First of all i just want to welcome Cleo and Mommie!!!!:wave:
Mrs. N, I'm sorry you got a negative opk, hopefully soon it will be positive for you!!! FX always!!
Tudor, yahhh for ordering some hpt's online!! There so cheap eh? haha...Well hopefully the

doesn't show her face, but you know best!!!
Jaccib, I do think you got in quite abit of

, but it doesn't hurt to go for some more!!!! hahaha
Kelly, I'm so glad your pain has gone away!!! Lets hope that the

doesn't show her face on 17th!!!!
Cleo, welcome again!!! You don't need to lie to us..haha..If you PIAC everyday thats ok, i pretty much do!!!
Mommie, Hey Tiffany!! Welcome hun!! Now there's an honest girl!!! haha..not ashamed of saying she's PIAC that many times a day!!! hahaha..
Well girls as for myself I'm on CD 39, I'm either 7 days late if i'm going by my 32 day cycle or 2 days late if i'm going by my 37 day cycle!! I'am really feeling pregnant, I have all the symptoms!!! Have taken hpt's and they all come back
only very faint lines on them, and no sign of the
showing up either..Went to the docs today and got them to do a test and it also came back neg!!! So i told him that i have all the symptoms, so he said i can get some blood work done tomorrow to find out 100% if iam or not!! Oh my God!! I sure hope it comes back positive, cause if it doesn't i'm going to FREAK!!!!!
I've also been having these tiny little crampy pains right underneath my tummy and they come and go and are bareable!!! I guess i will just go and get the test done tomorrow morning and then wait!! But in the mean time, i went to the dollarama and picked up 10 tests!! haha
I'm a total PIAC ADDICT!!!!