Lol, the worst thing is...I know!! And I cannot stop it!!! I decide that tonight I will be nice, talk to hubby, tell him what I need him to do to help etc.. Lol then he comes in from work, mentions being tired or having had v real busy day or wants to go to his friends, and I am screaming inside. I am tired, I maybe haven't had the best of days and would love top go out to friends but don't say anything because I know it is not his fault but am being an irrational bitch again.... So say nothing horrid, but don't say anything nice or proactive either and end up feeling angry and peeved off and well bitchy again lmao!! And if he suggested I go out wihout Abi, I would say no!! I want to be with her. But I find I can't leave Dawson either because then I feel I am abandoning him! So in all honesty hubby cannot really win. I want him to interactive with Dawson, the way I do! Not his half arsed attempts at it. I want to be able to spend time with both of the little ones and know he is looking after the other one / interacting with them as I would. And I don't think he does, so I end up doing it all and then feeling bitchy about it. Grrrrr hoping this is hormones and that normal me resumes soon! I really dislike this me!
Last night he was eating a biscuit and I wanted to shout at him to shut the hell up, why does he need to be so noisy?? Can he not eat normally? Lmao, we have been together 14 years so I am sure he has not suddenly developed eating habits that annoy me so much lol