Hi again, and welcome everyone!! Sorry I just popped up and then disappeared straight away... I felt like I was getting a bit obsessive by checking these forums every day, and my husband and I ended up arguing about TTC. He felt pressured by me planning everything out like when exactly we need to BD and always taling about it. So I thought I had better take a break and forget about TTC for a while until my fertile window. It's only the second month and I've already managed to stress us both out! But anyway, everything's good now.
Aaaand, it's CD15 today. I'm expecting to ovulate around CD19 (which is when I got a positive OPK last cycle - make a mistake in my last post!) so it's time to get busy again!! Last month we tried to BD 3 nights in a row even though DH was really tired from work and it just stressed us out, so this time we're just going for every other day and trying to just relax and have fun with it. We've been doing it every other day this past week and it's been much better, and going to continue the same pattern until I get a positive OPK. I reeeally hope I get one and O this month. FX!
As for temping, I don't think I've been doing too well with it. Missed a couple of days and having trouble sticking to the same time every day which I can see is effecting the readings. I think I'm going to just start temping next cycle, because I will be in class every morning starting next week so I'll have to get up at 7am every morning. I can get a more accurate chart going on then, I think.