Hi ladies hope its ok to post in here I am fairly new to this posted a couple times before for advice re pregnancy tests however they were all BFN. I came off the pill last October to TTC my 1st and have only had 2 periods since then. In that time I have also gained a bit of weight

I finally went to see GP who did bloods which were apparently all NORMAL so I was sent for an USS today as a precaution and I am in shock as it shows I have polycystic ovaries. I am completely gutted and spent half the day in tears. I am so confused as I dont really have any of the symptoms and there is no family history of this. I have another appointment with GP tomorrow but I dont know what should be happening next should I be started on medication or referred to a specialist? Any advice any of you ladies have would be so greatly appreciated as I am still in shock.
PS I see some of you ladies are on Metformin - whats this for? I am a nurse and only ever known this to be given as a diabetic med?
I'm not sure how your health system works, but I was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago by my OB/GYN and continued to see her regarding treatment. Once she left town, I saw my PCP until she referred me to a Fertility Specialist. If your system is the same, I would assume that this could be how your treatment will progress.
Metformin is used with diabetics to help with their insulin resistance. When you have PCOS, you tend to have issues with processing your insulin, so they put you on Metformin and for some reason, it can help with regulating your hormones and help you to ovulate. And, it also can help with weight loss. I unfortunately was unable to handle the Metformin. I even tried the smallest dose of time released capsules for 2 months and I still got really sick
If Metformin does not work for you, they may start you on Clomid. I took 7 rounds of Clomid alone under the care of my PCP and then I was transferred to my FS and did 1 round with them. My FS then moved me onto 1 round of Clomid with injections and a trigger shot. Once that did not help, I did 1 round of Clomid with injections and a trigger shot and an IUI. This combo seemed to do the trick
As far as symptoms and family history are concerned, everyone is different, and I was told that there is no family link. I personally have the symptoms of excess fat in the midsection, hair growth on my belly (happy trail), and messed up hormones. At one time I was told I had polycystic ovaries, but since then, all scans have been normal. I definitely do not have the thinning of the hair on my head; I have so much thick hair that on humid days I look like a lion if I do not put it up in a ponytail
Basically, PCOS is one of those things that will always be confusing. Not one person will have the same symptoms, the same troubles, or the same results as another. I can tell you that this thread helped me out a lot during my TTC time. These ladies on here are great and it is wonderful to have someone else to confide in or rant to. We all have the diagnosis, we all have issues conceiving, and (hopefully) we all will get past it and have our own little ones. Try not to get too discouraged. You have options; you just have to push for them. And as always, there is someone on here who is there to listen and help