PCOS Club!

Diagnosed@ 14, mom took me to the doc because of horribly painful and irregular periods, found out it could be caused by testosterone, male chemicals, insulin resistance, thyroid issues, or heredity. HOWEVER I think its really a genetic disposition affected by toxins we introduce to our bodies via food
Pregnancy took away all the symptoms

Have you taken any medication which has helped you conceive, or reduce the symptoms? Conceived 3 & birthed 2 dds without any meds after giving up after 7years of trying, taking metformin trying for 3rd & final baby.
Been quietly stalking, juz wanted to thank everyone's openness & honesty! Ttc since 5/29/2010, my 2nd wedding day. Diagnosed w/ PCOS back in 94 when the fix was bcp. Have birthed 2 dds, trying for my lil boy! Taking 1000 royal jelly, 1500 metformin, Vitex, prenatals, & fertibella
Hi. My doctor recently gave me a diagnosis of "probably" PCOS in the second week of February. I am still waiting for my follow up appt with my gyno which is scheduled for May 2. At the time of my diagnosis I hadn't had my period for almost 4 months, but two days after guestimated period start, I did start. That period lasted for 2 weeks and I'm only now starting to get over it. Before this all started, my period, although long, was pretty regular at 34 days. I had suspected that I might have PCOS after the birth of my son in 2009 when I was seeing a Naturopath to aid in losing weight. she thought that with my symptoms that it was quite possible that i was. my gp ordered hormone tests and they had come back 'within' normal range and I was dismissed. Now a year and a half later she's finally convinced.

I don't actually have cysts on my ovaries but from what I've read and been told, you don't acutally have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS.

Now when I see my Gyno I don't' know if she will follow the ultrasound tech's advice to follow up with a hysterosonogram because I have now had my period.

That was definitely the worse period ever. Not because it was particular heavier than normal it was just annoying because it started to get light and then it would get heavy again. Sorry if this is TMI.

Hubby and I would like to continue to try for our second. I just think it's strange that when I didn't think I had it, we conceived in 4 months but now....

Just hoping to find a group of ladies in the same boat.

Thanks in advance
Kahlan83 - my bloods came back within normal range yet when I went for my scan I had cysts on both ovaries. Since ds I too have longer and heavier periods .....,... When I do eventually get one. I conceived ds within 2months of NTNP after just coming off bcp. Now trying for no2 I'm finding symptoms alot stronger regarding irregularity difficulty losing weigh and general hairriness

Good luck
Kahlan83 - my bloods came back within normal range yet when I went for my scan I had cysts on both ovaries. Since ds I too have longer and heavier periods .....,... When I do eventually get one. I conceived ds within 2months of NTNP after just coming off bcp. Now trying for no2 I'm finding symptoms alot stronger regarding irregularity difficulty losing weigh and general hairriness

Good luck

I had ultrasounds done too, that's how i know my ovaries are okay, although my left is significantly larger than my right. when I was 16 and going for testing about the irregular periods, they found this, so it wasn't a surprise to see it again. My doctor said it seemed to be functioning normally but may cause fertility issues done the line. I still don't know for sure if that is part of the problem.

Part of my blood work also showed that I have pre-hypothyroidism. Again, not surprised because when I was a teenager I was always borderline. It also runs in my paternal side of the family, whom I most resemble in my body structure. (same body type as paternal grandmother...not fun knowing what your body will look like at 75)

I think I'm really going to push my gyno for the hysterosonogram when I go. I know it will be painful but if I can have some measure of relief (that it isn't cancer or something of the like) then it's worth it, unless of course I get a :bfp: before that. I'm taking some new herbs. Chromium which helps with glucose intolerance (essentially weight loss) and Vitex which is said to aid in fertility and regulating the menstrual cycle

Add me to your friends list if you want. We all need to stick together for support~!

Best of luck!
Hi Ladies, can I join?

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 16yrs ago when periods became so irregular. My ovaries look horrid - super polycystic. My main symptoms are lack of periods (I can go for years without one!) and hair (oh the hair!)...

I've tried every assisted fertility method you can think of, but only IVF works for us. I managed to get pg last year on 2nd IVF cycle, only to lose our little girl at 23wks. Devastated would be an understatement...

Got on the IVF rollercoaster again in Jan this year, got pg only to m/c at 6wks.

Planning on doing FET soon; just waiting for HCG to come down to 0.

I know m/c rates are higher with ladies with PCOS, but hopefully extra progesterone should help...

Looking forward to getting to you know you all :)
Vesper :hugs: you have had such a traumatic journey with two losses, really wishing you the best of luck for next time. I don't think I could be as strong going through what you have. Do you know why with PCOS miscarriage is higher?
hi ladies
i have been on this thread since i was diagnosised in dec. i have been on metformin 1000mg since then. I only small side effects with the metforming the first few days till i realized you take them with meals.

It has really helped to regulate my cycles- i feel my cycles have returened to what they were before i got pcos.
good luck everyone
Hi ladies!

I haven't been on this thread for a while, but today I'm going in to get my Metformin script. I hope it helps regulate everything. I'm definitely scared to death of the side effects, but hoping that a low gi diet will help. Good luck to each of you!

I'm new on here and i figured this would be a good place for me to get the support i need.

I am currently 12 days late for AF, and im on my second round of clomid. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008.

I was in the hospital friday with lower right abdominal pain and nausea, i went back to the ER on saturday AM because the pain got worse and so did the nasea.

HPT-- 4 BFN!!!
At the hospital they gave me a blood test and it was a BFN and they did a urine test...BFN...

Is it true that if you have PCOS it may always come back as a BFN even if you are indeed preggers????

