Pcos buddy. Cd 10


May 18, 2015
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Looking for a fellow PCOS woman or women to get through this journey with. To share tips, compare symptoms, and just talk. Anyone out there?
Hi! I'm 25 years old and TTC #1 with PCOS. I was diagnosed just a few months ago when I got a check up due to abnormal bleeding, and found I had many cysts on both ovaries and high testosterone levels. However, I'm a healthy weight and my periods are very regular and I get good signs that I probably ovulate on my own, so I'm hoping I might be able to do this naturally. We're going to try for at least 3 cycles and track all my fertility signs etc before going to a specialist.

This is our second cycle TTC and I'm currently on CD8. AF just finished yesterday so it's time to get back to this baby making business and I'm feeling good about this month.:happydance: AF really feels like hanging in limbo, not being able to do anything.

I've been using opks since the start, and last cycle I got a positive opk on CD14. This cycle I'm trying to track my basal body temperature too. Took my first reading this morning.

How about you? :flower:
Hello there! Nice to meet you.

I have known I have PCOS for years. I knew something was up when I got my first period.

I do not have a period every month on my own except for when I take herbs. I also rarely ovulate but I am working on that.

I am a tad bit underweight with high testosterone, high LH, and cysts.

I actually seem to have my LH under control this cycle using herbs. Last cycle was my first period in 5 months and I O'd!! Yay for herbs and acupuncture!

I am on either CD 12 or CD 10. My OPK's are getting a bit darker which is great. Last cycle they were all over the place due to the high LH.

This is my first real month tracking my bbt. I started on CD 10..or CD 8 lol. I am confused on my CD because I had pink spotting on the day that should be CD 1. I have learned that you should count the first real day of red blood as CD 1 and that was 2 days later.

So..who knows lol but either way I am excited! I will try to link my chart and my OPK's thus far. I am saving them to look at the progression.

Let's get our BFP's this month! Are you guys doing anything special to help things along?
Here are my OPK's

Lol!! This is hilarious. With my PCOS it is important to save them...and watch them lol. They tell a lot. Do you have any? And do you have a link to your chart?

The order is:

CD 11
CD 11 Night


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Hi, I'm 24 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS at 22. I'm a healthy weight and I don't O by myself. I have repeating cycle of one month no bleeding, followed by a month of bleeding. I went to see an obgyn at the end of August and had some blood drawn to check my thyroid and glucose. Bf has to go for a sa and I'm waiting for a call from the hospital to book two tests: a pelvic exam and the other to check my tubes. I've been slowly cutting back on dairy and gluten, and I take an organic multivitamin and super b-complex everyday.

Since my cycles are pretty much all over the place, I don't bother with OPKs. I used to check my bbt but I think the whole process was causing more stress and worsening my already horrid cycles. My period is finally coming to an end (thank goodness!!) and may consider acupuncture?
Hi, I'm 24 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS at 22. I'm a healthy weight and I don't O by myself. I have repeating cycle of one month no bleeding, followed by a month of bleeding. I went to see an obgyn at the end of August and had some blood drawn to check my thyroid and glucose. Bf has to go for a sa and I'm waiting for a call from the hospital to book two tests: a pelvic exam and the other to check my tubes. I've been slowly cutting back on dairy and gluten, and I take an organic multivitamin and super b-complex everyday.

Since my cycles are pretty much all over the place, I don't bother with OPKs. I used to check my bbt but I think the whole process was causing more stress and worsening my already horrid cycles. My period is finally coming to an end (thank goodness!!) and may consider acupuncture?

Hello again!

It may be really beneficial after you being acupuncture to start temping again. I didn't want to be bothered with it either but after a few cycles of not having a clue if I O'd or not, I am now temping and doing OPK's.

Funny thing is though, I am still confused. Because I have had nothing but negative OPK's but Fertility Friend is saying I may have O'd on CD 13. So I truly don't know. In the next couple of days I should know because my temps will stay high if I O'd.

