Hi everyone!
I've read this thread since yesterday and some posts stirred some tears!
I was diagnosed with PCOS last July after blood test and ultrasound. Was prescribed with Metformin 500mg immediately. The usual happened after ... the side effects and after 3 months on it, I went to see a diff GP and was told to stop if I wanted to. Reason -- before diagnosis, my period had always been somewhat regular with cycles between 32-35 days. It was Jan & June 2010, my cycles were about 70 days each! That made me went to see GP in the first place. DH and I started TTC then...
Anyway my 2nd GP told me to stop Metformin and see if my cycles would regulate itself since it was pretty regular before. In Jan 2011, I was in Malaysia and mom encouraged me to see her friend who is a OBGYN. Told her my story and she did an internal ultrasound and said "That's your let ovary and I can see a follicle. That's your right ovary and hmmm, it looks more cystic than left. Your uterus looks fine".
So she said to get back on Metformin and she upped my dosage to 850mg daily. Told her about the side effects and she gave me a tip -- take it before bed! WOW! Besides on/off loose bowel in the morning, no other side effects!
Since then, I started charting my BBT with fertilityfriend, used CBFM and OPKs. Nothing worked! No pattern on charts nor high/peak readings and no 2nd line on OPKs until now.
With that said, I went back to the GP last Monday and told her I am frustrated that for the last 5 months, I couldn't detect any ovulation! She agreed to move on BUT I have to do the cycle day 21 blood test. My cycles have been between 22-32 days since Jan and today is my day 34 and NOTHING! I've done 3 tests since last Monday and all were

Just went I get a good news that we are moving forward after 10 months of TTC, AF has decided to play hide & seek with me.
Another weird thing is that my BBT has been quite stagnant since I started to spot on day 22 and according to FF, I ovulated on day 23 but I was spotting since day 22 - 26.