Piercing baby's ears

I don't see what the big deal is, is just ear piercings !
I got mine done when I was a newborn in the hospital. I'm going to do them also for my baby girl.
Babys dont have a great immune system, and you hear stories all the time of ppl being allergic to the metal or it getting infected no matter how much they are cleaned. This can lead to blood poisoning, swelling of lobe, throat, tongue ... At least when they are older they are stromger to fight such things.
I know baby can react to all sorts of foods etc but I wouldnt take the risk personally :-)
Oh no i couldn't sit and watch that get done to a little baby i'd bawl my eyes out it bloody hurts. I got mine pierced when i was 7 yrs old so if my child wants it done around that age then they have my permission.
TBH now days it's the young teenage mums, common people and chav's who piece their babies ears - sorry ladies but it's true, at least it is here where I live!

This comment shocked me. Sorry to bring up something from so far back but when we got Ava's ears done it cost us 60$ with the gold earrings. its expensive to get done. I cant see someone with lower income wasting money on something like that when they could spend it on more important things. Here its not seems as a class thing at all.

Its very common where I live. Last year I knew 6 girl plus myself that had baby girls. All got their daughters ears done but one and he reason was because she couldn't afford it.

And to whoever said it looks disgusting, does this really look disgusting?

You ask does it look discusting? And the answer is no she looks gawjus but she looks just as much without ??!!
My mum got mine pierced when I was really young - all my photos from about a year have earrings in them. To the person who said 'what girl doesn't like earrings' - I don't and can't stand seeing them on me in young photos. I've never worn them since I was about 8 but still have visible holes in my ears.

Not wanting to judge anyone just wanted to add that some times girls don't like that they had their ears pierced when young.
me and my hubby are both body piercers we have parents bring them in at 6 weeks so really i think its the parents choice just make sure with all that is going on you can take care of them oh and some baby doctors do them too :)
beebee17 - I'm thoroughly disgusted by what you've said. I'm 17 years old, I'm not a chav. I bet my bloody arse that I'm just as good a parent as you. Don't even try and pretend that "it's that way where you are". It's not that way ANYWHERE. There are bad parents who co-incidentally are chavs and are young. There are bad parents that are 35 & married. Please tell me the difference, what this has to do with ear-piercing and why that makes me inadequate.

beebee17 - I'm thoroughly disgusted by what you've said. I'm 17 years old, I'm not a chav. I bet my bloody arse that I'm just as good a parent as you. Don't even try and pretend that "it's that way where you are". It's not that way ANYWHERE. There are bad parents who co-incidentally are chavs and are young. There are bad parents that are 35 & married. Please tell me the difference, what this has to do with ear-piercing and why that makes me inadequate.


Im soooo not easily offended but this comment really got to me. I'm a young parent but about as far from 'chav' as you can get. It's a completely preposterous idea that only teenage moms pierce their childrens ears. I don't know ANY teenage moms that have had their babies ears pierced, but I know quite a few older moms that have
Not goingvto comment with my opinion as the OP has not asked for it. But my experience was I got my ears pierced for my 11th birthday and it was probably one of the most exciting things ever for me! I had coveted earings for so long and really begged my mum for so long. When I got them done it didnt hurt too much, I was certainly able to cope with the pain. Nowadays I dont wear earings as one ear closes up and is extremely painful to put back in, of all the piercings ive had throughout the years only my right ear original piercing has not got infected or closed over! I think I must just have strange skin determined to scar over lol. Just giving u my experience to highlight how if its done later it doesnt nec mean trauma and pain for your daughter. X
beebee17 - I'm thoroughly disgusted by what you've said. I'm 17 years old, I'm not a chav. I bet my bloody arse that I'm just as good a parent as you. Don't even try and pretend that "it's that way where you are". It's not that way ANYWHERE. There are bad parents who co-incidentally are chavs and are young. There are bad parents that are 35 & married. Please tell me the difference, what this has to do with ear-piercing and why that makes me inadequate.


Im soooo not easily offended but this comment really got to me. I'm a young parent but about as far from 'chav' as you can get. It's a completely preposterous idea that only teenage moms pierce their childrens ears. I don't know ANY teenage moms that have had their babies ears pierced, but I know quite a few older moms that have

Me too, I couldn't be arsed to go back far enough to quote her actual post but some others quoted it in the last few pages. I'm disgusted at the notion that I'm a chavvy young mum who reckons it's a great idea to alter my child in the name of beauty.

