Happy 3m months Zander, Sacha wow time flies eh? Hope you are well xx
Claire Abi was transverse up until we were past 32 weeks and then lay oblique for weeks until she settled down LOA turning ROA only days before she was born, little monkey lol
Love Georgia too, my Conor would have been Georgia if he had been a girl xx
Hi Brandi
Nice to hear from you, I love the name Gabriel, and would have used Gabe too! My hubby was not keen though
Abi slept for 5 hrs last night straight! Brill !! I still keep her with me down stairs until about 11pm, then she gets a last feed when we go up, and she slept until 4am. Clever wee chick
I had my coil inserted wednesday, and it was very uncomfortable. And my pelvis has been sore since too. And I have been bleeding since too

bloody knew I should have got hubby to do the right thing this time and go for snip lol.... But then that is too final haha!
Love to all mums and babies and bumps xx