Pcos buddy. Cd 10

hi my partner and i both have pcos, we are looking for any tips and to help in any way we can
we are at this point in time trying to conceive #1 my partner who is 28 and just found out she has pcos and we are having troubles getting her to O the doctor has put her on metformin has anyone had any luck with that or have any other ideas on what could help?

I have heard a lot of women have luck with Metformin. I am going the natural route. So all I can offer you is for you both to cut out everything that is refined.

Refined is a stripping process and eating foods that are stripped will effect your insulin. That is the reason she is on Metformin.

You both should NEVER eat white bread, white rice, and definitely NEVER white sugar.

In addition, no high fructose corn syrup. Absolutely NO GMO's. Only eat organic. I know that is not always possible. So 90% of the time is good.

The carbs and sugar you should eat should say the word WHOLE.

For instance: whole grain sugar, whole grains, whole wheat. Don't be fooled by Wheat bread. It must have the word WHOLE in it. Even then, if you eat a carb you need to pair it with protein. I do a salad, fish or a protein shake.

GMO's have chemicals, antibiotics and all types of crap that throw hormones off balance.

You two will essentially be going back to nature and starting from scratch. Look into Vitex also. And order the Solaray brand of the Vitex if you decide to use it.

Vitex corrects the high LH that a lot of women have with PCOS. Not only that, but it balances all of the hormones naturally.

Maca is great for B vitamins and it also truly encourages ovulation. So look that up as well.

You must get 30 minutes of cardio in a day. You absolutely have to. I say this and I don't do it! But I know I really should. When you get your blood moving that automatically helps balance hormones.

In short...eat healthy. We are past the days where we can rely on the food available to be healthy and nourishing. No. This food here in the US is damaging to everyone. I would never feed it to my child. And people are painfully unaware. It is toxic.

The refined food spikes our insulin and it is a vicious cycle and it should not be masked by a drug it should be dealt with from a cellular level, and corrected.

BTW, the most genetically modified foods are corn and soy. If you look at the list of ingredients in most foods is can some form of corn and soy. Proccessed and packaged foods have to go as well. If it doesn't say organic, or at the least..non GMO then just don't even buy it.

I hope that helps!
I have been there. I have freaked my SO out more than once. Especially because he doesn't understand PCOS and how it is already hard. I have learned to just be quiet about most everything. Though he does see me looking at my chart and staring at my OPK's.."You still looking at that chart?" he says.

This is why I am so happy I can come here and obsess lol. Next month I am not saying anything, not doing my OPK's around him or anything. Some mens minds work differently and the littlest things freak them out.

I remember one month we tried to get pregnant. I thought I was and he STILL FREAKED. I was so surprised but my mother explained it to me and how he was just scared.

I hope I O'd yesterday. Sheesh. I had a temp dip and it jumped today. But I won't know for sure for a couple more days.

Yeah, my mum said the same sort thing. I was quite upset and offended by his reaction, but I've discovered it's a pretty common situation! Thank goodness for sites like this one. :wacko: We've only been together for about 2 years so I'm still learning how men's heads work.

Anyway, it's 11am Sunday morning CD16 and I just got a very clearly positive opk!! :happydance: Going to bd today for sure and probably tomorrow night. I think 3 days in a row is too much for poor DH so hopefully that'll be enough.
I have been there. I have freaked my SO out more than once. Especially because he doesn't understand PCOS and how it is already hard. I have learned to just be quiet about most everything. Though he does see me looking at my chart and staring at my OPK's.."You still looking at that chart?" he says.

This is why I am so happy I can come here and obsess lol. Next month I am not saying anything, not doing my OPK's around him or anything. Some mens minds work differently and the littlest things freak them out.

I remember one month we tried to get pregnant. I thought I was and he STILL FREAKED. I was so surprised but my mother explained it to me and how he was just scared.

I hope I O'd yesterday. Sheesh. I had a temp dip and it jumped today. But I won't know for sure for a couple more days.

Yeah, my mum said the same sort thing. I was quite upset and offended by his reaction, but I've discovered it's a pretty common situation! Thank goodness for sites like this one. :wacko: We've only been together for about 2 years so I'm still learning how men's heads work.

