NG - great to see you back on here! Can you not call Dr to find out about DH's results? When my DH called the surgery he was just told everything was Normal but when we actually went to see the Dr his morphology was on the low side

Still, Im hoping for the best as it was within the range.
sma - Im the same!! I haven't actually bought anything because DH would kill me, but Ive already chosen the pram (and wheeled it around), and decided on the nursery furniture
Drakey - great news about the tickets! I know someone else who's going! And by November you may be a Mummy already so start thinking about babysitters
Pinky - sorry af arrived

But keep up the SMA. Im CD9 and was convinced we caught last cycle so it was devastating to see af

BUT I told myself to stop feeling sorry for myself and just enjoy life as we only get once chance at it! So no more charting (although I took my temp yesterday to make sure it was low), no sex on demand, no nothing! And it's helping! Im feeling a lot more cheerful and relaxed than I did last cycle.
ASF - well, I lost 3 pounds in 10 days since I started my low carb diet. Basically I cut out all sweets, bread (any for now), potatoes, white rice and alcohol - BOOO! But the results are amazing! It's definitely worth it. And Im afraid I have to stick to it over all the Christmas parties too. But this weightloss has made it all worth it. I still have about 12 pounds to go so hoping to shift them in the next few weeks
Ive read somewhere that for PCOS girls even a 10% reduction in weight results in ovulation most of the time so 14 pounds is all I should need