Pcos buddies?

thanks hun, i was so pleased to see it as you can imagine. Will be bding lots but seeing a bfp seems like a dream to me now so trying not to get my hopes up.

I know what you mean - i think its natural/inevitable that when you've been ttc for a long time seeing family/friends bfp announcements one after the other, or reading on forums of ladies who have conceived within a couple of months its gets disheartening. Theres a mum and my sons school who has had 1 baby and is pregnant with another in the same time i have been ttc :(

Good luck getting the met when your hubby is retirement. Are you looking forward to living closer to your family? x
thanks hun, i was so pleased to see it as you can imagine. Will be bding lots but seeing a bfp seems like a dream to me now so trying not to get my hopes up.

I know what you mean - i think its natural/inevitable that when you've been ttc for a long time seeing family/friends bfp announcements one after the other, or reading on forums of ladies who have conceived within a couple of months its gets disheartening. Theres a mum and my sons school who has had 1 baby and is pregnant with another in the same time i have been ttc :(

Good luck getting the met when your hubby is retirement. Are you looking forward to living closer to your family? x

I bet it's nice! Love seeing the opks go positive! None for me this cycle, as I tend to get random positives :( been skipping doing my temp for a few months so I'm hoping this cycle I'll have something worth looking at!
I know! Hubby and started ttc # 2 when my friend found out she was pregnant, and her baby is almost a year now! And I will probably keep lurking on the hpt forum, because it's easier to live vicariously through others I don't know :)

Thanks for the luck. We are both very much looking forward to moving closer to home, it'll be nice to have family time more often than once a year!

Cd 4 today almost over. Ds got my bb thermometer and ripped it open, breaking it! My naughty little boy! Will be using my back-up thermometer tomorrow and then off to buy a new one! Excited for you to be counting your dpo!
thanks hun, i was so pleased to see it as you can imagine. Will be bding lots but seeing a bfp seems like a dream to me now so trying not to get my hopes up.

I know what you mean - i think its natural/inevitable that when you've been ttc for a long time seeing family/friends bfp announcements one after the other, or reading on forums of ladies who have conceived within a couple of months its gets disheartening. Theres a mum and my sons school who has had 1 baby and is pregnant with another in the same time i have been ttc :(

Good luck getting the met when your hubby is retirement. Are you looking forward to living closer to your family? x

I bet it's nice! Love seeing the opks go positive! None for me this cycle, as I tend to get random positives :( been skipping doing my temp for a few months so I'm hoping this cycle I'll have something worth looking at!
I know! Hubby and started ttc # 2 when my friend found out she was pregnant, and her baby is almost a year now! And I will probably keep lurking on the hpt forum, because it's easier to live vicariously through others I don't know :)

Thanks for the luck. We are both very much looking forward to moving closer to home, it'll be nice to have family time more often than once a year!

Cd 4 today almost over. Ds got my bb thermometer and ripped it open, breaking it! My naughty little boy! Will be using my back-up thermometer tomorrow and then off to buy a new one! Excited for you to be counting your dpo!

Ive heard that of pcos that the lh can be quite high all cycle so will give 'false' positive. I dont seem to have that problem luckily, i can imagine it being frustrating.

Haha how old is you ds? my ds uses mine to check his temp all the time - luckily i temp orally! Im sooo excited to be counting down my dpo, I am going to do another test or two today..my temp hasnt risen yet though. x
Mornin everyone
How u all doin x

Hiya Vik...how are you? enjoying your holiday? I got a pos opk yesterday yey so think i'll be ovulating today or tomorrow. How are you getting on, any sign if af or anything? x
Ive heard that of pcos that the lh can be quite high all cycle so will give 'false' positive. I dont seem to have that problem luckily, i can imagine it being frustrating.

Haha how old is you ds? my ds uses mine to check his temp all the time - luckily i temp orally! Im sooo excited to be counting down my dpo, I am going to do another test or two today..my temp hasnt risen yet though. x[/QUOTE]

I'm glad you don't have a problem with the opks! It's frustrating seeing the lines go positive but not correlating to ovulation! I will stick with temps for now. Fx about this vitex! I've heard it works wonders for some women!

