PCOS Club!

Hey Lolageorgia,

I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I'm due to have my AF after my first round of Clomid, no sign yet so I'll wait another week or something. I haven't got any more Provera though so I'll have to talk to my doctor. I'm waiting for my CD21 blood tests results too to see if I ovulated. Did you have blood tests done?

Sorry I can't help. xxx
nope doing 2 rounds of clomid with no tests and then they will start testing, god knows why but there you go! Think I will wait another few days and see what happens. Have got my next FS appt in 8 weeks, was hoping to get another 2 rounds in befor I saw him but I guess not. its so annoying coz if i take 5 days provera i will have to finish that, another 7 days for my period to start and then 15 days till ov...grrr.
let me know what your doc says xx
Hiya ladies

Right, if you ovulate you will have a period around 12-16 days later (unless you are preggo of course!), if you dont ovulate then you could go without a period for ages or you could get a period and have had an annovulatory cycle.

Lola, what cd are you on?? I wouldnt be too hasty to take the Provera, obviously only take it if you are sure you havent ovulated and yes i think you are right to check with the doctor first :hugs:

Kubb, hi chick .... aw its really frustrating isnt it, do you think you ovulated yet?? Really hope the blood tests tell you some good news :dust:

Anxious, please try not to worry, PCOS is one of those things that unfortunately affect a lot of women, apparently 1 in 3 has some form of it. And load of those get pregnant with none or little problem. Besides, either you dont have it and they can rule that out as a problem, or they diagnose you and you can move onto the next step of fixing the problems! Let us know what happens chick :hugs:

Right im off to bed now, so relaxed so far this cycle i almost forgot to take my clomid tonight!! xxx
thanks clobo, yes am going to wait another few days to see. i should have o'd ccording to my test, 15 days ago so shold be here??? if it dosnt come does that DEF mean I didnt o? im so confused coz my tests said i did!! x

ps am on cd30 now

Lola, the trouble with OPKs is that they measure the LH surge which triggers the egg to release ... however it doesnt definitely mean the egg did release!! Thats one of the problems with PCOS and why some doctors tell you not to bother with OPKs. If you charted your temperature then you would be able to tell if you ovulated because your temps would rise and stay risen through your LP. Might be worth a go??

Id pretty much say that if you dont get your period then either you are pregnant(!) or you didnt ovulate, although i could be wrong. Im surprised that they arent at least doing a cd 21 blood test. Maybe book a GP appt and tell them whats happening, they might do a blood test for you or give you some advice on what to do?? Or culd you ring your FS and ask for some advice from them??

Hi ladies thanks for your replies. I have had more blood tests and they are going to refer me on to a FS. Was just wondering, have any of you ever been diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease either before or after being diagnosed with PCOS? I have recently been diagnosed with fatty liver although they couldnt work out why I have it as I am not obese diabetic high cholesterol etc etc but now they are saying its related to PCOS and insulin resistance. Be interested to hear if this has happened to anyone else?
Hey ladies. Not sure why I am stalking all of you, but I am :haha:

Lola-I would definitely wait a few more days. Like Clobo said, OPK's detect the LH surge that releases the egg. The thing that some forget is that you can surge up to 3 to 4 days before the egg will actually release...sometimes they like to take their sweet ol' time. Also, if you are pregnant and your hcg just isn't high enough to detect, taking Provera would be a very bad idea. I'm not sure why doctors prescribe Provera to a woman trying to conceive :shrug: If I were you, I would ask for Prometrium. It is the only progesterone pill I have heard of that is safe during the first few months of pregnancy and that is used to induce AF if conception has not occured. Oh, what about your LP. Is it normally long?

Mojo-when I was first tested and diagnosed, my liver appeared enlarged. I remember them mentioning the liver disease and I had to go in for blood tests. All of the results came back normal and so they just left it at that. I'm not sure if that meant I didn't have it or that they were just not concerned. Do you know if they will be doing more testing for it?
I had been seen in clinic about my liver before I then had my scan which confirms PCOS but at that point he said my liver function tests were improving so they would monitor it and that was that. When I had my scan of my liver way back in March they said it was enlarged and bright and that that point all my blood work was way off. Thankfully its now improving closer to normal. Now at least I know why I have fatty liver which is a bonus I suppose. However, I have been reading about Metformin and that it can alter liver function so I am worried they may not give me it. Fingers crossed!!
PS Courtney1020 CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy you must be so excited! Good luck with everything when it all starts!!
Hi ladies thanks for your replies. I have had more blood tests and they are going to refer me on to a FS. Was just wondering, have any of you ever been diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease either before or after being diagnosed with PCOS? I have recently been diagnosed with fatty liver although they couldnt work out why I have it as I am not obese diabetic high cholesterol etc etc but now they are saying its related to PCOS and insulin resistance. Be interested to hear if this has happened to anyone else?

