Piercing baby's ears

I'm having a boy..... BUT

I had mine done when I was 8 weeks old. (I believe that's still about the youngest that professional people will actually do it in the USA)

I hate to see the negative comments on your thread. People will be people I suppose. *sigh*

Anyways-- congrats on your daughter, I'm sure she'll be lovely :)
We were told by our doctor to wait until our daughters 2 month shots as then she would have the tetnus incase there was an infection. As she was born 2 months early, we waited till she was 4 months (2 months corrected). We also chose only 14K gold or highter for her earrings as I occasionally react to non-gold products. We are in Canada and were also told that most shops wont do them till at least 2 months here as they dont want to be blamed for infection etc.

We had no problems with infection. Occasionally we saw the little crusty bits around the earring, but were told to expect that in the first few weeks. What I do suggest if you can find them is the earrings with the backings that screw onto the part that goes through the ear. They also have a rounded edge so there is nothing to poke her head while she sleeps etc (if that makes sense)

We found that since finding those, our daughter doesnt touch them or even realize that they are there.

Hope that helps. I got mine done by my dad when I was probably 1-2 months old (family traditon) and he used a sterilized sewing needle! I guess at that time there wasnt much concern around it.

If we were having another girl this time around, we would definitely be doing it again around the 2 month mark.

Good luck! Girls are so much fun!
I had my daughters done at 2 months. They told me I had to wait until she was 2 months. That was in St. Louis, MO. I don't know if it is different in different places or not. I am very happy I did it then. She didn't cry or anything.

Good to know! Did u go to a claires type place in the mall, or somewhere else?

I'm from the US as well, so I too, do not see a big deal here...I didn't piece my first DDs ears, and won't pierce this DDs ears either, but it is purely a personal preference (I also am allergic to a lot of metals, so it scares me to do it). But being a trained piercer myself and owning a tattoo shop, I have to throw in some thoughts that I had-
-You may be best off to do it yourself, You can buy the kits brand new. Keep in mind that in most (if not all) places that use the piercing guns, they are not sterilized between people. Now, while it is mostly just the jewelry coming into contact with the ear, there is a chance of contamination on the guns, a 99% of the piercers that use the piercing guns (afterthoughts, walmart, claires, etc), are not trained or certified for blood borne pathogens or anything else...and with HepC and such the way it is, it isn't worth even the tiniest chance. Also, there is hardly any (if any at all..) training that goes into using those guns. So, chances are, that you and your OH could do a better job then the piercers at any of those places anyway. =)
on another note- as far as the when, most of my friends had their babies ears done asap, I believe it followed the shots- I would ask your pediatrician about it when you bring her in for her shots! Most babies handle the ear piercing as well, if not better than they do their immunizations.

Good luck! =)
lol even if i wanted to pierce my daughter's ears (i have nothing against people who do! i have friends who had their ears pierced as babies, and i was very jealous since i was only allowed to pierce mine once i was 13!)
my OH would absolutely murder me if I did lol. but he's already talking about how she's not allowed to date till she's 30.

as others have said! I'd wait a while for immunizations etc, so that if they do get infected (which can happen even if you clean them properly - 1 of mine did cos it was pierced at an angle) her little body can fight it off
im not even gonna read the thread, but seeing as we're on the topic! I want to have my daughters done (2.5yrs). Does anyone know whether they will dig in to her head as she sleeps? I'd hate for her to have them done then have to take them out because they're uncomfy at night. Thanks!
ys it's the young teenage mums, common people and chav's who piece their babies ears - sorry ladies but it's true, at least it is here where I live!

Saying that it is your baby and if you feel the need to do this at such a young age whatever. I personally won't be doing it to mine!

A neighbour of my sister had her LO's ears pieced at around 2/3 months, personally I thought it looked ridiculous! They were only in around 3/4 days and because she was sleeping so much and laying on her side the back of the earring got stuck in her ear and she had to be taken to hospital to have it removed, the little baby was screaming with pain and when they arrived at A&E the doctor nearly ate the mother!

I was 17 with my first, I didnt pierce her ears. This comment is beyond rude
Not until they are old enough to take care of the new piercings themselves and understand exactly what they are asking for - a sharp needle through theor lobes. I would never allow a piercing with a gun because they are so unsanitary and can cause scarring.
ys it's the young teenage mums, common people and chav's who piece their babies ears - sorry ladies but it's true, at least it is here where I live!

Saying that it is your baby and if you feel the need to do this at such a young age whatever. I personally won't be doing it to mine!

A neighbour of my sister had her LO's ears pieced at around 2/3 months, personally I thought it looked ridiculous! They were only in around 3/4 days and because she was sleeping so much and laying on her side the back of the earring got stuck in her ear and she had to be taken to hospital to have it removed, the little baby was screaming with pain and when they arrived at A&E the doctor nearly ate the mother!

