Hello there ladies,
This is my first time posting on here but I have been on reading all the posts. My situation at the moment is I was diagnosed with pcos in January of this year and have been ttc for the last two years. Every mOnth has been so upsetting as one month you think you may be in with a chance and then af turns up. My cycles are light and I only really bleed for two days. I have had lots of tests done as had my df, he had his sperm anaylist done and it came back 40% which isn't great but ok. I have my first gyno/fertility apt next week and am so scared because I don't know what they will do or say. I'm on here really just to talk and listen to other ppls stories to give me some hope that we will conceive soon. Hope everyone is ok and sorry for
Babbling wasn't too sure of what to postx
hi pixie...just to let you know..i have terrible pcos.i dont have periods at all...havent had once since i was 16 and im now 29..my OH had sperm analysis and his were 5%!!! so terrible(we got told 40% is average so i wouldnt worry too much)...my oh were all healthy but all lazy...we ttc for nearly two years and were waiting on a referral to specialist like you.....anyway like normal tested to see if i was pregnant (for the millionth time) and found out i was!! of course its like a miracle to us...but proves miracles do happen....as both my and oh obviously have fertility issues......i know its easy for me to say but i never thought it would happen and especially naturally....i still dont even have any periods now ive had him! x