duckduckgoose - Ive not been part of this thread for a very loooong time! But I used to live and breathe it a year ago...
As you can see I am blessed with a BFP having faught with PCOS for 2 years. This is nothing compared to other ladies.
But I can totally associate with how you are feeling.
I am sure I had PCOS since I was 13-14. Except Dr never bothered running any tests. When at 17 I was desperate to get a cure for sever acne they just put me on the pill. Acne was the only symptom I had though - I am one of those "lean" PCOSers.
I met my DH at 19, we were both concentrating on our careers, travelling and buying a house together.
The at 27 I suddenly becamse "desparate" for a baby....Literally, I went from being indifferent to desparte in a matter of day

So I stopped the pill at 27.....and nothing happened. Apart from me gaining about 20 pounds. I was still just above my ideal BMI though.
Anyway, to cut a long story short - 2 years later, 2 operations later, lots of pills, injections and natural remedies it finally DID happen for us
But throughout the 2 years of desperation, anxiety, depression, etc - all I could think about was Why, Why, Why didn't we try earlier? Why was I on the pill for 10 years? Why was my career more important than having a baby? Why couldn't we have an "accident"?
These thoughts were torchering me!
Saying that - now that I am 7 months pregnant I also do appreciate everything we have achieved before having a baby. I can go on a longer maternity leave, baby can have the best of everything, we can still afford holidays with baby......BUT - whilst you are trying and months and years go by, you are literally prepared to give up ANYTHING for a healthy baby....
Here's what I would say:
- You do need to be fully, 100% happy to start trying (just my humble opinion). Because there's nothing worse than having a baby and then blaming it for preventing you from having a career/holidays/fun/buying a house
- I would watch your health very closely and definitely get the doctors to run tests on you (ultrasounds, bloods, etc). This may take more than a month if you don't have regular cycles
- Try to get to a healthy weight. One thing is getting pregnant and another is carrying the pregnancy to term. Additional weight can make it harder.
- Have your thyroid checked out - thyroid problems can give very similar symptoms to PCOS.
Oh, and do lots of research! I cannot believe HOW much I learnt about PCOS, conception and my body in general whilst TTC....Both from doctors, but mainly from here and the internet.