PCOS Club!

Haven't been on the board it seems like forever!
I'm been prescribed clomid, and am due to start taking that if af shows on the first.
Haven't picked the days I wanna start taking them, any suggestions?

Days 5-9 are usually best for women with longer and/or irregular cycles. Makes a stronger Ovulation. 3-7 or 2-6 are good for women who have shorter, regular cycles.
Hi ladies! How are all of you doing? I know I haven't been around in quite some time, but I have been keeping tabs a bit :thumbup: I just wanted say congrats to those who have gotten their BFPs and to those who haven't, your turn IS coming. Everywhere I look, people who have had issues like us have been suddenly getting pregnant :happydance: I'm not sure why that is, but it makes me so happy to hear.

As usual, I have some input on some of the things you ladies have been talking about :blush:

As far as the Clomid days go, we are all different. What works for one of us, may not work for the rest. I did 7 cycles with CD5-9 and not once did I have as strong of an ovulation as I did once I switched to CD3-7. I had long and irregular cycles and so I was originally told to use CD5-9. Once I saw my FS, they changed it to CD3-7.

I remember reading later on that CD2-6 and CD3-7 are used for chances of a higher quantity and quality of egg. CD5-9 are used for stronger O (in those with regular cycles who need a boost for O). So of course, there are discrepancies because of different opinions on the subject :dohh:

Wannabe-I'd say go with a high protein/low carb diet. I lost 30lbs in less than 3 months. But a word of warning...DON'T cut out all carbs at the beginning like most of the diets say. They want you to go cold turkey and then slowly add carbs back in, but it isn't wise. Since PCOS sufferers usually have insulin resistance, we have a tendency to have blood sugar issues. If you cut out all carbs, you can quickly become hypoglycemic....I should know :(

Jennie-I'm sorry to hear about your HSG results :hugs: But at least now you have a better idea of why things haven't been happening. Have they spoken to you about monitoring each month to check for your dominant ovary?

Maria-welcome back hun :hugs: I'm glad to hear you had a good holiday. I'm sure you got some well deserved relaxation in. And I can't believe your drilling is less than 2 weeks away! I'm so excited for you :happydance: I really think this is going to help. I'll keep an eye out to see your progress in the next month.
Courtney - WOW, nearly 14 weeks! Time flies! You'll soon be half way :happydance: When's your next scan and are you going to find out what it is?

Yep, just 10 days to go for me :happydance: Im super excited but also getting more and more nervous.....I have really high hopes for the OD :thumbup:
hey Maria welcome back!

drilling in two weeks, god already? that's great!
Courtney!! Hey, so glad to see you around. I really don't think that I will be able to get a monitored cycle. It takes forever to get an appointment for an ultrasound, let alone a monitored cycle. I will mention it to my gyno tho. I am really looking forward to my next appointment. I seem to live my life waiting for the next lol.

So how are things with you?
Courtney!! Hey, so glad to see you around. I really don't think that I will be able to get a monitored cycle. It takes forever to get an appointment for an ultrasound, let alone a monitored cycle. I will mention it to my gyno tho. I am really looking forward to my next appointment. I seem to live my life waiting for the next lol.

So how are things with you?

That is just so upsetting :growlmad: I hate that we have to keep struggling.
When is your next appointment and what is it for?

I am doing well thank you. I hit a rough patch of nausea, but I am doing much better :winkwink:

Courtney - WOW, nearly 14 weeks! Time flies! You'll soon be half way :happydance: When's your next scan and are you going to find out what it is?

Yep, just 10 days to go for me :happydance: Im super excited but also getting more and more nervous.....I have really high hopes for the OD :thumbup:

I had a scan on Friday, but it wasn't supposed to happen. I was in a car accident that morning (some idiot hit me :growlmad:), so I had to spend the first half of my day in the ER so I could be cleared :blush: Baby and I are fine, but I didn't get any details on how big the baby was or anything like that :cry: I asked her if I could have a peek since I had to try so hard to get pregnant and she took sympathy on me. So I at least got to see the baby.
Oh no!!! :wacko: I hope you are ok and didn't get any whiplash or anything. Take care of yourself and bean!!!!
Hi Maria,

Having a quick read through the thread and can I firstly say what lovely person you are; I am similiar to you in TTC and am so impressed how you offer you support and advice/experience to others. Happiness is just around the corner for you.

