Thanks ladies
So here's my update: the Dr said that before they refer to FS they need to do some further testing at the surgery. So he will send us the protocol of what needs doing in the next couple of weeks and we'll need to book those tests, including SA! So actually I think we'll have hubby tested sooner than I expected!
He also said there may be further tests for me they can do right away than waiting a few months for the referral.
Im also going to see my private gyni in about a month so Ill ask his advice too - as what else we can do whilst we are waiting.
I just want to have all fronts covered
MrsGAnderson - 20 days is extremely long for luteal phase

are you sure you are not pg?
Lady - keeping everything crossed for you!
Welcome to Greener Grass! I think we are all desperate on here
Butterfly - are youusing OPKs? Is this your first month on soy? I really hope it is ovulation for you!!!