Piercing baby's ears

I think it looks disgusting on babies.. I'd say about age 10.
If we were having a girl I'd have it done in the first year for sure!

I wanted my ears pierced SO badly when I was a kid but I was terrified to get it done. I finally had it done in college, dragged in by my friends kicking and screaming and it was an awful experience. If I can spare my daughter that, and have her grow up with earrings and never think much of it, I would! :)

In response to those on the 'con' side of this, remember that most (as in, nearly all) women have their ears pierced at least in the U.S. culture. It's VERY unlikely your little girl would say at 13 'mommy, I HATE having pierced ears!' and then want to take them out. And even if she did, they would grow in.

It blows my mind how people get so weird about piercing ears when it's perfectly norm in this same society to circ our boys, something which is completely irreversible and obviously not something they get to decide either. . .kwim?
one of my spanish friends told me something really interesting in spain they pierce baby's ears within a few days because the pain is about the same as an injection . . . . she had her daughters done because well its kind of how its done where she is from, but when asked would you do it with a toddler she was like no absolutely not as by that time the pain would be the same as if you or i did it to ourselves. . . .

just thought i would throw that one in there if it hasnt already been lol
Personally I don't like to see babies/young children with pierced ears - they have to grow up fast enough these days without having to go through a painful procedure that is meant to "enhance" attractiveness/beauty. Babies are beautiful enough...let them decide when they are older if they want holes puncturing in their ears and metal adorning from them.
I think it looks disgusting on babies.. I'd say about age 10.

This isn't an opinion, this is a downright insult. What an awful attitude!

This thread has become pathetic IMO, the OP was asking a question from people who have experience in this. She was not asking for opinions. Therefore, 90% of these replies are useless. I think you all need to chill out, our babies, our choice. I don't tell others they're disgusting for choosing an epidural for their birth, for circumcising their sons or for smoking around their kids. These are all decisions which I have opinions on, but I don't go round voicing them as if anyone asked, or as if anyone cared.

OP didn't ask your opinion, and I frankly don't care what you think - my child's ears are MY child's ears and she will have them pierced. Now you can all go and grow up. Thanks :thumbup:
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.
im not even gonna read the thread, but seeing as we're on the topic! I want to have my daughters done (2.5yrs). Does anyone know whether they will dig in to her head as she sleeps? I'd hate for her to have them done then have to take them out because they're uncomfy at night. Thanks!

You'd have to check how long the 'stems' are. My studs dig in my ears at night because the 'stems' were too long and it kinda caused a cut which got irritated and flaky so I had to change my earrings.
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.

You're entitled to it, doesn't mean you need to voice it when it wasn't asked for. If you need to voice your opinion on it that much, start a thread FOR that. This thread wasn't for that, so you coming in to voice your opinion is just very rude. This thread is in my user CP because I replied to help the OP at the start of the thread. I'm entitled to my opinion too but I don't go round replying to threads about hospital births or formula feeding saying it's bad just because I don't agree with it, I just keep my beak out unless it's constructive :thumbup:
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.

You're entitled to it, doesn't mean you need to voice it when it wasn't asked for. If you need to voice your opinion on it that much, start a thread FOR that. This thread wasn't for that, so you coming in to voice your opinion is just very rude. This thread is in my user CP because I replied to help the OP at the start of the thread. I'm entitled to my opinion too but I don't go round replying to threads about hospital births or formula feeding saying it's bad just because I don't agree with it, I just keep my beak out unless it's constructive :thumbup:

Maybe I am in the wrong :shrug: but I felt the need to voice my opinion even though it wasn't asked for.
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.

You're entitled to it, doesn't mean you need to voice it when it wasn't asked for. If you need to voice your opinion on it that much, start a thread FOR that. This thread wasn't for that, so you coming in to voice your opinion is just very rude. This thread is in my user CP because I replied to help the OP at the start of the thread. I'm entitled to my opinion too but I don't go round replying to threads about hospital births or formula feeding saying it's bad just because I don't agree with it, I just keep my beak out unless it's constructive :thumbup:

Maybe I am in the wrong :shrug: but I felt the need to voice my opinion even though it wasn't asked for.

Gladly, I don't feel the need to voice my opinion about your views although I disagree. It wouldn't help anyone if I did so, and it would only continue the mudslinging. I try not to voice opinions unless it'll actually help somebody - mainly because I'm very hormonal and opinionated, and I'll probably offend people if it's for the sheer sake of it :thumbup:
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.

You're entitled to it, doesn't mean you need to voice it when it wasn't asked for. If you need to voice your opinion on it that much, start a thread FOR that. This thread wasn't for that, so you coming in to voice your opinion is just very rude. This thread is in my user CP because I replied to help the OP at the start of the thread. I'm entitled to my opinion too but I don't go round replying to threads about hospital births or formula feeding saying it's bad just because I don't agree with it, I just keep my beak out unless it's constructive :thumbup:

Maybe I am in the wrong :shrug: but I felt the need to voice my opinion even though it wasn't asked for.

