Pcos buddy. Cd 10

During my tww last month, I would wake up way before my time to test which is why I think the temps went up and down. I also had very bad night sweats but I think it was because of the progesterone I was taking.

Your chart looks great. I definitely was going to do the progesterone this cycle but I don't have any confirmed O. Since I have been waking up the last couple of mornings wet from sweat...like I do in my O cycles, I am very confused about if I O'd or not.

I am going to try to get more rest because my temps are taken sometimes after 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Or I use the adjuster. Sorry if I said this already. I am on so many threads I forget what I said and where lol.

My breasts tenderness on the sides is so very mild and off and on. I should have done a better job temping. I definitely will next month. Changing my sleeping patterns.

How long are your cycles usually? Mine, since on Femara, have been 32-33 days. The last two cycles that I think I ovulated, I think it was on CD17. Tempting was a little to stressful for me, I could barely sleep. Hoping it works out for you.

shortcakes21: Hello! Are you being monitored? I would be worried as well if I had spotting for 3 weeks straight.
Is femara similar to clomid?

Not 100% sure since I havent taken Clomid, but I believe they are used for the same purpose. I have read though that those who had no success with Clomid, did with Femara. Unfortunately for me I had no success with Femara but I also was not being monitored.
Do you always get monitored on clomid/femara? Like do you always need to get it through referral and get scans and stuff or does the doctor every just give you a prescription for it?
Do you always get monitored on clomid/femara? Like do you always need to get it through referral and get scans and stuff or does the doctor every just give you a prescription for it?

My GYN was the one that prescribed me the Femara, but they do not monitor. After 4 failed cycles, he wanted me to try 3 more months but I did not agree so I looked for a specialist on my own. I figured if the Femara was going to work, it would have already. I did not need a referral luckily but many do depending on how long they have been trying to conceive and on your insurance. REs do monitor you.
During my tww last month, I would wake up way before my time to test which is why I think the temps went up and down. I also had very bad night sweats but I think it was because of the progesterone I was taking.

Your chart looks great. I definitely was going to do the progesterone this cycle but I don't have any confirmed O. Since I have been waking up the last couple of mornings wet from sweat...like I do in my O cycles, I am very confused about if I O'd or not.

I am going to try to get more rest because my temps are taken sometimes after 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Or I use the adjuster. Sorry if I said this already. I am on so many threads I forget what I said and where lol.

My breasts tenderness on the sides is so very mild and off and on. I should have done a better job temping. I definitely will next month. Changing my sleeping patterns.

How long are your cycles usually? Mine, since on Femara, have been 32-33 days. The last two cycles that I think I ovulated, I think it was on CD17. Tempting was a little to stressful for me, I could barely sleep. Hoping it works out for you.

shortcakes21: Hello! Are you being monitored? I would be worried as well if I had spotting for 3 weeks straight.

When my cycles are regulated by Vitex, they are usually 28 days. If I am not on Vitex I would get a period every 3-5 months. :wacko:

This past cycle I Ovulated very late on CD 23 or 24 and still had a 14 day LP lol so it was a long cycle.
I didn't ovulate and I didn't think I did but I have ovulated now thankfully so I'm 1 dpo the sore boobs have set in already and I've had ewcm for last few days so that explains it... I Think with irregular cycles I'm going to need to start charting Temps and using opk more will need to.find out what's best...

Congratulations! Are your breasts sore on the sides?

Sorry haven't been on in a while about to read and catch up I'm now 7dpo and my breasts are sore on the sides they usually are when I ovulate but this month for the last few days my nipples are so painful even with or without a bra they hurt when the touch anything and my cervix is super soft so all good signs but won't test till I'm late if I can stop myself lol hope ur all well I'm just about to read and catch up xx
Welcome all the new ladies I see some where talking about metformin I used to be on it and loved it is regulated my cycles from non existent to every month but was took off then over 2 years ago as my doctor didn't want to use them for pcos now and my cycles disappeared with it it's only the last 6 months I've ovulated every month and had cycles back but still very irregular I think I'm going to use vitex as I've heard good things and maybe start charting but as I'm not a great sleeper and my sleep is all over the place I'm scared it won't give me accurate results
Hi all, and new ladies - welcome to the thread!

I'm getting a bit down about all of this to be honest. I feel like my body is losing control of itself ever since that first time I had abnormal bleeding mid-cycle, just 2~3 months ago when I was diagnosed with pcos.

The cycle after that appeared very normal and I got a positive opk on CD18 and 19. Wasn't temping. But I hoped that the previous month was just a freak one-time blip.

However, this cycle doesn't seem to be going as well; I'm currently on CD19. Got positives opks on CD16 and 17 and have been BDing every other day. But on the day I got day I got the positive opk (3 days ago) I bled a little after BD, and now this morning I've been spotting brownish blood. None of this has ever happened to me before. Plus I've been temping for the first time and I haven't seen a rise in temperature since getting the opks...
Hi all, and new ladies - welcome to the thread!