Anyway, it's 11am Sunday morning CD16 and I just got a very clearly positive opk!! :happydance: Going to bd today for sure and probably tomorrow night. I think 3 days in a row is too much for poor DH so hopefully that'll be enough.

Yay!! I really hope you O!! It's 2:33 a.m. here and I got a negative on my Clear Blue Digital Advanced ovulation tests that I just purchased today. Happy I got a negative! I was scared my PCOS was acting up and would I would keep surging.

I really feel like I O'd and won't be able to know until Monday..or really 9 a.m. because if my temp drops I know I didn't.

Good luck and don't be a stranger!
Yay!! I really hope you O!! It's 2:33 a.m. here and I got a negative on my Clear Blue Digital Advanced ovulation tests that I just purchased today. Happy I got a negative! I was scared my PCOS was acting up and would I would keep surging.

I really feel like I O'd and won't be able to know until Monday..or really 9 a.m. because if my temp drops I know I didn't.

Good luck and don't be a stranger!

Thanks!! And congrats on your little bit of good news too! FX you're right about your O this month!

EDIT: Just to add, I didn't have any pain at all during intercourse.

I got the positive opk at 11am, but I did another one at 7pm and it was even stronger. Almost stronger than the control line. Last month I had positives for 2 days in a row, so expecting the same. We BDed this evening and going to try again tomorrow night too.

The only unusual thing is, since last night I've been getting mild pains where I assume my ovaries are... Sort of the lower sides of my stomach. Mostly on the right side. Just on and off, like a pinching sort of pain an inch inward from my hip bones. Wonder if that could be something to do with ovulation?

Also, (and this is worrying me just slightly), after BDing this evening I just laid on the bed and waited for 10 minutes before I got up and went to the bathroom. Sorry if this is TMI! But I sat on the toilet and let all of the excess "stuff" run out of me as usual, and I noticed this time it was slightly tinged with a pink colour and there was also a very tiny spot of blood. I've never had any kind of bleeding or spotting after intercourse before. Has anyone got any ideas? Is this normal sometimes? :shrug:
Update for more TMI!: It's a couple of hours later after the BD that had the pink stuff afterwards and I've just been to the toilet for a pee. I wiped and there was a big glob of slimey stretchy clear stuff on the paper with a streak of red blood through it. :wacko: Should I be worried?
Update for more TMI!: It's a couple of hours later after the BD that had the pink stuff afterwards and I've just been to the toilet for a pee. I wiped and there was a big glob of slimey stretchy clear stuff on the paper with a streak of red blood through it. :wacko: Should I be worried?

Those are very good signs actual. That pinching by the ovary may have been you ovulating. I've definitely had it before. And the blood may be due to ovulation also. And the slimy things seems like it would be some of his semen mixed in with your CM and blood.
As for me I am very down. Almost depressed right now. I have not O'd. CD18 and starting to get very discouraged.

I really thought I had. I had a lot of hopes for this month.

I'm ready to give up


ETA: Okay guys. Ummm....yea....I think that may have been a mood swing.

After crying my head off :cry: I realize that maybe, just maybe I need to get better sleep in order to have accurate temps.

This temping cycle I have not been getting enough sleep, or temping late and using the BBT adjuster. I will go to sleep early tonight and see what happens.

I had a night sweat last night and I usually only get that after ovulation. I also had a couple hot flashes. And needless to say...I am emotional. :dohh:

I am a night owl by nature, always have been. But tonight, I am going to sleep on time and see if that makes a difference. And next month, I am going to temp correctly.
Bit of a personal question, but if anyone can give me an honest answer.. When you bd, does anyone have a sore/swollen feeling in the pelvic area? No actually pain, just a very swollen feeling? They say bloating is a side effect of pcos, but this wasn't bloat.

Yesterday was the first day of absolutely no bleeding/spotting. If cd 1 is the first day of your period, I'm too scared to even think about which cd I'm at. Still waiting for a phone call from the hospital to book my u/s and tube test so that my obgyn can prescribe me clomid. My bf keeps telling me that the multivitamin he's been taking is making him hornier (LOL) so hopefully his sa results will turn out good!
I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. We have been NTNP for 5 years and TTC a little over a year now :( I understand your frustrating of not ovulating. This is my first cycle not on Femara or Provera (per REs orders) and I got almost positive on my OPKs on CD 13 and since then they have been getting lighter and lighter! I am currently on CD 16. I am supposed make an appointment for progesterone blood work for CD 20-21 if not positive OPK by CD 19.