If you start acupuncture now, the closer you will be to O'ing.
Hi ladies hope u don't mind if I join I'm 30 years old was diagnosed with pcos at 18 with a non existent monthly cycle that appeared when it felt like it usually once every 6 months although recently I've had them on a 39 day cycle (yeah)... i Have no cysts but have all the hormone issues high testosterone and slightly low estrogen

I Have been trying to conceive for nearly 2 years and last year after having very very heavy bleeding and pain was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid that is 8cm and growing quicker than I would like...

Just Now i should be 15dpo and going to test tomorrow although I'm not sure if I ovulated this month... I Was sure I did due to high soft open cervix and ewcm but I usually have sore boobs for the two weeks after ovulation and this month nothing at all and now I'm having alot of ewcm so unsure what's going on....

Thinking of trying Angus cactus to regulate my periods and help ovulation
Hi ladies hope u don't mind if I join I'm 30 years old was diagnosed with pcos at 18 with a non existent monthly cycle that appeared when it felt like it usually once every 6 months although recently I've had them on a 39 day cycle (yeah)... i Have no cysts but have all the hormone issues high testosterone and slightly low estrogen

I Have been trying to conceive for nearly 2 years and last year after having very very heavy bleeding and pain was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid that is 8cm and growing quicker than I would like...

Just Now i should be 15dpo and going to test tomorrow although I'm not sure if I ovulated this month... I Was sure I did due to high soft open cervix and ewcm but I usually have sore boobs for the two weeks after ovulation and this month nothing at all and now I'm having alot of ewcm so unsure what's going on....

Thinking of trying Angus cactus to regulate my periods and help ovulation

I really hoped you O'd. The waiting game sucks with PCOS. I am currently waiting. Welcome :flower:
I didn't ovulate and I didn't think I did but I have ovulated now thankfully so I'm 1 dpo the sore boobs have set in already and I've had ewcm for last few days so that explains it... I Think with irregular cycles I'm going to need to start charting Temps and using opk more will need to.find out what's best...
I didn't ovulate and I didn't think I did but I have ovulated now thankfully so I'm 1 dpo the sore boobs have set in already and I've had ewcm for last few days so that explains it... I Think with irregular cycles I'm going to need to start charting Temps and using opk more will need to.find out what's best...

Congratulations! Are your breasts sore on the sides?
Hello ladies, can I join? I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19, and after metformin my cycles were kind of regular. I've been on dianette for 2 years and only came off it in April but haven't had AF yet. I've been back on metformin for 6 weeks, and taking FertilAid. Before that I took agnus castus. I've started tempting and according to FF I ovulated on 28th August, but I don't really trust my chart as I don't feel like AF is coming. We are about to start TTC next cycle and could really use some ladies that understand how hard it is with irregular cycles x
Hello ladies, can I join? I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19, and after metformin my cycles were kind of regular. I've been on dianette for 2 years and only came off it in April but haven't had AF yet. I've been back on metformin for 6 weeks, and taking FertilAid. Before that I took agnus castus. I've started tempting and according to FF I ovulated on 28th August, but I don't really trust my chart as I don't feel like AF is coming. We are about to start TTC next cycle and could really use some ladies that understand how hard it is with irregular cycles x

Welcome welcome!

Were you using OPK's and temping? Can you link your chart? I would love to see it. You can paste it in the signature section in your profile and it should show up like mine.

I love Vitex. I have never been on metformin but I have hear great things about it.

Do you have sore breasts or anything? If they are sore on the sides that is an excellent indication that you Ovulated.
I wasn't using opks as I'm on cd 100+. I was just temping. I've not really had much breast pain, it comes and goes, that's what's got me worried that FF has got it wrong. Think my chart should be attached now x
I wasn't using opks as I'm on cd 100+. I was just temping. I've not really had much breast pain, it comes and goes, that's what's got me worried that FF has got it wrong. Think my chart should be attached now x

Got it. Are you temping at the same time every single day? I see a lot of open circles on your chart and that sometimes indicates that you are not temping at the same time.

I can understand why you would feel FF got it wrong. Your temps seem to be very low to be post O but it depends on the time of day you are taking them.

When I have anovulatory cycles my breasts tenderness comes and goes as well. They may hurt some for like 3 hours then just stop. When I O my breasts hurt for like 2 weeks. I realize that isn't normal either lol. I don't know anymore.

