho lol. Gonna start poas from tomo it wil be cd10
Vic x
Hey ladies! Wanna-- good outlook! Grab them.. It'll make you feel better just knowing you have them. If you decide to use them next cycle, do some research. Decide what days you want to take them, and all that.

Vic-- no judgment here! If there's anyplace to spill your guts, here is the place! Keep temping... I hope it makes you o!!

Afm, the hurricane blew by where I am, thank goodness! I'm getting settled, so I'm sorry I haven't been on! I'm really sad, as I was having signs of an o, but temp never shifted, so pretty sure I'm out of luck! I stopped taking vitex when we left, and I haven't started it again. And I checked my blood sugar last night after fasting (my mom is diabetic) and my sugar was low, so I really doubt any doctor will give me met. :( guess whenn dh is coming down here to join me I'll just have to get back on clomid!
Hi, Glad everyones doing ok :)
Vic/kmr - what time of day do you take the clomid? I remember someone saying they take thiers last thing at night to eliminate the side effects? Glad to hear the hurricane passed by you kmr, when will your dh be joining you?
Karen - How are you feeling? Any sign of af yet?
As for me, nothing to report really - going to start temping again in the next couple of days though and hoping I ov sooner than cd 38 this time.

Have a good weekend ladies x
Kmr - glad the hurrican past. Im not sure how the blood sugar level n takin met works, guess ur doc wil be able to help u out with that.
Kate - look forward to checkin ur chart out n hopin for a early O.
Afm, i took clomid late at night, i was ok for first 3 days, then next 2/3 days werent gd, but if i get a bfp at some point then all worth it. Took a opk today no sign of a line yet, but im only cd9 so mayb a bit too early lol.
Vic x
Kmr: I am so glad that you are safe. Have you thought about trying femara instead of Clomid?
Wannabump: I hope your egg drops sooner! Lucky dust sent your way.
Vic: how the blood sugar affects metformin is there are insulin receptors in your ovaries. If your body has an issue processing insulin correctlythat can affect ovulation and fertility. The metformin helps your body process the insulin correctly. If you don't have a problem with that then the metformin won't help and won't be prescribed. Keep up the testing! I hope you get your bfp!
Ricky: how are you doing?
Afm: I am doing well. Slight cramping but no spotting. Think AF is still a week or so away. Just found out I have a nephew on the way.
Wanna-- I took clomid at night, too. I didn't have headaches, but I was very emotional on it... When I was ttc ds I took it cd 3-7. The past cycles on clomid ttc #2 doc prescribed days 1-5. Didn't like that! First cycle I think I oed on cd 16 and next cycle on cd 21.

Vic-- met is for insulin resistance. I've tested my sugar twice lately, and it's been in the low 80s both times... So I think I probably don't have an issue with it :(

I've never tried femara, I always thought drs used it if clomid fails... And clomid has always made me o...
Temp went up this am, if I oed, I am so excited! Although dh and I have not bd! Dh is here on leave til next week, and then it'll be a few months until he is here for good!
Hi everyone.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in July. Since then i have been taking 1000mg of metformin daily, lost 15 pounds and also exercising 3 times a week but still no AF.
Anyone experienced the same?
How long did it take to get your AF for everyone else once starting met?
I think I will take it on an evening then, sounds easier, it would be a dream to O on cd16!

Hi AMPoole, I got my 1st af after being on met for 6 weeks i had only been on the full dose of 4x500mg a day for about 2 weeks as well. My Dr told me it can take a few months for it to work so dont worry. Maybe go and see your Dr again and tell him you've not had an af and maybe s/he will increase the dosage? x
I took 500mg once a day for a wk n then 2 x 500mg for about 4/5 wks n af came, i was on cd 70 odd so might of been a coincidence, not sure.
Vic x
Hi everyone.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in July. Since then i have been taking 1000mg of metformin daily, lost 15 pounds and also exercising 3 times a week but still no AF.
Anyone experienced the same?
How long did it take to get your AF for everyone else once starting met?

I never got a regular cycle on metformin alone. However I think I am an extreme case. I still didn't ovulate on 150 of clomid. The longer you are on the metformin the better it should work I think. And they can up your doese if it isn't. Good luck!
Karen u didnt O on 150mg of clomid, is that uncommon. Im hopin to O soon.
Kate how u doin, started tempon yet.
Kmr hows things goin with u.
Vic x
good morning, yeah i started doing temps again this morning and will be looking for other signs. Up and ready this morning, kids back at school! How is everyone else? x
Hey wanna! I'm excited to chart stalk!

Can anyone tell me why I didn't get crosshairs on ff? I was so excited about the temp rise, and it's stayed high... I just don't get it!
Hi kmr...just had a look at your chart and not sure why the cross hairs havent showed yet..maybe another temp will do it, or if you enter some of your other fertility signs. I hope you have o'd sending you babydust! :) x
Karen u didnt O on 150mg of clomid, is that uncommon. Im hopin to O soon.
Kate how u doin, started tempon yet.
Kmr hows things goin with u.
Vic x

Most people will ovulate on 50 mg. my doc said by the time I got up to 150 that I only had an 8% chance of ovulating. I hope you O soon and don't have to worry about it.

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