Obviously, because I'm 17 I couldn't possibly have a valid cultural reason for doing such a thing, I'm obviously just a chav and a bad mummy :dohh:
I would advise strongly against getting a newborns or babies ear pierced. My main reason is because a babies immune system is not fully developed until 6 months of age. When a baby is born their bodies are already trying to adjust to the new world and all it's bugs. Which means the immune system is under immense strain trying to sustain a healthy internal enviroment and not allowing infection. Therefore having a babies ears pierced is putting an unessicary strain on an immature immune system. Due to the immune systems status there is an increased risk of the piercing to become infected, which is very very painful. Having had a piercing become infected I would not wish that pain on anyone let alone a young baby. My pain threashold is very high but I was actually crying with pain when the doctor was trying to remove the piercing in my ears. Some people may say, " My baby was fine, it didn't become infected" But are you really willing to take that risk? A risk that could cause a baby a lot of pain?

So if I had a little girl would wait until she could ask for the piercing herself and when she is at an age to comprehend pain and understand that there is a risk of infection. I think children should have a choice about perminant ( perminant as it does leave a scar even if small) unessicary cosmetic procedures. I understand that parents think it looks good etc but surely that should be the child's choice? Yes i know we make choices for our children everyday i.e. feeding, medical care, clothes etc. But these choices are in the best interests of the child and their well-being. I see no use in piercing a babies ear when looking after their well-being. Therefore IMO it is unnessicary, I don't judge parents for piercing babies ears. I'm a student nurse and I saw a baby with her ears pierced the other day, I didnt judge the mother but I don't agree with it x

ETA: I had my son when I was 17 (Fell pregnant when I was 16) and before I knew what sex I was having the thought of piercing a baby girls ears didn't even enter my head. x
Also Just readind the thread and allergies came up :) My friend pierced her babies ears and she was constantly playing with them. It wasn't until the little girl could speak that she said her ears were itching. It turns out she had a very mild allergy to the metal that made it itch, although it was so mild it didn't really cause any redness. So that little girl had to deal with an uncomfortable itching pain until she could speak and tell her mum. You just don't know what your baby is allergic to and it could cause them discomfort x
beebee17 - I'm thoroughly disgusted by what you've said. I'm 17 years old, I'm not a chav. I bet my bloody arse that I'm just as good a parent as you. Don't even try and pretend that "it's that way where you are". It's not that way ANYWHERE. There are bad parents who co-incidentally are chavs and are young. There are bad parents that are 35 & married. Please tell me the difference, what this has to do with ear-piercing and why that makes me inadequate.


Im soooo not easily offended but this comment really got to me. I'm a young parent but about as far from 'chav' as you can get. It's a completely preposterous idea that only teenage moms pierce their childrens ears. I don't know ANY teenage moms that have had their babies ears pierced, but I know quite a few older moms that have

I agree. It really is quite offensive to generalise. I had my daughter Aimee at 17 and I didn't pierce her ears.
Can't belive this is still going on.... Has anybody actually answered the question,, I know I did but then realised it was USA not uk....:doh: Remeber we all don't want high blood pressures during preg, don't stress ur self out, it's only a question not a political party law enforcement .....
I would think that the people who were going to perice the babies ear probably have an age limit ie they have to be 6 months or at least a year old before the pericer would even consider (I would think thats how it would be) just like when someone wants a tattoo , you have to be a certain age etc. but I dont honestly know haha Im having a baby boy so this question has never popped into my mind :haha:
I don;t want to be judgemental, but why on earth anyone would do that to their own baby is beyond me. It must be cultural difference (US vs UK) but I wouldn't do that to my child until she is aware and agrees that this is what she wants.
Satine, you can't say that here!!! It's naughty and not wanted :p there's a bit in the debates section for ppl to give opinions x
well seeing as how I was a baby when I had mine done, I would rather pierce when she is a baby. But I also had mine done by a dr.

I see way to many kids getting pierced at an older age and all they did was bawl and cry.
I am disgusted by the comment on teenage parents being all classed as "chavvy." We are just as good parents as any older mother and i know PLENTY of women in their 20s or 30s who are incapable of raising children and PLENTY of teenage mums who are fantastic parents.

Im not getting involved at all as i like the peacefull life :) but please, be carefull about generalising.
Wow! Sort of skimmed the last few pages & I must say this thread got a little out of hand. Most replies I've ever gotten on a post LOL

Either way, thanks all who ANSWERED my question!! Sounds like little miss will get her earrings sometime after her 1st shots & I should steer clear of Claires if possible!

Will post pics of the princess, earrings & all... If she ever arrives!

Have a great night all :)

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