TTC after a MMC with PCOS
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Hi Kubb!
wow im in such a similar position to you! my parents have backed me up 100%, saying that they completely understand where I am coming from and that they think I am doing the right thing. I know that there is a chance that I could get pregnant when I'm slightly older, but if I waited and then found out that it was going to be more difficult than I thought, I don't think I could forgive myself for not trying to earlier. And, at the end of the day, I'm in a committed relationship, and don't feel as though I would be rushing into anything. Me and my partner have already discussed this before, and, although it may not be completely ideal, we are ready to try soon.
And its not as if I'm giving up on a career. I am due to graduate from university this june, and I'm not going to actively try until after then.
how much treatment have you had so far? Did they put you on the pill first? I see you're doing clomid currently, is that the only thing you've tried so far? how long have you been ttc?
My main concern at the moment is telling OH's family...I don't see it going down too well! xx
Hello :wave:
That's good that your parents understand and back you up, I think it's really important to have your parents behind you so I'm glad they're there for you.

Since I was diagnosed I've been poked and prodded from all angles and places.

I was put on 2 x 850mg Metformin daily and am still taking them now and am now taking Provera to bring on my bleeding to start my 2nd Clomid cycle. I was on 50mg but I there wasn't any signs of ovulation so my Gyno/FS has upped my dose to 100mg Clomid. He's now asked me to have a CD13 scan done as well as a CD21 blood test.
Matt and I have been TTC for 2 years now, we started early after finding out I had PCOS. We knew how long the road would be to have our own baby. Oh, Matt had his

They didn't put me on the pill, I went straight to Metformin. I had been on the pill since I was 12 to about 16 and that didn't help with my lack of periods, my body just struggles to bleed naturally so I knew the pill did nothing for me. The doctor that actually listened to me said that they shouldn't have put me on the pill because the pill tells your body that you're pregnant and then had a mc so that's why you bleed on the pill, he said it was helping me at all, just hiding the fact that there was a problem.
I wouldn't worry too much about your OHs parents, they probably won't understand as well as your parents do. Matt and I have touched on the subject with his parents but I don't want them knowing the ins and outs of my problem also, Matt's parents like to have an opinion about everything and their opinion always has to be right so that's why I'm happy for them not to know what's going on.