Or, you may have O'd and just have very low progesterone, which PCOS women tend to have and that could account for your temps being so low.

Lets get a BFP together! We will outsmart this "PCOS."
Yeah, I don't think I did O, going to make an appointment with the doctor next week to see about getting provera to kickstart my cycle.
Let's get an October BFP!!
Yeah, I don't think I did O, going to make an appointment with the doctor next week to see about getting provera to kickstart my cycle.
Let's get an October BFP!!

I haven't O'd yet either unfortunately.

Good luck with that. Does absolutely nothing for me lol! When AF goes MIA with me I take Vitex and Dong Quai. I get it in less than a week with those herbs.

My temp plummeted today. I was hoping it would have jumped. At least I know for a fact I have not O'd and I am not just wondering. that in itself is a wonderful thing
Hi again, and welcome everyone!! Sorry I just popped up and then disappeared straight away... I felt like I was getting a bit obsessive by checking these forums every day, and my husband and I ended up arguing about TTC. He felt pressured by me planning everything out like when exactly we need to BD and always taling about it. So I thought I had better take a break and forget about TTC for a while until my fertile window. It's only the second month and I've already managed to stress us both out! But anyway, everything's good now.

Aaaand, it's CD15 today. I'm expecting to ovulate around CD19 (which is when I got a positive OPK last cycle - make a mistake in my last post!) so it's time to get busy again!! Last month we tried to BD 3 nights in a row even though DH was really tired from work and it just stressed us out, so this time we're just going for every other day and trying to just relax and have fun with it. We've been doing it every other day this past week and it's been much better, and going to continue the same pattern until I get a positive OPK. I reeeally hope I get one and O this month. FX!

As for temping, I don't think I've been doing too well with it. Missed a couple of days and having trouble sticking to the same time every day which I can see is effecting the readings. I think I'm going to just start temping next cycle, because I will be in class every morning starting next week so I'll have to get up at 7am every morning. I can get a more accurate chart going on then, I think.
I'm giving temping a rest and just going to go with the BDing every second day thing. We're going on holiday next week so it shouldn't be too difficult! X
hi my partner and i both have pcos, we are looking for any tips and to help in any way we can
we are at this point in time trying to conceive #1 my partner who is 28 and just found out she has pcos and we are having troubles getting her to O the doctor has put her on metformin has anyone had any luck with that or have any other ideas on what could help?
Hi again, and welcome everyone!! Sorry I just popped up and then disappeared straight away... I felt like I was getting a bit obsessive by checking these forums every day, and my husband and I ended up arguing about TTC. He felt pressured by me planning everything out like when exactly we need to BD and always taling about it. So I thought I had better take a break and forget about TTC for a while until my fertile window. It's only the second month and I've already managed to stress us both out! But anyway, everything's good now.

Aaaand, it's CD15 today. I'm expecting to ovulate around CD19 (which is when I got a positive OPK last cycle - make a mistake in my last post!) so it's time to get busy again!! Last month we tried to BD 3 nights in a row even though DH was really tired from work and it just stressed us out, so this time we're just going for every other day and trying to just relax and have fun with it. We've been doing it every other day this past week and it's been much better, and going to continue the same pattern until I get a positive OPK. I reeeally hope I get one and O this month. FX!

As for temping, I don't think I've been doing too well with it. Missed a couple of days and having trouble sticking to the same time every day which I can see is effecting the readings. I think I'm going to just start temping next cycle, because I will be in class every morning starting next week so I'll have to get up at 7am every morning. I can get a more accurate chart going on then, I think.

I have been there. I have freaked my SO out more than once. Especially because he doesn't understand PCOS and how it is already hard. I have learned to just be quiet about most everything. Though he does see me looking at my chart and staring at my OPK's.."You still looking at that chart?" he says.

This is why I am so happy I can come here and obsess lol. Next month I am not saying anything, not doing my OPK's around him or anything. Some mens minds work differently and the littlest things freak them out.

I remember one month we tried to get pregnant. I thought I was and he STILL FREAKED. I was so surprised but my mother explained it to me and how he was just scared.

I hope I O'd yesterday. Sheesh. I had a temp dip and it jumped today. But I won't know for sure for a couple more days.

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