Firefox - I hope af starts soon for you so you can start the new cycle

I took my last Clomid last night and I think the hot flashes started
When I had OHSS I was in horrendous amounts of pain for about 3 days. It hurt to walk, cough, sit down, pee - pretty muc everything. So forget about BD'ing during the most fertile days!
The scan showed 2 or 3 cysts about 3cm each. The I woke up one morning and it was all gone! So the cysts must have burst overnight or something.
My progesterone was through the roof that cycle - I think from the cysts luetenising.
I wouldn't want to go through this experience again
I cried myself to sleep last night after speaking to Mum. My Granny seems to be getting weaker and weaker

Mum said she finds it harder to walk again and just sits there trying to squeeze my Mum's hand as hard as possible.
It so very upsetting

My Granny raised me as a child so we are very close and it's harder because we are so far away. I really don't know what to do - shall I fly there now to see her whilst she's still able to recognise me or wait? Doesn't help that we are flying to Spain in 2 weeks.
So Im really thinking about ttc this month. I think Im too stressed for Clomid to work anyway and possibly going away for the most fertile days Im not hoping for anything.
The saddest thing is that my Gran's been praying for me to get pg. Every time I spoke to her she said all she hopes for is to live long enough to see her great-grandchild. So knowing I may not be able to fulfil her dream is killing me