My RE had me stop tempting as well, so I have been sleeping pretty good (no stress).

As for pelvic pain.. I can't really say. I do have slight pain sometimes during BD in my pelvic area though.
Bit of a personal question, but if anyone can give me an honest answer.. When you bd, does anyone have a sore/swollen feeling in the pelvic area? No actually pain, just a very swollen feeling? They say bloating is a side effect of pcos, but this wasn't bloat.

Yesterday was the first day of absolutely no bleeding/spotting. If cd 1 is the first day of your period, I'm too scared to even think about which cd I'm at. Still waiting for a phone call from the hospital to book my u/s and tube test so that my obgyn can prescribe me clomid. My bf keeps telling me that the multivitamin he's been taking is making him hornier (LOL) so hopefully his sa results will turn out good!

I have not felt that exactly. But during BD my cervix will be tender sometimes around when I "should" O.

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. We have been NTNP for 5 years and TTC a little over a year now :( I understand your frustrating of not ovulating. This is my first cycle not on Femara or Provera (per REs orders) and I got almost positive on my OPKs on CD 13 and since then they have been getting lighter and lighter! I am currently on CD 16. I am supposed make an appointment for progesterone blood work for CD 20-21 if not positive OPK by CD 19.

My RE had me stop tempting as well, so I have been sleeping pretty good (no stress).

As for pelvic pain.. I can't really say. I do have slight pain sometimes during BD in my pelvic area though.

Hi, this is hard and confusing. I am trying to keep the faith. I am having symptoms that I O'd but as you can see, my temps are all over the place. So maybe I just have symptoms from Estrogen right now. NO clue whatsoever.

Bit of a personal question, but if anyone can give me an honest answer.. When you bd, does anyone have a sore/swollen feeling in the pelvic area? No actually pain, just a very swollen feeling? They say bloating is a side effect of pcos, but this wasn't bloat.

Yesterday was the first day of absolutely no bleeding/spotting. If cd 1 is the first day of your period, I'm too scared to even think about which cd I'm at. Still waiting for a phone call from the hospital to book my u/s and tube test so that my obgyn can prescribe me clomid. My bf keeps telling me that the multivitamin he's been taking is making him hornier (LOL) so hopefully his sa results will turn out good!

I have not felt that exactly. But during BD my cervix will be tender sometimes around when I "should" O.

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. We have been NTNP for 5 years and TTC a little over a year now :( I understand your frustrating of not ovulating. This is my first cycle not on Femara or Provera (per REs orders) and I got almost positive on my OPKs on CD 13 and since then they have been getting lighter and lighter! I am currently on CD 16. I am supposed make an appointment for progesterone blood work for CD 20-21 if not positive OPK by CD 19.

My RE had me stop tempting as well, so I have been sleeping pretty good (no stress).

As for pelvic pain.. I can't really say. I do have slight pain sometimes during BD in my pelvic area though.

Hi, this is hard and confusing. I am trying to keep the faith. I am having symptoms that I O'd but as you can see, my temps are all over the place. So maybe I just have symptoms from Estrogen right now. NO clue whatsoever.


My only symptoms are very sore BBs.. but like you said it can be the estrogen. These were my tests from CD 13 (except for the last one pictured, that one was taken the night before):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uiifvdpm2tc8nyl/20150911_092251 (1).jpg?dl=0


And now the test line is barely visible :shrug:
Bit of a personal question, but if anyone can give me an honest answer.. When you bd, does anyone have a sore/swollen feeling in the pelvic area? No actually pain, just a very swollen feeling? They say bloating is a side effect of pcos, but this wasn't bloat.

Yesterday was the first day of absolutely no bleeding/spotting. If cd 1 is the first day of your period, I'm too scared to even think about which cd I'm at. Still waiting for a phone call from the hospital to book my u/s and tube test so that my obgyn can prescribe me clomid. My bf keeps telling me that the multivitamin he's been taking is making him hornier (LOL) so hopefully his sa results will turn out good!

I have not felt that exactly. But during BD my cervix will be tender sometimes around when I "should" O.