I have a gyno appt tomorow and im afraid he will start me on something like provera to induce my period, but I am nervous because I dont want to take it if my HCG levels are still to low.....

***baby dust to all***

TTC since January 2011
Is it true that if you have PCOS it may always come back as a BFN even if you are indeed preggers????

Hi there Kaydee,

I have researched this topic to death. There is only a very small few that actually never get positive tests for pregnancy. However, if you really feel like you might be pregnant I would ask to get an Ultrasound before they give you any hormones. I know it's dishonest but you could also tell them that you got BFP's at home and that you don't want to take anything until your sure. Some places, depending on where you are won't do further testing until you have a positive test. They will want to check. If it does come back that you are, the dishonesty would have saved your baby and if not, then you have peace of mind.

I went three months without a period and I was convinced I was pregnant. My doctor didn't believe it because of all the negative tests. I asked her for an ultrasound so I could at least sleep at night and she obliged. that's how I ended up with my diagnosis for PCOS.

You know your body better than anyone so go with your instincts.

Hope this helps a little
AFM - so I went to FS today and not very good news all round

I have 2 mahoosive cysts, one on each ovary and clusters of little cysts on both ovaries as well. I started what I "thought" was my period last night. He still did a vaginal scan and said I'm having a breakthrough bleed and its not a proper period. To put it plainly he said my hormones are all over the place and my ovaries are fighting and competing each other. To top it off I am not ovulating AT ALL!!!

He has put me on Prometrium to stop the bleeding then he says I will have a proper period in 2 weeks time and must take Clomid then come back to see him about CD9 or 10.

I did ask about Met but he said he wants to see what the results of the bloods are before prescribing it but with my family history of Diabetes he suspects I might need it.

He would like to try 3 IUI's and then he said we might have to consider IVF.

He said that the results from my Lap show that my eggs are deteriorating rapidly

I thought egg quality was supposed to improve the older you got with PCOS?!?!?!?!

Sorry for the long wind
jog :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
At least your dr is acting and has a good plan. Are you on metformin also as usually met and clomid work good together.

my dr .missed my cyst for a few months even though it was on my ultrasound report and it grew.

he started me on metformin and now i can finally do my follow up ultrasound to see what is happening.
jog :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
At least your dr is acting and has a good plan. Are you on metformin also as usually met and clomid work good together.

my dr .missed my cyst for a few months even though it was on my ultrasound report and it grew.

he started me on metformin and now i can finally do my follow up ultrasound to see what is happening.

Awwww thanks sooooooo much for the reply! :kiss:

Well I'm having bloods taken in the morning so lets see. He doesnt want to put me on Met unnecessarily?!?!

When is your follow up hun?

I've been following this thread for a while and it sounds like you've been doing fabulously! Well done on your achievements :happydance: glad the met is doing wonders for you!!!

I did a fasting test 2 months ago and levels appeared normal then I went for a urine test totally unrelated last month and the doctor told me that my levels were high and I should have it checked. So now I'm totally confused :dohh: :wacko:
I have my lab requistion, i want to wait till just before af is due next weekend, and if im lucky there will br something else in there;)

i have a gyno referral in sept, my gp will put me on clomid after my ultrasound

At least i have lost weight with diet exercise and metformin
So I got my bloods back, all hormones are fine, waiting on the AMH result.

The nurse from my FS called and said that my blood sugar and insulin levels were high and doc would prescribe me something and she'd fax it through.

My sugar was 7.8 and my insulin was 72.

Now I've been researching on google and those both seem within normal range????

Am I reading incorrectly or are those really high?

Jog im not sure
if s africa uses the same measurements for blood sugar we do in canada that is high (im a rn) granted for my diabetics id love to see them any where need the 7's.

a good bg for someone would be 2-5 possibly 6. Not sure about which measurements they use there. I know the USA is different then here. Hopefully you get metformin as metformin and clomid work great together.

AFM my dr called me and asked me to wait a few weeks to do my ultrasound closer to the 4 month mark. Also AF came. Im really hoping this month is my month i really want a dec baby I always have (we get a year mat leave here plus my vacation id get to xmas off)

Im also down again my total loss is 35.7lbs.
jog i should add its not terribly high
standards changed a few years back 4-10 used to be more normal but now they realise that it is borderline
most diabetics on meds or insulin can range 6-12 or higher. It is good to get the sugars under control to prevent all the long term stuff that silently creeps up.

weight loss and healthy diet is key. My sugars were always in normal range but im heavy.

good luck
Thanks hun :hug:

Yes but now my FS says he wont put me on any meds as he thinks im diabetic and need to see a physician :(

I am also overweight which is a constant struggle. I was doing so well last year (lost about 20 lb and although ive only gained back 4 im constantly hungry, shaky and my moods are very eratic!)

Well done on you! I really think the met would do the world of difference but i guess ill have to wait and see what the next doctor says?!?!

You are doing so wonderfully hun :flower:

Also not sure what measurements are used here but they sound like yours.
Hello :flower:

I was wondering if i could join you... I was diagnosed with PCOS on Friday at my pre IVF scan... it was a bit of a shock, i had been told we had unexplained infertility at all my other appointments. I had always suspected pcos as i get acne even tho i was my face twice a day with clerasil and i gain weight very easilly. I have pretty regular periods (26-35 days) and i get post ovulation symptoms, sore boobs and emotional near af time... im really confused!

the ivf is going ahead but they are really worried about over stimulating me so they are only giving me a teeny tiny amout of medication so im worried about them not stimulating me at all! also im worried about egg quality, the ivf starts at my next cycle so i dont really have time to start taking and supliments :( does anyone have any experience of egg quality issues or ivf with pcos?

thank you :flower::hugs:

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