Ds is 2 and a half. He is a little monster baby! Haha not really, he is an ever curious little boy who likes to investigate and do everything mommy and daddy do. :) I know haha he's come out of my room many times with my thermometer sticking out of his mouth haha so very good about oral temps lol I actually kind of liked the back-up thermometer I used this am, it's from Walmart, seemed to be more accurate than the pharmacy brand I usually use!

Where are you located? You know I'm stateside, are you as well, or in the UK?
Mornin everyone
How u all doin x

Hiya Vik...how are you? enjoying your holiday? I got a pos opk yesterday yey so think i'll be ovulating today or tomorrow. How are you getting on, any sign if af or anything? x

Oh wow bet ur well chuffed. Iv never seen one :( il be lookin out for a big rise in ur temp. Hope this is a lucky mth for u
Well ff adjusted its self. So says im on dpo15 now. Temps dont look that high. But had tummy cramps last wk n been feelin really sick. Goin wee loads. N tummy bloated, lSo i jus dont no. Is it poss to have a bfp without havin that high of a temp? I do feel really dif. Mayb its jus me symptom spottin tho.
Hope everyone else is ok
Hols r great 30c+ everyday.
Vic x
Hey kmr, jus on hol atm welcome to our little group. Il pist more wen im vack im 31 in the uk n ttc 1. Never been proper preg before. Doc thinks iv had a few chemical pregnancies but not confirmed. Never seen a +opk either. Sad i no i tried vitax didnt make a dif to me. But helps loads iv heard. Im on soya dont think doin much either. Gone on metformin bout 3 wks ago hope its doin something. N startin clomid on nex cycle. Hope ur move goes well n u get a bfp soon
Vic x
Hey kmr, jus on hol atm welcome to our little group. Il pist more wen im vack im 31 in the uk n ttc 1. Never been proper preg before. Doc thinks iv had a few chemical pregnancies but not confirmed. Never seen a +opk either. Sad i no i tried vitax didnt make a dif to me. But helps loads iv heard. Im on soya dont think doin much either. Gone on metformin bout 3 wks ago hope its doin something. N startin clomid on nex cycle. Hope ur move goes well n u get a bfp soon
Vic x

Thank you! I've never ventured on this thread before, but I'm so glad I have now! I hope you have a great holiday and are able to relax and enjoy it! Clomid worked well for me!! The month I got pregnant, I used opks and a sperm friendly lubricant (pre-seed was the brand) and it did the trick! Positive hpt at 9 dpo!!! I have time to waste on vitex, if it doesn't work. The retirement will take several months, and husband will be here until it goes through, and I will be halfway across the country, so just going to hope it evens me out. If not I'll go back on clomid when he retires and go from there!

Look forward to hearing more from you ladies!
Hi everyone :)

Well i got another + opk yesterday but my temp hasnt shifted yet...really hoping todays opk will be - then i shift tomorrow. Im taking it as my last opportunity to bd (thinking today may be ov day) we didnt bd yesterday so hoping we've done enough.

kmr - Im am from the uk too. Keep us updated on how you get on with the vitex..hope your one of the ladies if works for. Your ds sound like a little cutie - its such a lovely age. Mines at the talking back phase...its tiring! lol

Thanks for the encouraging words vic...im trying not to think of it too much but surely after 29 months ttc its gotta be my turn by now!? lol

Hey kate u had a nice temp rise there. Looks lIke u did ov. Hope u did lots of bds. Mines says im on dpo17 still. Paid for the prescription on ff. so put all my symptoms in for last few days. Its all i cud remember. So nice n colourful now lol. All i need now is a nice really high temp n a bfp on fri n il b laughin lol
Vic x
Hey kate u had a nice temp rise there. Looks lIke u did ov. Hope u did lots of bds. Mines says im on dpo17 still. Paid for the prescription on ff. so put all my symptoms in for last few days. Its all i cud remember. So nice n colourful now lol. All i need now is a nice really high temp n a bfp on fri n il b laughin lol
Vic x