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. We have been NTNP for 5 years and TTC a little over a year now :( I understand your frustrating of not ovulating. This is my first cycle not on Femara or Provera (per REs orders) and I got almost positive on my OPKs on CD 13 and since then they have been getting lighter and lighter! I am currently on CD 16. I am supposed make an appointment for progesterone blood work for CD 20-21 if not positive OPK by CD 19.

My RE had me stop tempting as well, so I have been sleeping pretty good (no stress).

As for pelvic pain.. I can't really say. I do have slight pain sometimes during BD in my pelvic area though.

Hi, this is hard and confusing. I am trying to keep the faith. I am having symptoms that I O'd but as you can see, my temps are all over the place. So maybe I just have symptoms from Estrogen right now. NO clue whatsoever.


My only symptoms are very sore BBs.. but like you said it can be the estrogen. These were my tests from CD 13 (except for the last one pictured, that one was taken the night before):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uiifvdpm2tc8nyl/20150911_092251 (1).jpg?dl=0


And now the test line is barely visible :shrug:

Where do your breasts hurt? If they hurt on the sides that is a clear sign you O'd. I was using those wondfo's this month too. I NEVER got a positive. I got close and used a FR in the same urine and it was blazing positive. Used a digital the next day and it was positive.

Got the clear blue digital advanced test the next day and negative. The clear blue digital advanced checks LH and Estrogen which will give us PCOS women a more accurate time of ovulation.

For some women, like my self, my LH is often high and can surge without me O'ing. The sticks are just a waste for me. Very happy I brought the digital. It was $51 dollars at wall greens but 30 something on Amazon. I was pissed!

But, I am so happy I purchased it. It is reassuring to know that it checks two hormones. You use it your first morning urine and that is it.
Bit of a personal question, but if anyone can give me an honest answer.. When you bd, does anyone have a sore/swollen feeling in the pelvic area? No actually pain, just a very swollen feeling? They say bloating is a side effect of pcos, but this wasn't bloat.

Yesterday was the first day of absolutely no bleeding/spotting. If cd 1 is the first day of your period, I'm too scared to even think about which cd I'm at. Still waiting for a phone call from the hospital to book my u/s and tube test so that my obgyn can prescribe me clomid. My bf keeps telling me that the multivitamin he's been taking is making him hornier (LOL) so hopefully his sa results will turn out good!

I have not felt that exactly. But during BD my cervix will be tender sometimes around when I "should" O.

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago. We have been NTNP for 5 years and TTC a little over a year now :( I understand your frustrating of not ovulating. This is my first cycle not on Femara or Provera (per REs orders) and I got almost positive on my OPKs on CD 13 and since then they have been getting lighter and lighter! I am currently on CD 16. I am supposed make an appointment for progesterone blood work for CD 20-21 if not positive OPK by CD 19.

My RE had me stop tempting as well, so I have been sleeping pretty good (no stress).

As for pelvic pain.. I can't really say. I do have slight pain sometimes during BD in my pelvic area though.

Hi, this is hard and confusing. I am trying to keep the faith. I am having symptoms that I O'd but as you can see, my temps are all over the place. So maybe I just have symptoms from Estrogen right now. NO clue whatsoever.


My only symptoms are very sore BBs.. but like you said it can be the estrogen. These were my tests from CD 13 (except for the last one pictured, that one was taken the night before):

https://www.dropbox.com/s/uiifvdpm2tc8nyl/20150911_092251 (1).jpg?dl=0


And now the test line is barely visible :shrug:

Where do your breasts hurt? If they hurt on the sides that is a clear sign you O'd. I was using those wondfo's this month too. I NEVER got a positive. I got close and used a FR in the same urine and it was blazing positive. Used a digital the next day and it was positive.

Got the clear blue digital advanced test the next day and negative. The clear blue digital advanced checks LH and Estrogen which will give us PCOS women a more accurate time of ovulation.

For some women, like my self, my LH is often high and can surge without me O'ing. The sticks are just a waste for me. Very happy I brought the digital. It was $51 dollars at wall greens but 30 something on Amazon. I was pissed!

But, I am so happy I purchased it. It is reassuring to know that it checks two hormones. You use it your first morning urine and that is it.

