PCOS Club!

Hello there ladies,

This is my first time posting on here but I have been on reading all the posts. My situation at the moment is I was diagnosed with pcos in January of this year and have been ttc for the last two years. Every mOnth has been so upsetting as one month you think you may be in with a chance and then af turns up. My cycles are light and I only really bleed for two days. I have had lots of tests done as had my df, he had his sperm anaylist done and it came back 40% which isn't great but ok. I have my first gyno/fertility apt next week and am so scared because I don't know what they will do or say :(. I'm on here really just to talk and listen to other ppls stories to give me some hope that we will conceive soon. Hope everyone is ok and sorry for
Babbling wasn't too sure of what to post :flower: x

hi pixie...just to let you know..i have terrible pcos.i dont have periods at all...havent had once since i was 16 and im now 29..my OH had sperm analysis and his were 5%!!! so terrible(we got told 40% is average so i wouldnt worry too much)...my oh were all healthy but all lazy...we ttc for nearly two years and were waiting on a referral to specialist like you.....anyway like normal tested to see if i was pregnant (for the millionth time) and found out i was!! of course its like a miracle to us...but proves miracles do happen....as both my and oh obviously have fertility issues......i know its easy for me to say but i never thought it would happen and especially naturally....i still dont even have any periods now ive had him! x

I am in exactly the same boat as you right now! I doubled my met dosage over a week ago and got my pos opk this afternoon. I have no idea what to think but am hoping that this is a good sign. Good Luck and I hope your smiley turns into a :bfp: next month
Pixie, good luck with your appt, dont be worried they will do good things to help you xxx

Yellow, yay on the positive opk, brilliant news chick, though dont rely on that to say that you def ovulated as the opk only signals the hormone id use your temps, if they stay up then thats a better sign. Fingers crossed xxx
Hey ladies,

Just to update you that my BBT went up yesterday so that is good news! This morning however, I woke up at 6.45am needing the toilet urgently. I was sleep walking like the 1st few steps before I realised I've forgotten about my BBT. So when I got back to bed, temp was 36.34degC... don't think today's reading is valid.

Pixie -- Don't worry so much about your FS visit. I had my 1st visit in early Aug. They did 3 tests so had to do some vaginal swabbing that was uncomfortable. With the hospitals and specialists, I think there's a lot of waiting game. My next appointment is before Christmas!!! So in the meantime, I try to do things I can eg acupuncture, read more, take vitamins, try new things. My hubby's sperm count isn't THAT great but the motility makes up for it. His GP doesn't seem to worry about it at all. But I read there are things he could do to increase the count. Perhaps you could find out ways to help your DH?

best of luck!
Hi everyone :)

I am 20 and just been diagnosed with PCOS after 4 years of problems. currently i have been put back onto the pill to help regulate my cycle, as rarely ovulating currently. i now know that i definitely do not want to put off ttc, as have been warned that the longer i leave it the harder it will get...can anyone share their story of whether they were told to start off with the pill and how they have found coping with everything?

i also have horrific abdominal cramps, to the point where i pass out, apparently due to the pcos and retroverted AND anteflexed uterus. does anyone else suffer like this?

Hi everyone :)

I am 20 and just been diagnosed with PCOS after 4 years of problems. currently i have been put back onto the pill to help regulate my cycle, as rarely ovulating currently. i now know that i definitely do not want to put off ttc, as have been warned that the longer i leave it the harder it will get...can anyone share their story of whether they were told to start off with the pill and how they have found coping with everything?

i also have horrific abdominal cramps, to the point where i pass out, apparently due to the pcos and retroverted AND anteflexed uterus. does anyone else suffer like this?


I was originally put on the pill because of PCO (only had a scan, no hormonal testing) and fibromioma. I quite enjoyed being on the pill actually. No more crazy mood swings, periods always on time. After I came off, I had 6 more or less regular ovulatory cycles and then no more. Unfortunately, no one advised me to start trying right away, I basically wasted 4 first cycles, because I thought that's what one's supposed to do. I've tried everything on my own to start ovulating again, but nothing worked. So I went back on the pill while waiting for my first fertility appointment. Planning to stay on it for a few months and hoping it'll give a few good cycles.