I have had 9 failed cycles of clomid and have ovarian drilling on 3rd Dec 10, I originally thought that the D had not worked but at the end of Jan 11 my AF came (finally!!) - I can't usually managed them on my own without provera. I think I may have even ovulated this month.
I have decided to take a huge step back, I really am struggling to deal with tthe heartache of everyone seeming to be pregnant but me. I have started having forrtnightly acupuncture and have stopped all stats/tracking. No temp taking, no date watching, no clomid - just metformin, exercise, health (ish) eating and 'quality' time with the hubby. i must stay that i feel an enormous weight lifted - I cannot recommend 'letting go' enough to you all.
I was driving myself crazy because all I want is to be pregnant...
I am a lot happier at the moment (might be more due to the fact that the OD may have regulated my hormone levels) - fingerscrossed it will happen, it may not be anytime soon but it will, of that I am certain.

I wish you all the best with trying for your second red line on that test - however you are choosing to try.

Love and luck to you all

Hello WONGABUBBLES. Welcome to the thread!

Oh my gosh I hope the accident was nothing serious and that you and your bean are ok. Did seeing the baby make it seem more real? I don't think even if I got a BFP I would believe it until I had a baby belly or an ultrasound lol.

I have to see the gyno on Feb 28 to get the results of my OH's SA and find out our next step.

Random tangent... but I need to say this before I bust with happiness lol. My OH proposed yesterday! So I am officially engaged. :) We have been living common law for over 4 years though so it wasn't a huge surprise. But just really nice that we are now engaged lol.
Jenny - OMG! OMG! OMG! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, girl!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

That's such lovely news! Have you started thinking about the wedding? It's such an amazing time - being a fiancee and planning your wedding....:thumbup:

Hey Wonga and welcome to the thread :flower: And thank you so much for the kind words. Although I have my dark moments too...I also feel jealous and bitter about everyone else getting pregnant around me. Some of my "friends" can be quite insensitive about it even though they know we are struggling.
But after a couple of days I move on and realise that feeling bitter will only have a negative impact on DH and me - no one else. So there's no point.

Im really glad that you are another example of OD working and brining af :happydance: Did you not ovulate once during the CLomid time? Because I think I have but I didn't get pg.
I don't want to take hormones anymore so I hope one invasive procedure will be enough to start ovulating naturally.
Congrats Jenny! :happydance: It is so exciting to be engaged. I loved that feeling of "wow, he really loves me and wants to be with me...forever" :haha:

Maria and Jenny- Thank you for your concern :hugs: Bean and I are doing fine. Everything checked out ok when we were in the hospital, so that was quite a relief.

I have been struggling the last few days since learning I have gestational diabetes, but they are getting better. I now have to count my carbs in terms of for every 15g of carb there is in one serving, it counts as 1 carb serving. I can have 4 with each meal and 1-2 with each snack. I also have to make sure to add in lots of free foods, like veggies (not corn it is a carb), and 3 oz of protein. Each day that I do this, I have to check my blood sugars 4 times a day. Once in the morning just before breakfast, 2 hours after breakfast, 2 hours after lunch, and 2 hours after dinner. Sigh..... But I must say, I have been feeling much better since starting this diet. But I can't stop losing weight :nope: So I don't know what to do. I'm worried it is really bad for baby. I just hope and pray that none of you have to go through this.

Jenny- I'm not sure it will ever sink in :shrug: I thought it would when I saw that second line, but it didn't. Then I thought it would when I saw the baby for the first time on an u/s, but it didn't. When I saw it last Friday, it looked more like a person and it did kinda move me in a way. I have been thinking more along the lines of "we" and "wow there is a baby in there", but because I am so large, I can't see a change in my body to prove it :cry: So of course, I worry it won't happen until the baby is in my arms.
Hi Ladies

Im not sure if I have posted on this thread before ... ive been ttc for 15 months and have PCOS, done two rounds of clomid which made me ovulate cd 18 with around a 16 day LP but now have been referred to have a laparoscopy to check tubes etc and so stopped the clomid for now!

This month ive tried au naturale as the waiting list for the lap is 18 weeks!

Got +ve OPK cd 16 with watery cm and then big temp dip and rise but since then temps were really low and now ive got another +ve OPK cd 25 and ovulation pains!

I think perhaps my body didnt release an egg properly on cd 18 so its trying again ....

.... Anyone got any experience of this?? xxxx
Clo_mid: Is it possible you did O on the 16th and this is an implantation dip? or have then been low since you thought you Oed?

Maria: I am quite excited. We are planning a long engagement though so we wont be getting married until 2013. That being said I have busied myself with trying to plan every aspect already! lol. It is so nice to have something to take my mind off of TTC! We are having an engagement photoshoot around the middle of March so now I am counting down to that instead of af!! lol I think this is just what I needed to boost my mood. I was getting very down over this TTC stuff.

Courtney: My mom did atkins (very low carb diet for anyone not familiar) a few years back and I tried to be supportive and join her. All I can say is I have so much respect for people who can do that and stick with it. I can't imagine all of that on top of having to monitor your blood sugars. :hug:
Hi Jennie

Thanks, i did wonder whether it was implantation, i even wondered whether i was preggo and the OPKs were positive for that reason but it would be way too early for that!