Yeah..i was expecting it to jump up a bit more but i guess its better than nothing lol. Fingers crossed its still a bit higher tomorrow. ohhh 17dpo, good luck for testing. Another lady ive been messaging for 2 years has just got her bfp so there hope so us all :) Are you still on holiday? x
Women can see a slow rise instead of a spike-- it'll probably by clearer tomorrow and the next day!! Bet you get crosshairs! Afm, my temp went way down yesterday and a bit more today :/ not sure what to make of it. I am so not an expert chart reader, do you ladies have thoughts? Cd 7 today, at least it's moving on at a zippy pace.

Except them weird temps (and I don't normally have normal temps lol) I can't tell if the vitex is doing anything!
Kmr - not sure on the whole up n down weird temps of urs. From ur last mth it was lookin gd. Mayb its the drop after af ur havin now
Kate - yeh like kmr said u might b havin a slow rise as long as its goin up its lookin gd. Wow after 2 yrs she got her bfp that is gd news. As u say stil a chance for us. Jus sometimes never think its gonna happen. Everyone else eithwr already has kids or get there bfps really easy. Mayb once i get my clomid il b one of the lucky ones. Even tho im on dpo16 n have every symptom goin my temps jus arnt that high. But i was lookin through other charts on ff n one i saw her temps were flat before n after o n then on dpo18 they shot up n she got a bfp. So im hangin on to that lol
Vic x
Kmr - not sure on the whole up n down weird temps of urs. From ur last mth it was lookin gd. Mayb its the drop after af ur havin now
Kate - yeh like kmr said u might b havin a slow rise as long as its goin up its lookin gd. Wow after 2 yrs she got her bfp that is gd news. As u say stil a chance for us. Jus sometimes never think its gonna happen. Everyone else eithwr already has kids or get there bfps really easy. Mayb once i get my clomid il b one of the lucky ones. Even tho im on dpo16 n have every symptom goin my temps jus arnt that high. But i was lookin through other charts on ff n one i saw her temps were flat before n after o n then on dpo18 they shot up n she got a bfp. So im hangin on to that lol
Vic x

Temping mostly just puts me confused all cycle-- sometimes I think it stressed me out more than anything! Anyway I shall continue to temp and hope I'll see ovulation on there.

I think I mentioned that I got pregnant on my third round of Clomid with DS. Clomid has an tendency to dry up CM, and I HIGHLY recommend using Pre-seed. Hopefully this is something available to you, if not I'm sure there are other sperm friendly lubricants out there-- I SWEAR that Pre-seed made the difference for me! I never really get EWCM... So I am convinced that Pre-seed was the determining factor and I HIGHLY recommend. I bet if I'd used it the first or second month, I would have gotten pregnant then! Seriously, look it up... Better yet...

So I did an opk just now out of curiousity... Definitely a line... I'm getting a little hopeful! Here is a pic, cd 7, diluted pee (I'm a coffee drinker in the am!)

kmr - looks like you should ov tomorrow or that day after, thats what mine looked like the day before :) I want to try pre-seed, it seems to have good results. As you I dont really get ewcm either so if this cycle isnt mine ill be getting some. Good luck, you'll only be a few days behind me. x
LOL I really should just become a spokeswoman. I loved the stuff. Didn't feel weird or anything. I have always had cm issues, so we always use SOMETHING. If anything, pre-seed felt more natural.... Anyways, I'll probably test twice a day or so with opks until my temp does something cool. Hopefully haha. I'm not even sure how many opks I have leftover. Hopefully I don't run out, because I don't feel like buying more!
Hey ladies. Took one more opk this afternoon and it's a hair darker than this morning's... I'm only cd 7 though so I'm not sure what to think! Must use sparingly as I only have a few left! Here's a pic... https://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh126/kmr1763/3FA57620-F5AC-4152-8D82-81A86764954E-1643-000001DD02D03179.jpg

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