I did find another girl on the forum who used the same approach and who also had good cycles after the pill. But the majority of PCOS girls say that their cycles went back to usual bad RIGHT after the pill anyway.
Right, and the other part of your question, before the pill I would get painful periods too. The kind where you lay in bed with water bottle. While on the pill and after - never again. I don't know if it was because of the fibromioma that I had? It did pretty much disappear after 4 months on the pill.
Right, and the other part of your question, before the pill I would get painful periods too. The kind where you lay in bed with water bottle. While on the pill and after - never again. I don't know if it was because of the fibromioma that I had? It did pretty much disappear after 4 months on the pill.

ugh, its awful! my periods were always the same regardless of what i was taking at the time. i was on the pill a few years back, before i was diagnosed with pcos, and i found that it didnt make a difference. they went back to normal almost immediately, which is why i dont really understand why i have to now take the mini pill as a treatment. even after coming off the injection, everything went straight back to normal! i think the pain is just a mix of everything, because a lot of people ive spoken to in the last few days seem to have pcos and another diagnosis, and have it pretty bad as well.

with the pill im on now, i feel as though they just gave me it and sent me on my way. OK, they gave me some information, but i also had two medical students do my scan, and i think they acted very casual about it all, telling me that I had to be careful because getting pregnant now would ruin my life. Yes, its not ideal, but if I'm in the situation where its either ttc now and career etc later, or career now and never be able to conceive i know which option i choose. Do you wish someone would have told you to try earlier? or have you been successful in ttc?
nlk, I absolutely wish someone would have told me earlier. I myself was ready to try for kids at about 24. But my DH wasn't ready to see himself as a daddy. His family didn't help, they kept hinting us that there's no rush to have kids, I don't know why the hell. I think his mom in her attempt to show how she was cool and not pressuring us to give her grandchildren actually went overboard (as she usually does) and made it seem like the idea of us getting pregnant early would be rather absurd. I don't know, it's all too weird.

Anyway, I'm 31 now and basically haven't ovulated in a whole year. The few months I was ovulating after the pill we weren't trying anywhere hard enough (I still didn't know I had PCOS), so basically I'm yet to TTC. And thank GOD I finally put my foot down and said "We're doing this NOW, I'm not waiting any more". At least now I know what I'm dealing with here.

The bottom line is, PCOS or not, if you feel you're ready, then don't let anyone's opinion to fool you otherwise. Your partner, you might need to work on that, if needed, but that's the only person you need to convince. But if you're not ready, then don't let them push you into trying too early. Just try to not get into 30s with this decision and keep in mind that there will never be an absolute perfect time.

Mini pill is progesterone only? You might wanna do a low dose combined pill instead, because mini-pill doesn't stop your body's attempts to ovulate and what seems to work is to actually stop that ovulating to give ovaries some rest and for that you need estrogen+progesterone pill.
Ok ladies, AF was 2 days late...felt like a set back since I finally starting to go every 28 days, but my appointment is tomorrow for Clomid, and I read it starts on the 3rd day of cycle, is this true????? which would be great because it would be my 3rd day of cycle, another question is there any weird side effects I should know about clomid? Thanks all for the help :)
ugh, its awful! my periods were always the same regardless of what i was taking at the time. i was on the pill a few years back, before i was diagnosed with pcos, and i found that it didnt make a difference. they went back to normal almost immediately, which is why i dont really understand why i have to now take the mini pill as a treatment. even after coming off the injection, everything went straight back to normal! i think the pain is just a mix of everything, because a lot of people ive spoken to in the last few days seem to have pcos and another diagnosis, and have it pretty bad as well.

with the pill im on now, i feel as though they just gave me it and sent me on my way. OK, they gave me some information, but i also had two medical students do my scan, and i think they acted very casual about it all, telling me that I had to be careful because getting pregnant now would ruin my life. Yes, its not ideal, but if I'm in the situation where its either ttc now and career etc later, or career now and never be able to conceive i know which option i choose. Do you wish someone would have told you to try earlier? or have you been successful in ttc?

Hello :wave:
I was 17 when I found out I had PCOS and had big decision to make too - career or baby. I picked baby because I had an idea of how hard it would be to conceive and I knew that it was going to be a loooong adventure. I knew the longer I waited to TTC, the shorter time I had to have a baby. I'm only 20 now and I still back my decision 100%. I know it's not ideal because I've got my whole life ahead of me but I would like nothing more than to have a family of my own. I know how hard it is going to be to achieve my dream so my OH and I are starting young to increase the chance of having a family. Do not let anyone influence you on what you do in life, you have to live it and be happy with what you decide.
My close family know what's going on with me and my Mum agrees with trying for a baby now because she doesn't want me to not have children but my Nan on the other hand is very old fashioned and thinks people should have a good career behind them before TTC so she's not too happy about us TTC. I said to her that if I fall pregnant she has decision to make - to be behind me all the way or don't play a part in his/her life, I know that sounds harsh but I don't want her bitching about me all the time and dropping bitchy comments all the time or looking down on me.

When I started my periods about 12 years old, I was never regular, I had months between bleeding and kept going back and forth to the doctors, I even changed doctors about 4 times to try and get a different answer from them but they just kept telling me that my body had to mature & shoved me on the pill. I knew it was more complicated than this from the start but only at the age of 17 someone listened to me and that's when I did loads of blood tests and had scans etc
When I saw my first trainee Gyno, she told me that she wasn't thinking of kids at my age and that I've got my whole life ahead of me to TTC so why am I trying now. Really annoyed me! :growlmad: Thankfully I'm seeing the head of Gynaecology now and he's really good! Not judgemental at all which is reassuring.