Mojo, one thing that may really benefit you is going on the Atkins or South Beach diet. It restricts sugar intake, especially high fructose corn syrup which is the leading cause for fatty liver. It also helps with the PCOS. I've been studying a lot about diet and it seems sugar, especially hfcs causes a lot of the problems we have. It seems pcos and fatty liver disease would go hand in hand since they both have a lot to do with the way your body handles insulin. Good luck hun!
Thanks TurboTurtle80. Unfortunately I dont think Atkins would work for me as I am vegetarian? Never heard of the South Beach Diet though so I will look into it. Certainly seems diet is the key to repairing my fatty liver and trying to improve my PCOS. I have started the Jason Vale Juice detox today going to give that a try for a start anyway! :thumbup:
thanks for replies guys!
Courtney, they gave me provera to induce af as I dont have them naturally so doc said to start with that so i would know when to time my clomid. re my LP I have no idea, as I dont remeber the last time I had a natural period more than a one off, in which case my LP is about 350 days lol!!

Clobo- thanks hun. guess I will wait a bit longer and see what happens. no sign of af but cant face hpt again to see a BFN....dont get any monitoring till oct so if no AF next week I guess I will try 1 more cycle of Clomid and then wait to see FS. grrr.... xxx

PS Courtney congrats for you!! xx
Hey all! I was referred here from another forum! I'm Kelly and I am 31 with PCOS. My daughter was conceived after 2 cycles of injections w/IUI. My son was 6 cycles of injections/IUI and 2 IVF's and a FET. We just now failed an IUI/injection cycle for #3. My current RE is refusing to let me stim again since he considers my PCOS so severe. Unfortunately it's getting worse. So I am meeting with a new doc next month for a 2nd opinion. I would hands down do IVF again if we could afford it. I'm just hoping I have even a ray of hope we may have just 1 more. :)
congrats Courtney *****
so happy for you ..... happy and healthy 9 months !!!
Hi Iluvbabies, wow that sounds like an awful lot to have gone through to get your babies, is it true that you appreciate them so much more because of the troubles you had to get them??

I really hope the new doctor can help you chick, keep hoping and stay happy :hugs:

Hi all sorry not been on here for a while.
I had my OD op on Monday and dye test.
Results from op are tubes are clear ovaries have been drilled and they also found endometriosis which they quarterised ( burnt off ) and my left ovary was stuck down so they have released it.
Bleed straight after op then got period wed am still feeling bruised and saw from all but getting there slowly.
Fingers crossed all works out for BFP
Hi Princess

Aw chick, you poor thing going through that, although sounds like they have given you a real good spring clean and hopefully solved a few problems for you. Really hope that you have a good recovery and take it easy :hugs:
Hello again ladies. How is everyone?

I've been kinda nervous this cycle. I know my chances of getting pregnant right away after a MC with my problems and OHs problems are making conception next to nill but still! I'm on meds I wouldn't normally take and so sick and I'm scared that if I were to get pregnant that something I've had to do this month could mess it up. I know realistically my chances of being pregnant are like 1 in a million but still! blah.

So where is everyone in their cycles? I'm 8DPO.
Hi Iluvbabies, wow that sounds like an awful lot to have gone through to get your babies, is it true that you appreciate them so much more because of the troubles you had to get them??

I really hope the new doctor can help you chick, keep hoping and stay happy :hugs:


I definitely appreciate them a lot because I know how lucky I am to have them. Not that I don't have my stressful days and miss the quiet and lack of fighting. LOL But honestly I know how blessed I am. I can't take a day for granted for how far I've come...
I know I haven't posted in awhile..I've just been lurking. I've been in this rut of "i'll never get pregnant, i'll never have kids" lately. I just feel like its not happening for a reason..and it hurts alot. There is nothing that I can do about it..and its all b/c of my pcos. I've stopped tracking/temping/opks ect..but its still in the back of my mind. I do not know what i can do to not think about it. Its so hard when its something that you want the most. I just don't know what else to do..besides lose weight and continue with my metformin (even though I havent taken it for the past 2weeks). it just upsets me so much.

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