You can see my chart in my signature. Im just taking each day as it comes, not telling husband about this bit though as he feels under pressure to :sex: when i tell him im ovulating! So im keeping schtum!

Ooh engagement photoshoot thats a lovely idea! wish i was getting married again, long engagement is good, plenty of time to enjoy it xxx

Just noticed you got engaged yesterday ... CONGRATULATIONS!!! xx
Hi Maria,

I suffered with Hyperstimulated Ovary Syndrome (as my GP gave me far too much clomid 250mg per day!!!) so doubt anything happened then - it felt like I was going to collapse half the time, not nice. then I was on 100mg per day and they done bloods but cannot be certain I ovulated. I know it sounds strange but I can normally feel it when I ovulate, so I don't think I did.
I had the drilling (which was fine in itself, I was significantly uncomfortable for a week or two after) then had pain about two weekss after which they said was probably the cysts growing back :(
Now just gonna have to let go as we have done everything we can and start saving for IVF, you never know it could happen on its own... (I'm trying my utmost to believe that)
You should definately stay positive about the ovarian drilling, are you having the dye in your tubes too? Most women that have had the lap and dye along with the drilling have a HUGE success rate.
~Wish you all the best.

Hi SweetJennie - thank you for the welcome :)
Hi Ladies

Thought i would do a thread so we could all congregate if we wanted to. PCOS club doesnt have quite the same ring as clomid club so any new ideas for the title would be much appreciated! :thumbup:

So for those of you who dont know me, i finally managed to get a locum doc to refer me for a transvag and bloods after several years of trying and painful periods. cysts were picked up on the scan and i am just waiting for bloods via the fs. i am on metformin and touch wood have been lucky with the side effects, just the odd dizzy spell or upset tummy! xx

Hi i have just been told i have pocs i would like pocs friends to talk to. ttc 8 years..
Hi Lea :wave:

Aw love, its really not as bad as it sounds and you most certainly are not alone! How come it took 8 years to diagnose??

Have you got any other problems? Do you temp/OPK or anything? I can tell you i started temping last cycle and it really does help ... i had +ve OPK cd 16 and thought i ovulated cd 18, turns out i didnt properly and no think im ovulating again cd 26!!!! I wouldnt have know any of this if i didnt temp!!

Tell us your story chick xxx
Hi Lea :wave:

Aw love, its really not as bad as it sounds and you most certainly are not alone! How come it took 8 years to diagnose??

Have you got any other problems? Do you temp/OPK or anything? I can tell you i started temping last cycle and it really does help ... i had +ve OPK cd 16 and thought i ovulated cd 18, turns out i didnt properly and no think im ovulating again cd 26!!!! I wouldnt have know any of this if i didnt temp!!

Tell us your story chick xxx

Hi Hun :wave: thanks for the reply.


Awe where do i start. I had my son in 2000 when i was 16, took me a good 6 months to conceive him, but finally did. I went on Depo injection once i had him. The depo Stopped my Cycle completely.. I Split with my sons dad a year later and eventually met my current partner :happydance:

I came off my Depo a while later and left my body to adjust. My cycle started normal again so After a while we started to think something my be wrong, so went to docs, they did test etc and said everything was ok just my smear showed abnormalities, that cleared on its own.
my scan showed i had a few cyst on my left ovary, but with no sign of anything else that could be stopping baby bump!

I have regular cycles every month always have apart from depo. i'm not over weight, so it was a brick wall for me. It was only since i moved and got my new doc, that i got the proper help.

I had a scan 2 weeks ago, the lady told me it looks very Pc, and my doc will explain more. The thing is the doc said to me beforehand, that PCOS comes with other symptoms, and i had none at all!!:growlmad:

The bloods i had done said different.. She confirmed it on Friday 25th Feb 2011 I have PCOS..

Now she has referred me onto the fertility specialist for treatment.FINALLY :happydance:

The thing that gets me, if this is the case why was i not told this years ago? Was my last doc that useless.:shrug: Well i'm just looking forward to next week and getting my treatment start date.

The other thing at the back of my mind, my cycle is day 34 my cycle is normally 28,29,30. no more..
i'm On 34 now, but do have classic Af Symptoms have done for 5 days.
I don't want to test, i have had many years of BFN So don't want to put myself through it...
i just want to look forward to CLOMID then i will start temp/OPK, there all sat waiting for me to use lol..
I have heard good things about it.

I feel like rubbish. its the not knowing...

How is things for you hun? how do you cope? do you have any :baby:s
Congratulations Jennie, I loved being a bride to be enjoy every second :)

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