PCOS Club!

Hey everyone quick question. I started clomid on April 2, but my last period was 2 months prior. RE said my lining was thin enough that I didn't need to have a period before starting clomid. So my question is was April 2nd the first day of my cycle?


i wouldnt have said that april 2nd was your first CD, because that was your first clomid day, and normally you take clomid on CD2-6, or 5-9, or something like that...but i suppose you cant really backdate it two months ago, because then you wouldn't be able to date anything. i would probably ignore cycle days for now. i was told that i could start using OPKs 5 days after your last clomid tablet, so perhaps just consider it in that way? do you know when you ovulated? because then you could just go on DPO, rather than CD.

sorry i cant be more help!
scrap that...someone else i was just speaking to is in exactly the same position as you, and they were told to count the first day of clomid as CD5....so maybe just do that until you can find out otherwise?
Hi everyone

My names claire and i have PCOS which was diagnosed last may, I havent had a period since 28th november. i have hair growth on lip, chin, neck and jawline.

We have been trying for a baby since may last year with no luck. i was sent to see gyne on april 2nd because of my missing periods and he has put me on clomid 100mg. we are currently not trying not preventing because it was too stressfull for me to be thinking about it all the time so i got myself a job so we decided the time wasnt right for us. wel now the job has fallen through so were carrying on with not trying not preventing but secretly hoping it happens :D

Well i took my clomid from the 2nd april to 6th april and then on the 12th to the 15th i had very tender tummy which was at its worst on the 14th, woke up on the 15th and than had a sharp pain in my left which lasted for about 2 minutes then from then on the pain going better over the day. now feel fine. was at the gp's on the 15th about the pain and she said it was most probs me ovulating and the sharp pain could of been it being released :S
I also had egm on the 15th then since then i have had white cv which i never get ??
really hoping this is me ovulating and that we might get another miracle bump soon.

does this sound like possible ovulation?


Claire sounds promising
Fx'd for you

Afm I'm in tww, hoping running and cleaning and decluttering will keep me distracted
And I'm training for a 5k in 2 weeks
Hi everyone! I guess I don't quite belong here yet since I haven't been TTC yet, but I was hoping for some advice. Let's see... I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14 but I have since been told I don't have it and that it was a premature assumption.... but I do have some symptoms.

I'm just coming off bcp after being on for a year and gaining 30 lbs! Ugh! I was on bcp from 14-21 and had gained weight, but I had forgotten how much and I always assumed at that point it was PCOS weight gain. My weight has been all over the place with highest at 168 and lowest at 97. I was on metformin and bcp at my highest weights and off both at my lowest weight?? So, I'm not sure where I stand yet... my ob/gyn wants the bcp out of my system for several months before doing any testing. When I was a teenager I tried my hardest to get an ultrasound done, but the doc refused even though I was willing to pay and I just wanted a confirmation since no one seemed to have an answer for me. They always said it didn't matter since I wasn't anywhere near ready to TTC. I just wanted to know what was going on with my body and be prepared for how things might go when TTC. Having kids has always been something that I have wanted.

So, now I'm 27 and I'm thinking about vet school but I would have to go back for my sciences too, so I have a long road ahead. Without even considering having PCOS, since for the last years I've been told I probably don't and not to worry, I still would like to try by 30. I've always had a gut feeling that it will be very hard for me to conceive. It doesn't work well with my career goals, but since it is so important to me to have kids, I would rather put off school than kids. Depending on what the new tests turn up what do you all think about when to start trying?

Before going on the pill again a year ago I had regular periods with egcm (had no idea what it was at the time lol). However, I had dark hairs on my abdomen by age 12! I had bad skin (but does run in the family). I do have some dark facial hair too (I'm blonde). Things have changed so much in the last 10 years since I was doing all my PCOS research. I see people can have some normal test results, but they still have PCOS. Why is it so complicated? I guess I just have to be patient and see what my body is like back off the pill and what turns up on my labs, but it is hard not to be concerned when my biggest goal is babies! My mom had a hard time having me in her 30s, and I don't want to wait until it's too late.
I didnt think I would ever feel ready to have kids - could always save more, bigger house, career etc. I too thought I would struggle conceiving but surprisingly took 2 months first time around. It was earlier than expected but you find a way to manage.

Could you not get a second opinion regarding having an ultrasound and diagnosis. My first doc when I went said : don't know what your problem is?!:, I went couple of months later to another doctor in same centre and he immediately started testing bloods etc over couple of months and booked an ultrasound.

