Hi ladies! Very long time no posting and I am sorry about that. I hope you dont mind if I jump back into the thread?
Lady V- I am so sorry for everything you've had to go through. Praying that the surgery goes well and gives you a positive result. I hope your interview went well and sending prayers that this year brings you many many blessings.
Flueky- congratulations on your new little one!! how are you adjusting to having the two girls?
mom15- i hope your period starts up soon for you (or that it already has!)
AFM, i've been a ghost basically on bnb for a long time. it was hard after my DS2 was born because I almost immediately knew I wanted another one and my DH has been firmly against it. Last year he told me he was open to adoption and we heavily pursued researching the different options and consistently a door was shut until it was clear it wasn't the right path for us. I started to realize that this desire to have another wasn't going to happen but was determined not to lose hope and resolved myself to doing the things I had to do (lose the baby weight). But being around people who knew they were going to have another or pregnant, newborn was very hard emotionally so I took a complete step back from bnb to protect my heart.
I think I posted last summer maybe about my husbands health issues. Last June he went into cardiac arrest and died for 16 seconds until his defibrillator shocked him back. Honestly, that incident sent me into a tail spin. Therapy helped but watching my DH pretty rapidly decline and become more and more limited sent me into a bad depression. Having another baby was the furthest thing from my mind, I just wanted to keep my husband alive and with us. In November, he was referred to the Mayo Clinic to find out if he was a candidate for surgery...he was. I remember telling him in December that I didn't remember the last time I was truly happy because for months this heaviness hung in the air and we couldn't get out from the fog.
Well, in January, we made the trek again to the Mayo clinic where he underwent a successful open heart surgery. We are about 3.5 months post surgery now and he is basically healed up. We were in the hospital and the doctor told us that area of his heart was fixed, we both started to cry and I felt everything lift off of me. The depression, anxiety, stress....gone. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not thankful that he is still here- that he was given a second chance and doesn't have to live like it was before.
But of course, once we got home....the broodiness returned and more than ever I wanted a third....and he still didn't. But patience is a virtue I suppose and last night he changed his mind!!! Well, I say changed his mind...he would be perfectly fine not having one. But he told me he knows how important it is to me so he is willing. We have a few things we need to do like lose weight...I back put on the 30 pounds I had lost before his event. But he left the timing up to me and I think next summer seems like it would be a great time to start trying (there is a trip next June that I would love to take not pregnant).
If you made it this far, thank you for sticking with my novel lol. It seems so surreal to be officially WTT again and only a year left! This will 100% be our last baby and I am very much okay with that. We agreed that once we see a healthy heartbeat and genetic tests come back okay that DH will get a vasectomy.
I'm sorry again that I was here and then left for a long time and I hope you all understand and will have me back!