Oh wow! Thanks for the info. I was hesitant on purchasing the digital ones because of the price but I will most definitely purchase it now if this cycle is a bust. Yes, the pain is on my sides and my areolas/nipples (when touched).

Are you being monitored or are you going the natural way?
opretriezz The quote is acting funny lol

I am still going the natural way, using herbs and acupuncture. Balancing my meals and soon to be exercising daily. That is my last step. I know with PCOS being sedentary is the worst thing! We must be running, or jogging, some sort of aerobic exercise daily for 30 minutes. When our blood gets moving, the hormones come into balance. Hmmph! It's just so hard!

Especially because I am very thin already and don't want to lose any more weight. I actually need to gain a few pounds because I am a bit underweight. So I have to run, no doubt, but I also have to get my protein intake up.

I have to literally force myself to eat unfortunately. I just ate a protein bar with 20 grams of protein lol.

Our meals need to be perfectly balanced everyday. And we need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep our blood sugar stable. I have learned so much going the natural route. But I have just been putting off exercising unfortunately.

Breasts tenderness can also be a sign of lower progesterone, is yours being monitored? Mine hurt on the sides after O too. For two weeks, also my nipples. But, I would rather have that, then not O at all lol.

Mine are sore on the sides mildly. On and off. But..my chart is everywhere. Did your charts ever look like mine when you were temping?
I am the complete opposite, I have actually gained weight because of it. Nothing to drastically, but still noticeable. These last couple of months, I cut off my bread in take, stopped drinking coffee, and just started eating a bit more healthier. With my change of diet and daily exercise, I have so far lost 10 lbs.. hoping to lose 20 more and I will be satisfied with my weight.

I signed up for Daily Burn, and they have many good workout videos that are about 30-40 minutes long. I usually do the cardio, but they also have cardio with weights which may benefit you since you don't want to lose weight.

The beginning of this month I had my consultation with my RE and so far I've been doing lots of blood work and they did the HSG procedure. I am supposed to get blood work done on Friday to check my progesterone levels. Then on the 28th I meet with her again to go over the results and figure out a plan.

Here is a screenshot of last month's temps:
During my tww last month, I would wake up way before my time to test which is why I think the temps went up and down. I also had very bad night sweats but I think it was because of the progesterone I was taking.
During my tww last month, I would wake up way before my time to test which is why I think the temps went up and down. I also had very bad night sweats but I think it was because of the progesterone I was taking.

Your chart looks great. I definitely was going to do the progesterone this cycle but I don't have any confirmed O. Since I have been waking up the last couple of mornings wet from sweat...like I do in my O cycles, I am very confused about if I O'd or not.

I am going to try to get more rest because my temps are taken sometimes after 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Or I use the adjuster. Sorry if I said this already. I am on so many threads I forget what I said and where lol.

My breasts tenderness on the sides is so very mild and off and on. I should have done a better job temping. I definitely will next month. Changing my sleeping patterns.
Hey ladies... I am 31 and was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago when I went to my obgyn staying my period was out of whack and was ttc. We found out that I have high testosterone and insulin resistant... And I am overweight. I am currently on vitex, nac, inositol, vit d, prenatal and Metformin.

I have only been on Metformin for about 2 months now and it's pretty rough. My period is also out of whack this month (spotted for 3 weeks). Not sure what is going on.
Hey ladies... I am 31 and was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago when I went to my obgyn staying my period was out of whack and was ttc. We found out that I have high testosterone and insulin resistant... And I am overweight. I am currently on vitex, nac, inositol, vit d, prenatal and Metformin.

I have only been on Metformin for about 2 months now and it's pretty rough. My period is also out of whack this month (spotted for 3 weeks). Not sure what is going on.

Hi welcome to the group. If you go for a couple acupuncture treatments the spotting will most likely stop. That is, if you have another bout with it. Hormonal imbalance causes spotting. I had heavy bleeding for weeks As soon as it would slow down, it would speed right back up.

TMI: I actually bled through my clothes at work! This was actually after my surgery to remove uterine polyps. Nothing worked but acupuncture. I had 1 session and the bleeding ceased in 2 days...and NEVER came back.

Mind you, throughout all of the bleeding, I didn't shed my lining. My body was working double time to produce blood to leave my body. It was strange.

It may be worth while to go for a few sessions anyway to help balance your body.

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