Maria & Sma it all sounds positive GL testing today!!
Im a bit confused as to whether I've ovulated as I havent had positive opks and my temps are a bit all over the place. They have been alot higher than normal at the beginning of my cycle as I had a bad cold, usually in the first part of my cycle I am in the low 96degrees. As I've just signed up for fertility friend they've given me the free 30 day trial for the advanced package so they have calculated my ov day at CD16, think thats purely based on the temp dip before it went back up tho. Cos ive had alot of ewcm and the ferning pattern in my saliva after that im not sure whether that is correct?
I think that the ferning might be a bit of a red herring, I realised that for all the previous tests up to the ferning result I didnt let my sample dry for long enough. I've been looking at my saliva sample first thing in the mornings, the day I got the ferning I thought i'd check the morning sample in the afternoon and it def had the ferning pattern that happens around ov. Reckon where I'd been looking in the morning I hadn't given it long enough to dry doh! Im thinking that could be the tail end of the fertile period as from looking at an example slides of the ferning pattern, what I saw could be the day or two days post ov.
Think I might have ovulated CD16/17 (if at all) will have to see if my temps stay up) but that means I would have had ewcm after ov & the high cervix?
Im going for CD21 (7DPO bloods) if I dont get af before then like usual!!!
Problem I've got is I dont know when I should go for the blood test, if I go with what FF is predicting (ov on cd16) that will mean I go for bloods on weds but im thinking that might be wrong so might go thurs morning?!?
Every sign this month has been inconclusive...its soo annoying. If any one else has any thoughts on my chart and when I should go for 7DPO bloods it would be appreciated!!