Sorry I couldn't offer any decent advice :hugs:
Thanks Jellycat! :flower: I'm sure that I likely won't feel completely prepared (finances, career) until I'm much older, but I'm not willing to wait that long in case I do have a really hard time. I do want to get my body back in order and lose the weight from being on the pill before I think about TTC, but I'm sure the rest will fall into place.

I guess I will just have to wait for a few months to get my testing started, but I do really like my ob/gyn now. I will want to get a scan along with the blood work. I've spent too long wondering. I'm sure I will be taken more seriously now that I'm 27 instead of 17... it's just too bad since I had great insurance then!

I'm going to focus on getting healthy and trying not to stress! Thanks for your response :hugs:
duckduckgoose, for most PCOS girls getting pregnant is not complicated, provided that they ovulate (naturally or with assistance). Most get diagnosed when they try to conceive and find it difficult with long and irregular cycles. That's how it happened to me. I was suspected to have PCOS at 23, but was simply put on the pill and no one filled me in on possible difficulties of getting pregnant. Doctors tend to brush you off with the "try for a year regardless" or "if getting pregnant not in plans yet, go on the pill" nonsense.

You're already more advanced in this game. Once you decide you wanna start trying, you will know what to look out for and won't need to waste time if you suspect you might not be ovulating or having too long cycles.

It IS complicated regarding the diagnosis. Every scan I had showed policystic ovaries and I do gain weight easily and I've spent the whole last year not ovulating, but no issues with hair and my male hormones are not out of normal range. So I'm yet to hear from at least ONE doctor - yes, you have PCOS.

When we started TTC and I started wondering about possibly having PCOS and getting my worries confirmed, I did think that I should have insisted on starting earlier. Now, 2 years later, I'm thinking that perhaps things happen when they happen for a reason. Not sure I would have dealt with it well enough in my early 20's. Who the hell knows? The bottom line is - if it's important to you and you feel you'll regret it later if you don't go for it now, then you're as ready as one can get. The decision is yours.
duckduckgoose - Ive not been part of this thread for a very loooong time! But I used to live and breathe it a year ago...

As you can see I am blessed with a BFP having faught with PCOS for 2 years. This is nothing compared to other ladies.
But I can totally associate with how you are feeling.

I am sure I had PCOS since I was 13-14. Except Dr never bothered running any tests. When at 17 I was desperate to get a cure for sever acne they just put me on the pill. Acne was the only symptom I had though - I am one of those "lean" PCOSers.
I met my DH at 19, we were both concentrating on our careers, travelling and buying a house together.
The at 27 I suddenly becamse "desparate" for a baby....Literally, I went from being indifferent to desparte in a matter of day :wacko:
So I stopped the pill at 27.....and nothing happened. Apart from me gaining about 20 pounds. I was still just above my ideal BMI though.

Anyway, to cut a long story short - 2 years later, 2 operations later, lots of pills, injections and natural remedies it finally DID happen for us :cloud9:

But throughout the 2 years of desperation, anxiety, depression, etc - all I could think about was Why, Why, Why didn't we try earlier? Why was I on the pill for 10 years? Why was my career more important than having a baby? Why couldn't we have an "accident"?
These thoughts were torchering me!

Saying that - now that I am 7 months pregnant I also do appreciate everything we have achieved before having a baby. I can go on a longer maternity leave, baby can have the best of everything, we can still afford holidays with baby......BUT - whilst you are trying and months and years go by, you are literally prepared to give up ANYTHING for a healthy baby....

Here's what I would say:
- You do need to be fully, 100% happy to start trying (just my humble opinion). Because there's nothing worse than having a baby and then blaming it for preventing you from having a career/holidays/fun/buying a house
- I would watch your health very closely and definitely get the doctors to run tests on you (ultrasounds, bloods, etc). This may take more than a month if you don't have regular cycles
- Try to get to a healthy weight. One thing is getting pregnant and another is carrying the pregnancy to term. Additional weight can make it harder.
- Have your thyroid checked out - thyroid problems can give very similar symptoms to PCOS.

Oh, and do lots of research! I cannot believe HOW much I learnt about PCOS, conception and my body in general whilst TTC....Both from doctors, but mainly from here and the internet.
Thanks all!

I was on vacation... sorry not to respond sooner. I so appreciate everyone's input! I know I need to do everything in my power to get some answers and have the right tests done. Either way, I just need to know what is going on with my body so I can take care of it as best I can.