Good luck chick :) & take no notice of negative people xx :hugs:
Hey ladies

Yes I agree, don't let the doctors scare you into trying for a baby too early if you aren't ready. Lots of us that are a bit older with PCOS can still get pregnant, to be honest you have got past the first hurdle by being diagnosed so when you are ready then you can go straight to the "help" xxx

Johnson, aw mate mine was the same last cycle it's awful isn't it, it gives you more hope when you are late. Ooh good that you are starting clomid, I really hope it works for you. I take mine 2-6 but it can be taken 3-7 or 5-9 as well, not sure what the difference makes but when I had to wait for my scan to check for retained products I waited and too it 5-9 so I'm sure you'll be fine. Be warned it might make you ovulate a bit later, hopefully they will do a cd 21 blood test to check for ovulation! :dust:

The witch arrived Saturday which was cd40. This was my first month on metformin so it was a little heartbreaking... Had a dream last I was pregnant with a daughter and I could feel her kicking inside and then she was born...
Can I possible have dreams about having a child but never actually have one.. Because honestly just dreams arnt good enough, if that's the case I'd wanna sleep forever..
The witch arrived Saturday which was cd40. This was my first month on metformin so it was a little heartbreaking... Had a dream last I was pregnant with a daughter and I could feel her kicking inside and then she was born...
Can I possible have dreams about having a child but never actually have one.. Because honestly just dreams arnt good enough, if that's the case I'd wanna sleep forever..

I have those dreams too....I never want to wake up....
Hi Kubb!

wow im in such a similar position to you! my parents have backed me up 100%, saying that they completely understand where I am coming from and that they think I am doing the right thing. I know that there is a chance that I could get pregnant when I'm slightly older, but if I waited and then found out that it was going to be more difficult than I thought, I don't think I could forgive myself for not trying to earlier. And, at the end of the day, I'm in a committed relationship, and don't feel as though I would be rushing into anything. Me and my partner have already discussed this before, and, although it may not be completely ideal, we are ready to try soon.

And its not as if I'm giving up on a career. I am due to graduate from university this june, and I'm not going to actively try until after then.

how much treatment have you had so far? Did they put you on the pill first? I see you're doing clomid currently, is that the only thing you've tried so far? how long have you been ttc?

My main concern at the moment is telling OH's family...I don't see it going down too well! xx
what about Soul Cysters??? lol

glad this is here! i to is a pcos sufferer! and what a nightmare! especially seeing as i was on the BCP for hair etc and regulating periods blah blah..i went and got DVT and PE a few years back...so no more Pills for me....that cause havoc with my pcos and doctors couldnt do anything to regulate me etc etc.

gl to all ttc!
I was on the BCP for excess hair and to regulate me and since coming off the pill i've piled on loads of weight and all the shitty side effects of PCOS are back :( x
I was on the BCP for excess hair and to regulate me and since coming off the pill i've piled on loads of weight and all the shitty side effects of PCOS are back :( x

I do gain weight a lot easier off the pill too, but it was always like that, before and after. I need to loose 10kg now and being on the pill makes it rather smooth process. I wish Metformin had same effect, but it did nothing to me :shrug:
My FS doesn't believe metformin does any good grrrr Think i'm gonna ring the doc to see if they will give me some just to see if it doesn't have an effect xx
Hey ladies

Yes I agree, don't let the doctors scare you into trying for a baby too early if you aren't ready. Lots of us that are a bit older with PCOS can still get pregnant, to be honest you have got past the first hurdle by being diagnosed so when you are ready then you can go straight to the "help" xxx

Johnson, aw mate mine was the same last cycle it's awful isn't it, it gives you more hope when you are late. Ooh good that you are starting clomid, I really hope it works for you. I take mine 2-6 but it can be taken 3-7 or 5-9 as well, not sure what the difference makes but when I had to wait for my scan to check for retained products I waited and too it 5-9 so I'm sure you'll be fine. Be warned it might make you ovulate a bit later, hopefully they will do a cd 21 blood test to check for ovulation! :dust:


Thanks hun, I started 3-7, I think my doctor was more excited than I was that I came in on my 3rd day so I could start it right away....now I have another question, he didn't give me refills so if it doesn't work, do I call him or do I have to wait in between doses, I didn't realize I didn't have refills so I didn't get to ask him....well lets just hope it works and I don't need any refills. I told him to go ahead and start me off at the high dose and he laughed and said he did that with the Metformin and I had a death sentence on him, so he will start low then raise it if I need it. I think we are just going :sex: every other day and hope it works :)

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