I was 17 with my first, I didnt pierce her ears. This comment is beyond rude
Yes, I agree. What a terrible generalization. I am a young mother and I breastfeed, cosleep, do attachment parenting with natural methods and would never piece my infants ears. :growlmad: come now...
i had my dd's ears done when she was 3 months old. i would have this babies ears done at about 3-4 months but my partner has said im not allowed. and she can make the choice when she is older. my sister got her dd done when she was 4 and ended up with only 1 earring as she wouldnt allow them to do the 2nd one, that was 10 years ago and they only done 1 at a time. i think it is very common in the uk to have it done all the little girls/babies i see have there ears peirced.
im not even gonna read the thread, but seeing as we're on the topic! I want to have my daughters done (2.5yrs). Does anyone know whether they will dig in to her head as she sleeps? I'd hate for her to have them done then have to take them out because they're uncomfy at night. Thanks!

I posted above that with my daughter, we found earrings with backings that screwed onto the back of the earring covering it, so nothing but a round circle ever touches her head. It also prevents her from trying to take them out (which she never has). Worth a try for your daughter.

Ive tried uploading a pic of one I found online. Makes more sense when seeing a pic of it.


  • earring.jpg
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Thanks, ladies! It's 4:00 am and I've been having pretty bad contractions about 5 minutes apart for some time. Reading some good old-fashioned judgmental Internet passive aggression has been the perfect way to pass the time. Now off to wake up the husband!
Sorry to go off an yet another tangent, but I am confused by the comments about it being more painful when they are old enough to be aware of what is happening. Do they not numb the ear lobes before piercing them any more then? I had my ears pierced when I was 11 and didn't feel a thing. Ditto the second lot I had when I was 13.
I'm full of holes myself, but if I did have a little girlie I'd be waiting til she was over 7, more because I think of it as a lovely bonding experience for when she understands more :) not just that, I wouldn't go pierce an adult without their consent, so figure it'd be hypocritical of me to do it to a littlie. That's just my thing though, not bothered by what other people do with their bubsies :flower:
had mine done at 1 year old by my mother with a darning needle!! yes a darning needle!! ear piercing back then was expensive apparently! x
lol i froze mine with a fish finger cos i couldnt find the ice cubes in the back of my nans freezer in the middle of the night, whilst on a sleepover with cousins.

not sure if theres a age restriction, i love the look of little girls with ears pierced but wont be taking mine til shes older, i wont even let my 9 year old have them done, incase she changes her mind.

wish i was brave enough to let mine have them done.
slight hijack.... but luckyone09, I love your avatar!! How cute!

As for the rest of the posts, yall are making me giggle uncontrollably, with the peeing and farting when you laugh, oh my... my LO made me fart the other day, don't know how that happened? LOL (at least that's what I tell DH :rofl:)
They're just making a bit more room for themselves ;)
lilly had hers done at 9 months she got them done claires and she didnt mess with them they healed lovely you have to wait till they have had there primary injections and at claires they wont do them between 1-5 cause they mess with them so earlier than 1 or over 5 your choice ive not thought about if or when ill get this ones done but prob will do xxxx
i had my ears pierced 3 times at the bottom or each ear as a teenager and twice at the top of each ear the top ones i knocked them out 7 weeks after having them done when i was on a rollercoaster at alton towers there may be a pin prick scar but i cant see it an no one has ever said wow you once had your ears pierced at the top lol i have a mark on my nose where i had that pierced but it looks more like a little freckle people have asked if i had my nose pierced but it doesnt bother me its tiny

was just reading all the other comments and some say its chavs that get it done in the uk
agreed on some part as i was born an bred on an estate in the uk and i still live here bought a house 2 doors on from my parents when i was 18 so u could say im a bit of chav and i had my lo's done but ive been a manager in a rock night club for years and i no loads of ladies in there that had there baby girls ears done at months old and they are certainly not chavie so i would say its just preference i personally done it because its a done thing in my family all the girls have them done i have a friend who has never had them done and she hates not wearing earrings when we go clubbing more so because her identical sister has hers done but she is a wimp and wont get them done now she is older xx
I don't see what the big deal is, have never known a girl to not like ear rings so better have them done when they can't get fiddled with I think.
I don't see why people say they can understand relgious reasons having it done but not for fashion... it's the same peircing being done or am I missing something?

There are far more terrible things a mum can do than give her little girl cute earings.
My little boy will be having on lobe done :).
My son is 10 and got his ear pierced last week...i would have let him get it done when he was about 7/8 but he wasnt keen then, so i let him decide..and his has been absolutely fine, he hasnt fiddled with it at all..and it hasnt been sore.

I dont agree with getting them done when they are tiny, i dont see the point in putting them through unessesary pain its bad enough watching them have all their jabs :cry: ...but thats just my opinion!

I wouldnt go to Claires...my sister was about 12 when she had hers done there, the girls did them at the same time and the gun didnt release the stud and got stuck on her ear....took them like 5 mins to get it off, my poor sister was in tears

As for people's opinions on this topic...the title says 'Piercing babys ears' so this is probably the reason there was so many different opinions.....not just about age :winkwink:

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