I'm getting a bit down about all of this to be honest. I feel like my body is losing control of itself ever since that first time I had abnormal bleeding mid-cycle, just 2~3 months ago when I was diagnosed with pcos.

The cycle after that appeared very normal and I got a positive opk on CD18 and 19. Wasn't temping. But I hoped that the previous month was just a freak one-time blip.

However, this cycle doesn't seem to be going as well; I'm currently on CD19. Got positives opks on CD16 and 17 and have been BDing every other day. But on the day I got day I got the positive opk (3 days ago) I bled a little after BD, and now this morning I've been spotting brownish blood. None of this has ever happened to me before. Plus I've been temping for the first time and I haven't seen a rise in temperature since getting the opks...

Hey huni sometimes u can get spotting after ovulation I have heard of a few woman thay get it.. I haven't Done temping so I don't know why u haven't seen a rise all I know is ur supposed to do it sometime every morning after a certain amount of sleep for it to be accurate but as I said I haven't done it yet so I'm sure u know all that lol but maybe the spotting is ovulation spotting
Welcome all the new ladies I see some where talking about metformin I used to be on it and loved it is regulated my cycles from non existent to every month but was took off then over 2 years ago as my doctor didn't want to use them for pcos now and my cycles disappeared with it it's only the last 6 months I've ovulated every month and had cycles back but still very irregular I think I'm going to use vitex as I've heard good things and maybe start charting but as I'm not a great sleeper and my sleep is all over the place I'm scared it won't give me accurate results

I know what you mean about your sleep. Also, when you start just go straight to vaginal temps. I keep reading they are way more accurate and I should have listened when I learned that a couple weeks ago lol. I think I must sleep with my mouth opened. I am definitely temping vaginally next month
Hi all, and new ladies - welcome to the thread!

I'm getting a bit down about all of this to be honest. I feel like my body is losing control of itself ever since that first time I had abnormal bleeding mid-cycle, just 2~3 months ago when I was diagnosed with pcos.

The cycle after that appeared very normal and I got a positive opk on CD18 and 19. Wasn't temping. But I hoped that the previous month was just a freak one-time blip.

However, this cycle doesn't seem to be going as well; I'm currently on CD19. Got positives opks on CD16 and 17 and have been BDing every other day. But on the day I got day I got the positive opk (3 days ago) I bled a little after BD, and now this morning I've been spotting brownish blood. None of this has ever happened to me before. Plus I've been temping for the first time and I haven't seen a rise in temperature since getting the opks...

Hi. How are your eating habits with thin PCOS? I recently learned that of course, most PCOSers have some form of insulin resistance, even if it is mild. However, thin PCOS women (could it have been a better name for it? smh, anyway) usually have Hypoglycemia. You should look up meal plans for that. When I stop Vitex I have some mid cycle bleeding too. My LP would be short. And more hormones go back out of whack. Really hoping my new eating program helps!

I now realize I don't really eat much lol. I use to eat all the time but it was whatever the heck I wanted so it did nothing to help my PCOS. Then I switched to the insulin resistant diet and cut a whole lot of foods and really wasn't eating much. I would go from not hungry to STARVING, cranky, headache, some nausea, and the shakes. But since that had happened my whole life I just thought it was normal. No, it is hypoglycemia. I have almost all of the symptoms of it.

Balanced meals are so important. We must not ever skip breakfast or our blood sugar will be off the rest of the day not matter what. And if our blood sugar spikes daily, we can forget about ovulation. I am now trying to eat a meal or snack high in protein every 2-3 hours. This is my first day and OMG! It was like a light came on. I even wanted to study.

I just made something else to eat and almost got too hungry. I can't wait to see how this helps. You should check out the symptoms and at least give the diet a try for a while to see how it effects you. Try to eat as organic as possible because processed and GMO foods have antibiotics, and estrogens in them. We don't need anymore estrogen! All of that worsens the hormones.

I am sorry if I come off like a know it all. I am really just sharing information. I notice that I sort of offend ppl on here and I truly don't mean it. I just want to help people.

And sorry if I have already told u this lol! I talk to a lot of folks.

But, high protein is a must! And nothing refined is a must!

Have protein with everything and make sure you have more protein than anything else. Balance is key.

ETA: Also, lotions, make up, soap, and perfume all have estrogens too. So you want to start using things from organic stores. Natural soaps like pure castle. But warning...don't use it on your vagina. You WILL regret it. I did last night lol! There are plenty of soaps and shampoos out there.