Maria- First of all Congrats!!! I agree that I need to check my thyroid as well. Even after gaining the 30 lbs I am just slightly in the overweight category by a couple lbs. I wish I never went back on the pill, because I feel it really did a number on me. Off the pill I have always been well within a healthy weight range and very fit. No matter what the tests reveal I need to get my body in the best shape possible before TTC! I need to accomplish that and a few other things before TTC. If I waited to finish all of my goals went for the "ideal" time for my career, then I'm looking at 10 years and that's way too long for me to feel comfortable. I will make it all work! For now the best thing I can do is do everything I can to be as healthy as possible!
Hi All

I wondered if I could going you?

I was diagnosed with PCOS in June/July 2010 and had Ovarian Drilling in September of that year. I was then given three months of natural TTC and then doc prescribed 3 months of Clomid. I took two months worth and nothing happened. At a appointment a fertility nurse said to me that she would of never prescribed me Clomid as my BMI was too high (it was 34). So i stopped taking it in April 2011 and decided to try and lose weight.

Well here we are today. I have tried so hard to lose weight and nothing significant has come off. I am doing a diet at the moment that I seem to be sticking too, I made an appointment for the fertility clinic for July the 2nd and thats my goal to lose weight. I am hoping for some more tests etc then as my cycles are pretty much bang on 33 days...so not too bad for PCOS??

I am thinking there could be something else wrong though....I get positive OPK and ovulation symptoms but why aren't I pregnant yet? I came on today and it really hit me hard as it will be 3 years trying in November this year.

Has anyone go ANY tips? Do any of you temp?

How do you tell if you deffo release an egg?

Thanks all x
I started temping in August and it's easy to do which is why I chose this method as my cycles range from 26 to 92 days and got fed up of opks. I use fertility friend app on my iPhone and when I wake immediately take my temp and record it, as I work full time it's easy to do this the same time each day. If the temp has consistent high temps about 14 days before AF arrives its an accurate way to show ovulation. I've only ovulated twice in the past year. If you have regular cycles your doctor could take bloods to test hormone levels to test ovulation.

Have you been to the diet thread where others are trying to lose weight too? They say for PCOS a low gi diet is recommended.
PCOSSSS. I have it too, I think I've written in here before?

Came off BCP February 8th 2012, had bleed Feb 13th - Feb 17th (unusually short for me) and not even a dribble since. So that would make this a.. 72 day cycle for me and no sign of stopping..

Do Soy Isoflavones help? I've looked at conflicting reports of their use within PCOS? Any success stories? Or unsuccess stories?
Emily, Soy Isoflavones made my period longer and painful. I know they work different for everyone but they didn't work for me. When I took them my cycle was 77 days and without it I have 60 days. What has worked for me is the metformin, prenatal vitamins and baby aspirin. My dates came down to 45 days which is good for me.
I'm back after not being on here for a little while no. Still on a break at the moment, havent had AF since Oct 2011, really frustrated now and cant seem to get anything right. Have now diagnosed myself as having the insulin resistance, anyone have any tips on how to lose the weight?

Hope to hear from a few

A very frustrated lady here :o(
Have you been to the doctors recently? I was told if I don't bleed in 4 months to see them and they can prescribe me tablets to induce a bleed. Might give your system the kick start it needs?

I too am very much struggling with losing the weight, I seem to be gradually gaining if anything. All I know is a low hi diet is meant to be the best but I just can't seem to be in the right frame of mind to follow it at the moment. Good luck, how much ate you hoping to lose?
I have had PCOS since 10 years now. I am one of the "lean" PCOSers as well. My BMI is in the ideal range, my weight absolutely fine for my height, my periods are mostly fine as well ( I missed a total of 3 periods in the past 1.5 years, earlier to that I was late but never missed) I have every other symptom though - lovely facial hair on neck, chin and upper lip :(, round belly as if I'm 5 months pregnant ( I was congratulated numerous times ). I indulge in low GI food 95% of the time and workout 3-4 days a week. Also, got my blood work done recently - LH:FSH ratio is 1.3 (it was 3 two years ago) and all other levels normal. I am 26 and DH is 30 and I started to feel scared that I am going to be stuck when TTC (currently we are WTT until summer 2014) but I often revisit our decision whether or not we should WTT until 2014 or try now. I often question myself if I am doing a mistake by pushing TTC start time. What if it takes 10 years to conceive, I will be 36, will I be able to raise the child with ease? What if I can never conceive...how much longer should I wait before I adopt? PCOS and children is all I think about everyday. :(
Three weeks ago I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy. I beat PCOS! It is possible! Good luck ladies!

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