Gladly, I don't feel the need to voice my opinion about your views although I disagree. It wouldn't help anyone if I did so, and it would only continue the mudslinging. I try not to voice opinions unless it'll actually help somebody - mainly because I'm very hormonal and opinionated, and I'll probably offend people if it's for the sheer sake of it :thumbup:

I apologise for offending you, though I do stand by my opinion, I know its an offensive one. I've also taken your advice and taken it to the debates section :thumbup:
I've tried biting my tongue reading through this thread and I just can't.

Yes the baby's mother makes the decision but what gives her the right to decide to pierce a part of that babies skin, its just not right. You have to give consent to have a tattoo done so why aren't these babies given rights to say no? If they want them done when they're older fine, regardless of being the babies mother I just don't think they should have the right to poke holes in them. Do what the hell they want with their own bodies but its just not fair on a baby who has no choice in the matter.

And for those saying babies with pierced ears look adorable, they're babies, they shouldn't need a few bits of metal to look cute. Earrings will still be waiting in a few years time when they're older - and able to make their own decision.

May I ask, how would you ladies feel if you were pinned down and someone pierced your nose without your consent because it looked cool? I betcha bottom dollar you wouldn't be too happy.

I know the OP didn't ask for opinions but this is a public forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, agree or disagree.

You're entitled to it, doesn't mean you need to voice it when it wasn't asked for. If you need to voice your opinion on it that much, start a thread FOR that. This thread wasn't for that, so you coming in to voice your opinion is just very rude. This thread is in my user CP because I replied to help the OP at the start of the thread. I'm entitled to my opinion too but I don't go round replying to threads about hospital births or formula feeding saying it's bad just because I don't agree with it, I just keep my beak out unless it's constructive :thumbup:

Maybe I am in the wrong :shrug: but I felt the need to voice my opinion even though it wasn't asked for.

Gladly, I don't feel the need to voice my opinion about your views although I disagree. It wouldn't help anyone if I did so, and it would only continue the mudslinging. I try not to voice opinions unless it'll actually help somebody - mainly because I'm very hormonal and opinionated, and I'll probably offend people if it's for the sheer sake of it :thumbup:

I apologise for offending you, though I do stand by my opinion, I know its an offensive one. I've also taken your advice and taken it to the debates section :thumbup:

No worries, people are emotive about this subject on both sides of the coin - And to the bolded, thumbs up :thumbup:.
I just wonder why anyone would want to do that to their baby? In all seriousness what are the reasons? I like to broaden my views and I won't make any opinions known unless asked for, just wondering in all curiosity.. Why do it?
family traditions/religions/fashion

family tradition is why i have done it x
i have heard the best time is 3 months. i have also heard when they are that little they will do it in the dr's office which is probably a lot safer :thumbup:
I used to work in a salon that pierced babys ears, normally from 3 month. The babys used to cry obviously but settle quite quickly. And I do not think that there is on going pain mainly shock. I think it's important to keep clean unfortunately some people don't. A lot of Asian people pierce their babys ears due to culture. Doesnt make them bad parents. So Does it make it acceptable just because of culture???? So call White people chavs because it's not their culture???? Some people are so holyer than thou on this site!!!
Sorry to go off an yet another tangent, but I am confused by the comments about it being more painful when they are old enough to be aware of what is happening. Do they not numb the ear lobes before piercing them any more then? I had my ears pierced when I was 11 and didn't feel a thing. Ditto the second lot I had when I was 13.

i have 4 piercings in each ear, one in my tongue, and my navel... nothing was ever numbed first?? i wish! lol!
I know I shouldnt but cant help, a girl I know had her babys ears pierced and 1st one okay 2nd one baby moved slightly and it was pierced in wrong place so they did it again lower so now she has 3 holes in her ears and for what?? ... To look pretty, for another child to grab at them when playing. I think there should be a over 16 law on things like this after all you wouldnt tattoo your child, pierce their nose, belly etc so whats different about ears.
my 14 your step daughter just had her belly pierced for her 14th birthday her choice and both parents consented and that is all she needed xxx
TBH now days it's the young teenage mums, common people and chav's who piece their babies ears - sorry ladies but it's true, at least it is here where I live!

This comment shocked me. Sorry to bring up something from so far back but when we got Ava's ears done it cost us 60$ with the gold earrings. its expensive to get done. I cant see someone with lower income wasting money on something like that when they could spend it on more important things. Here its not seems as a class thing at all.

Its very common where I live. Last year I knew 6 girl plus myself that had baby girls. All got their daughters ears done but one and he reason was because she couldn't afford it.

And to whoever said it looks disgusting, does this really look disgusting?

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