I like make up though and love my Dior so I am not all natural
As for me I had acupuncture today and feel so much better! I am past the mood swings thank god! And didn't have a hot flash last night. I am just going to get my body right to O next cycle!
LoveIsAllIKnow - I don't find you offensive in the slightest! I'm grateful for your knowledge sharing. :flower: As for my diet... It could probably use some improvement. I eat a mostly Korean diet - lots of kimchi, spicy soups and miso soups. A good amount of vegetables. It's a lot healthier than the way I used to eat in England, but still, it means a lot of rice too. I cook my rice with black beans though. Also, I eat lunch at home alone most days so I often have ramen, or an egg sandwich. :nope: It's a pain to cook proper meals for myself, but I know I really should try harder. tbh I'd love to get my general health as well as my reproductive health thoroughly checked out to pinpoint my problems because I know every woman with pcos is different. I might try to get that next month.
As for me, it's currently CD22. I've got a chesty cold coming on.:nope: Not a lot else to report. I haven't had any more bleeding, but I've had a few uncomfortable feelings in my lower stomach which I haven't felt before. I can only explain it as a tugging sort of ache. Not pain. Just aching. I've been trying to track my bbt for the first time and I'm not sure that it's going well, but I'm still hopeful that I may have ovulated and that I will get my BFP this month. I have about 10 days to wait before I'll know, but keeping fingers crossed!
Here's my chart for anyone into bbt tracking. Does it look ok?

Been so busy with work, I haven't had the chance to reply. Nothing new with me. Still feeling the same. I did have my Progesterone blood work done on Friday so hopefully on Monday I will know if I ovulated or not.

LoveIsAllINo: I appreciate all the info you have given us in regards to our necessary diet, helps a lot. How are things?

pam1532: Are you on any medications? Charting is difficult. My last chart I was able to get my temperature everyday but after O, I would wake up hours before temp time. I think it was because of the stress :shrug:

DreamHopeBeli: I've been having the same pain on my BBs too for a week now. I usually get this every cycle.. but this one has been more painful.
Been so busy with work, I haven't had the chance to reply. Nothing new with me. Still feeling the same. I did have my Progesterone blood work done on Friday so hopefully on Monday I will know if I ovulated or not.

LoveIsAllINo: I appreciate all the info you have given us in regards to our necessary diet, helps a lot. How are things?

pam1532: Are you on any medications? Charting is difficult. My last chart I was able to get my temperature everyday but after O, I would wake up hours before temp time. I think it was because of the stress :shrug:

DreamHopeBeli: I've been having the same pain on my BBs too for a week now. I usually get this every cycle.. but this one has been more painful.

Hey huni I'm now 10/11 dpo and I'm the same slightly sore boobs than normally but only the left one is very very sore especially under arm pit... Usually Have this but alittle worse and I've had real bad heartburn for 4 days but I'm putting that down to my bad eating the last week being in holiday and not being in a routine..... If im late wednesday I will test fingers crossed for us all and a bfp
pam1532: Are you on any medications? Charting is difficult. My last chart I was able to get my temperature everyday but after O, I would wake up hours before temp time. I think it was because of the stress :shrug:

No, I'm not on any medication. I've been taking the temperature vaginally, which I've heard is more accurate than orally, as soon as I wake up every morning. I've been sleeping well, but I haven't managed to take it exactly the same time every day because i"ve been getting up at different times.
Hey Ladies, hope you dont mind me joining. Im 26 and was diagnosed around 19. I have very heavy painful periods but thankfully I am relatively regular. I had a miscarriage at the end of last year after trying for around 9 months. Im not really sure if I should be in this section as I guess technically im ttc for a second time. Its a bit confusing but please keep me right if you think I should be in a different section of the forum. Period is due in 4 days but unlike normal cycles I havent had the normal run up to my period symptoms. Not sure about the rest of you but I always have terrible spots on my chin and get so uncomfortably bloated.
Hey Ladies, hope you dont mind me joining. Im 26 and was diagnosed around 19. I have very heavy painful periods but thankfully I am relatively regular. I had a miscarriage at the end of last year after trying for around 9 months. Im not really sure if I should be in this section as I guess technically im ttc for a second time. Its a bit confusing but please keep me right if you think I should be in a different section of the forum. Period is due in 4 days but unlike normal cycles I havent had the normal run up to my period symptoms. Not sure about the rest of you but I always have terrible spots on my chin and get so uncomfortably bloated.

Hi Emms! Welcome to the thread.:flower: I would say you're in the right place. I always assumed TTC #1 means TTC your first child that is actually born, because I've seen many ladies in this section who have no children yet but have had previous miscarriages.

Anyway, your story sounds so relatable to me. I'm 25, regular periods but often very painful. I also get a lot of problems with chin acne, especially during and just before my period, I hate it! Plus horrible bloating. I'm actually due my period on Sunday and I'm already bloated and feeling a bit crampy. I'm still hoping it won't actually show, and I'll get my BFP soon... although I tested today, 12dpo, and it was negative.:nope: I hope I'm wrong, but I'm starting to think I'm out this month.

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