PIAC Addicts

so i think the time has come for me to start PIAC this cycle! i wasn't going to start with the OPKs until cd10, seeing as I didn't ov until cd33 last cycle! But, today my cervix is high and soft, and I have wet CM, so I will do an OPK later
I made sure I showed my DH my pee cup so he wouldn't touch it :)

On a crappier note...

I almost ended up going to the emergency room last night at 2am. I woke up with the most intense sudden pain in my lower abdomen it last for about an hour I was wimpering and crying trying not to wake DH up and just when I was going to get up and see if the urgent care section was still open here it started to subside and I was able to sleep again. My abdomen is still very sore and tender but not as bad. It really scared me I kept thinking maybe I was pregnant and it was ectopic I can't think of anything that would explain that kind of pain. If it comes back I will be heading right to emerg.
hi ladies well witch got me on to next month.xx
Hi PLEASEEEEEEE may I join you? Just off to PIAC!!!!
It was a definate + OPK.........in agony at the moment though...been having crampy pain today but tonight it's gotten worse feels like :witch: but it certainly can't be that.
jaccib sounds like ovulation pain!

kelly sorry to hear you are having pains too, make sure you get checked out if it continues!
I am ok now went to urgent care they did preg test negative which I told her it would be since I am 9dpo and with DH's sperm results. They are sending me for an ultrasound to check for cysts etc but say not to worry as I have never had these issues before and that it could be super early bad menstrual cramps.. I am thinking not though. I want it to be implantation but not getting hopes up. No infections or anything unusual. They sent out my blood for a hcg test results will be in tomorrow but I won't be able to see doc till wednesday at the earliest. Besides I don't think you can detect hcp in the blood like a day after implantation is thats what happened... can you?
:wave:Welcome Quail, Tudor, Mrs.N and Jaccib!!!! Good to have you gals in our group!!!!

Quail, I'm so sorry AF got you!! I hope she doesn't give you too hard of a time!!! Fingers crossed for next cycle!!!!

Tudor, I have a cup that sits in the bottom of our bathroom cabinet..hehe..I'm always afraid that DH might use it or something, so ya, had to label it, just to remind him!!!

Mrs. N, Did you end up taking an OPK?? If so, how did it turn out?? FX for you hun!!!

Jaccib, def sounds like ovulation!!! Congrats on the positive opk!!! I hope you've gotten in some :sex: and your not online cause your TOOO busy!!! hehe

Kelly!! I really hope your feeling better!!!! I'm thinking about you and hoping its your :bfp: and nothing serious!! I will keep my fx for you hun!! If there's anything i can do, let me know!!!!

Kelly has the pain gone now?

want2beamom yeah I did and it was negative (theres a pic in my journal - will be adding a pic each day if I get around to it for comparison!)
morning girls, i ordered some hpt of ebay this morning just been the toilet and signs the :witch: is going to make an early show.
Oh no Tudor Rose....hope she stays away for you!!

Thanks want2bamom.......I should be so lucky...he was away last night!!! Managed Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon and Wed though!!!!!!! Hope that was enough....could go for it tonight for good measure too I suppose unless we are too tired after driving down to Sussex later!!!!!
Hugs tudor rose, but at least if she has the audacity to come she made it early instead of later so you can get a head start on the next cycle.

Pain has gone away!!!!!! Whoot! Just mild occasional cramps now which could be from the ice cap I had earlier as caffiene kills my stomach. No symptoms so waiting for witch to show her face on the 17th. If I were pregnant it would be a miracle as DH's sperm morphology isn't great. So not getting my hopes up. Still haven't heard from the fertility clinic about an appointment.
Me too! Me too! I PIAC everyday...TWICE a day! Okay, not everyday, but everyday starting at CD10, and seeing as I seem to be a bloody late O'er, that ends up going till CD25 or so (like this cycle, for example!) I do it twice a day, because one month I was only doing them once a day and I completely missed my O! I must have had a really short surge that month, but ever since I PIAC mornings and late afternoons, just in case! LOL! Talk about obsessive! So hope that's enought to let me in the club!
Hu my name is tiffany and i am a pee in a cup addicit ha ha i find myself wanting to pee in a cup everyday sometimes 2 to 3 times a day
First of all i just want to welcome Cleo and Mommie!!!!:wave:

Mrs. N, I'm sorry you got a negative opk, hopefully soon it will be positive for you!!! FX always!!

Tudor, yahhh for ordering some hpt's online!! There so cheap eh? haha...Well hopefully the :witch: doesn't show her face, but you know best!!!

Jaccib, I do think you got in quite abit of :sex:, but it doesn't hurt to go for some more!!!! hahaha

Kelly, I'm so glad your pain has gone away!!! Lets hope that the :witch: doesn't show her face on 17th!!!!

Cleo, welcome again!!! You don't need to lie to us..haha..If you PIAC everyday thats ok, i pretty much do!!!:rofl:

Mommie, Hey Tiffany!! Welcome hun!! Now there's an honest girl!!! haha..not ashamed of saying she's PIAC that many times a day!!! hahaha..

Well girls as for myself I'm on CD 39, I'm either 7 days late if i'm going by my 32 day cycle or 2 days late if i'm going by my 37 day cycle!! I'am really feeling pregnant, I have all the symptoms!!! Have taken hpt's and they all come back :bfn: only very faint lines on them, and no sign of the :witch: showing up either..Went to the docs today and got them to do a test and it also came back neg!!! So i told him that i have all the symptoms, so he said i can get some blood work done tomorrow to find out 100% if iam or not!! Oh my God!! I sure hope it comes back positive, cause if it doesn't i'm going to FREAK!!!!!:hissy: I've also been having these tiny little crampy pains right underneath my tummy and they come and go and are bareable!!! I guess i will just go and get the test done tomorrow morning and then wait!! But in the mean time, i went to the dollarama and picked up 10 tests!! haha:rofl: I'm a total PIAC ADDICT!!!!
I am ALWAYS up for a bit more :sex: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Can't seem to help it ATM!!!!!:blush::blush:
want2beamom - faint lines?? you mean faint second lines? cos a line is a line hun! hope you get some concrete answers from your bloods.
Welcome cleo!!!!! We're in another group together but this one is fun to!

So the FS called me this morning! She said my progesterone levels were 70 and were great I definitely ovulated. She def thinks our problems are from DH's sperm but is sending me on June 26 for a Hysterosalpingogram, the dye test just to make sure. I think I'll be getting an ultrasound to then if they are all clear that will be as far as they will go with tests for me. So thats the updates nothing else very exciting going on.
want2beamom - faint lines?? you mean faint second lines? cos a line is a line hun! hope you get some concrete answers from your bloods.

Hey hun, ya the second line has been very faint..So i will see what happens with my blood test!! Hopefully i'll know something by later today sometime!!!

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