

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
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Do you have any pets? And do you have any concerns about mixing your pets and your kidlets?

I'm a rodent lover so I've got two guinea pigs and two rats. You should see the look on people's faces when I tell them that no I won't be getting rid of the rats but I was considering maybe not putting them down the baby's clothing... *sigh* lol!
Oh god! I know exactly how you feel!
I have 2 dogs (a 8 year old Dalmatian and a year old Basset Hound), and everyone asks me, well actually, more tells me that I HAVE to get rid of them before the baby is born.
My Dally is an absolute angel, very patient and not your typical 'bouncing off the walls' for his breed. My Basset is a little more lively and stubborn, but we're doing our best to train them both to become more adaptable ready for when baby arrives.
We've even hired a behavioural trainer to help us get them ready.

I'm not going to let them stay alone with my baby or let them sleep in his room, or whatever people assume we do! But I don't see why my two well behaved dogs should be shipped off without being given the opportunity to get used to being around the baby.

If something happened, or I felt that the dogs were not getting used to or were unhappy being around the baby. Then I would reconsider rehoming them. But I think it's cruel that once you get pregnant you're meant to kick the dogs (who have been your babies before) out of your lives. (Unless you obviously have genuine concerns beforehand).
Exactly!! Besides I think babies growing up with pets is a good thing. Don't get me wrong I know there is a possibility that Para might get a nip off my ratties if s/he shoves their hand in the cage, but I'll be making sure s/he learns not to do that! I get a nip off my two if I go shoving my hands in their faces and they're my little furries!

People just seem to make it sound like I'm going to lock the baby in a cage with my rats...!
I have 2 crazy spaniels - Everyone thought we were mad and that the dogs would get 'snappy' and 'jealous' even thought they are the soppiest cuddliest dogs around .. Well everyone was wrong they adore my little man and if he cries they look at him and me like 'come on mum give him a cuddle!' <3
I love my pets and I think they are fantastic company for children! xx
I have a 7 year old pit bull who is pretty mellow along with 2 cats. You should see people's faces when they find out we have a pit bull and are having a baby! Ugh people are ridiculous.

We are keeping them all, of course. But we're buying baby gear specifically because of the pets. Like we're getting a swing rather than a bouncer so the baby is off the floor and is more stable and I'm also not going to change the baby on the floor (sanitary reasons, I'm a germ freak haha).
We have an almost 3 year old pot bellied pig (its his birthday next friday) there is no way he can stay with bubs on the way as he is rather partial to laying on the sofa. He is moving to the inlaws at the weekend. Also have a will be coming to stables with me from about 4 weeks old.
I have a cat, he is quite literally like an adopted child to me.. I love him like I'm his mummy :haha: he's 4 and I've had him since he was 6 weeks. My MIL is absolutely stunned I'm not tossing him out... Siblings disagree sometimes, that may happen with my biological baby and my fur baby but we cross that bridge when we come to it right? It grates my cheese that people assume you're not going to take a single risk... Lets be real, risks need to be taken, your life doesn't need to be flipped on its head just because you're expanding your family..
I have a cat that I have had for over a year now. I have no plans to get rid of him. Children frighten him so I am pretty sure that when we bring our daughter home he will hide out for a while. But he will get over it and when she is older he will get extra attention from her I am sure :)

I think that the biggest adjustment for my cat will be when we start closing off the bedroom to him. Normally he sleeps with my husband and me but when my daughter arrives, she will get to sleep with us ;)
I have a cat that I have had for over a year now. I have no plans to get rid of him. Children frighten him so I am pretty sure that when we bring our daughter home he will hide out for a while. But he will get over it and when she is older he will get extra attention from her I am sure :)

I think that the biggest adjustment for my cat will be when we start closing off the bedroom to him. Normally he sleeps with my husband and me but when my daughter arrives, she will get to sleep with us ;)

You may want to look into calming sprays/feliway plug ins for the areas you think he will be in most. I have found them REALLY helpful when I got the puppy. Males with lots of stress are sometimes prone to urinary issues.

When baby is there and door is closed he probably won't mind to much as he will be avoiding her anyways :)
We have 2 cats and 2 dogs, we are keeping the all. We have always had a cat and a dog and just used common sense precautions but the animals were always gentle and even protective of the babies. I can't imagine the kids not having grown up with them...they were such good friends!

The pets we have now are not the same one though and they have not been used to small children living here although they are fine when small children come to visit. We will use common sense and train the dogs to treat baby the right way. If we have a problem with any particular animal we will deal with it then, but until they give me reason to think they can't handle it I am prepared to do the work and give them the benefit of the doubt.

We used to have rats for a long time. Rats are adorable pets!!!
I have a female Labrador who will be two in December and she is very loving, affectionate and protective. She wouldn't know how to hurt anyone if she wanted too. Although I trust her, she won't be allowed upstairs (moving into a new house next month so easy to do), I'm having baby gates put up in the door ways so I can shut her in a room if I need to (she's a small Labrador and hasn't worked out she could jump gates if she wanted too) and I'll encourage her to be around the baby so they get used to each other very quickly but I'll NEVER leave them alone together, even if I'm only a few feet away. Clio is like my shadow anyway so shouldn't have too many problems.

I also have a kitty who turned seven last month and he keeps out of peoples way. He doesn't like anything that makes loud noises or smells so no issues with him. When Little Man is older and grabbing on to Tigger's tail he may get hissed at but no more than that.

However, should I ever feel uncomfortable then I will rehome them but I won't consider doing it now. Tigger was a birthday gift and I got him when he was a baby and Clio was bought for me as I was struggling with infertility and she gave me something to love, care for and who depended on me. Both my pets are my babies and I will have them for as long as I can.

People who presume you will 'get rid' of your pets just because you're expecting drive me bonkers. My MIL is one of them yet she got a Lercher when child #4 (her youngest at the time) was 18 months old and had her until child #6 was four years old.
I have a 100lb Alaskan Malamute, a Siamese kitten and 2 hamsters, never had an issue as its all common sense!

My son is 26mths and im 8wks preggers with #2 :happydance:
My son learned to walk by holding the dogs collar and she would lead him round till he eventually let go :thumbup: I feel most kids don't know how to act round animals now hence the increase in dog bites, its our jobs to make sure they respect and care for animals x
They're just lovely aren't they TicToc?! Such cute little faces and I know they freak people out but I love their tails! They were my birthday presents from my hubby, he knows me so well! ;)
They are, and they are so affectionate just like little puppies. People who never had rats just don't know what they're missing. ;)
I have 4 Border Collies, 4 Rabbits and 8 Guinea Pigs.
Nothing has ever been said about my small furries but some family members have voiced concerns over my dogs. There is no chance I will EVER 'get rid' of my fur babies, so I really dont know why they bother mentioning anything to be honest :)
I have a five month old cat. I won't get rid of him but he's def not allowed in the nursery! Or around the baby unless I am... Since cats will apprently lay on a baby's face for warmth and end up suffocating them. Kinda scary. Will be keeping a close watch but not getting rid of.

I also really want a rat. I love them <333 should be getting one soon.

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