Hi Ladies,
Sorry for barging in but I wondered if I could pick your brains before I toddle off to the docs.
We've been trying to conceive #2 for over a year now (10 months now and 3 months just over a year ago). We've not even had a wiff of a BFP.
My cycles aren't too over the place, they're ranging between 31 and 37 days and it looks like from charting my LP is around 12-14 days. They're not particularly painful - not nice, sometimes want to curl up in a ball, but I could cope with worse. They can be pretty heavy though, my mooncup can't usually cope with the flow for the first couple of days so I have to wear a towel too and change it quite often. They usually last about 5 days with 3 or 4 days of spotting before and after.
My mum has been going on at me for years now that she thinks I have PCOS. I've had acne for about 15 years now although it's no where near as bad as it has been. I was given roaccutaine about 3 years ago which worked initially but I'm back to normal now
I have excess hair on my stomach, backs and insides of my thighs and the likes of my forearms have quite long dark hairs on. Oh and my finger hair is freakishly long. I've taken to waxing my moustache now as although its not in competition with my husbands, it is noticeable.
At the moment I'm just within the healthy weight range for my height and I really struggle to keep it that way. I can't eat anywhere near 2000 calories - my 5 year old eats more than me! I was 5 stone heavier just after I had my son.
Well what I'd like to know really is if I should ask the doctor about test for PCOS?
I've been charting for the past 3 cycles and it looks like I am ovulating although I've given up with my CBFM as it never coincides with what FF says.
Apart from not ovulating, what other problems does PCOS cause in relation to fertility?
Thank you if you've managed to get this far!