Aw thats really good that they are getting the SA and US done, its worth doing them before you go to the FS as otherwise they will have to do them and it will take even longer. Perhaps to push for them to refer you now as there is bound to be a waiting list for the FS. GPs can only do certain things, there are things they cant prescribe etc etc so well worth going to FS.
Ive no idea how long the wait for the US may be, it will all depend on where you are etc, might be worth getting your sister to check your mail, unfortunately though there are often waiting lists for these things ...
I waited 6 weeks for an US, 13 weeks for a FS appt ... however now i have my foot in the door its much easier to get appts etc.
I was gutted

when i was told I had PCOS, thought it was the end of the world, however although life would be easier without having it, its good to have a reason and to be able to finally do something productive.

If you are having regular cycles that is a very good thing for a start, they will be able to tell whether other things are wrong.
My problem was i wasnt ovulating for ages so had long irregular cycles, they gave me clomid which regulated me and made me produce stronger eggs and POW i got pregnant ... unfortunately i lost my beany but i know i can get pregnant now so just have to try again!!
Once you get the results and an appt with the FS you are well on your way, I suggest finding other things to take your mind off it in the meantime to help pass the time! I took a photography course and found a new hobby!!!
Good luck, sorry for the essay xxxx