Please be my WTT buddie

We don't tend to go gender reveals in the UK we only just started doing baby showers lol.
I'm not sure if I want to find out to e honest it's something we need to talk about more
Kksy - Mailing it is pretty elaborate! I'd be so worried about everything moving around in the box lol I think I'll just set it somewhere that I can get a good recording of and lead him to it :)

Flueky - I would love for the first trimester to end around a holiday! It would be nice to already have everyone gathered to share the special news.
Flueky, that does sound like a great way to announce and perfect timing for an announcement!

I'm planning on waiting to tell my mom and DH's parents around the same time probably at the end of the first trimester. But if my first trimester is over the summer, I'm worried that I may have a hard time hiding it if I go to the beach with family. I will probably have bruises on my belly from lovenox shots that will be hard to explain without giving it away :dohh:
I'm not to worried about hiding it because I have a tilted pelvis my tummy sticks out anyway and I have ibs and when I bloat I get s bump so I'm just going to pretend that my ibs is playing up till we announce everyone will believe me to
My Ava bracelet is here!!! I really don't want to rush time because I want to enjoy every day of our trip to Spain, France, and Italy, but I'm so excited to start tracking my cycle when we get back at the end of the month :) Inching closer to TTC!
Oh I've seen them around you will have to let us know of its any good hun
Yea please I begrudge paying for tech things unless I know people who have used them. I'm rubbish with tech.
misswaiting- that's awesome he was talking to a friend about trying! and how cool that you could possibly have kids close together and be at the same stage at the same time. and you wont regret if you decide to not find out the gender! i dont know if i could have done it with my first but am so glad I did it last time. There aren't many things that are true surprises in life but this is one of them!

flueky- that's cute that you were shouting out for DH when you got your BFP last time! i've taken the tests with him there for both of mine...he told me he doesn't want to be surprised but find out at the same time. i like your gender reveal idea for next time!! we filled a cake with blue candies for my oldest (though it was only 3 other people...we didn't do a big party or anything). With our second we didn't find out and if we have another i want to keep it a surprise again....though i do have a really awesome reveal idea so i'm hoping a friend has a baby and lets me throw them a party haha

Lady- i dont think ive heard of an Ava bracelet before! what exactly does it do? your trip sounds awesome! how long are you going for?

kbk- you can always get a one piece or use a coverup on a two piece to help hide any bruises!

AFM, nothing new going on here :) ramping up for the end of school in a couple weeks and trying to get our schedule organized for the next couple months! Lots of fun things going on and hoping to not thing about the "will we/won't we" a whole lot. I'm also going to be pushing weaning a little bit more when we get back from a trip next week. DS2 is about to turn 16 months in a few days and I would like him fully weaned by 18. It took 6 weeks for my oldest to fully wean to it's about time to start. Thankfully he's been reducing back the amount and length of his sessions over the past month or so. Will just continue to gradually reduce it down. I have loved loved loved nursing him....but i'm ready for my body back and have a bit more flexibility to our day.
kksy, that's true about the one piece or maybe a more high-waisted bottom. I just worry that at least my family would be surprised to see me in something other than a bikini. I am blessed with tanning easily but it can lead to very odd tan lines very quickly so I typically try to wear bathing suits that would cause the least amount of noticeable tan lines.

Lady, do keep us updated on how you like the Ava. I have just started taking my BBT this month so that I will get into the habit of it before we TTC.

I'm still very much torn over whether I want to find out the gender or not. It would be such a fun surprise to wait but the planning side of me would really like to know.
Yea it would be awesome if we got pregnant the same time as them and I found out that a year this month my sister is thinking of TTC so that would be cool to
Miss Waiting - I've done my research on the Ava and belong to a few (too many) facebook groups with people who have shared their experiences with it. Lots of BFP announcements! :)

Kksy - You wear the Ava bracelet when you sleep and it tracks your temperature, heart rate, quality of sleep, and a few other things that give insight into your cycle and help you pinpoint your fertile window and ovulation. The benefit is that it uses more than just temperature to confirm ovulation and you don't have to wake up at the same time every morning like if you used a thermometer. In the morning, you just plug it in and it syncs with the app, uploading all of your data from that night. I'm looking forward to using it!

I'm so excited for our trip but feeling totally overwhelmed about what to pack. I'm also getting a certification for work this week and the training schedule is pretty intense. It ends on Friday and we fly out to Barcelona on Saturday. The cruise is Sunday through Sunday and we'll be back home on the 28th :) Everyone keeps telling us to go make a baby on the trip, but it's too soon!

kbk - I will keep you all posted! After going to bed and waking up late more than a few times in the past couple of weeks, I really didn't trust myself to temp with a BBT.

If any of you are interested in ordering one, I can share my code for $20 off. Just let me know! That's another plus about it, they have a referral program that gives you $20 back anytime someone uses your code.
Lady Victoria I think the ava bracelet is very cool. I don't have one but I'm okay with fertility charting with bbt, opk, and cm.

Also, I hope your training goes great!! Have a wonderful vacation too!!
I’ll join the club! My wife and I originally planned to start ttc next month but due to prior commitments realized we’d likely have to wait until July :dohh:: I’m getting impatient!
Fleuky - I didn't trust my discipline to be consistent with temping lol I do plan on using OPKs and tracking cm as well. I figure the more information, the better!

And thank you! Training has been intense (8am-5pm schedule Tues-Fri) but I'm learning a lot and have met some interesting professionals in different fields than I'm in. So ready to be on vacation though!
Hi ladies sorry I've been off the radar. Busy and just way to tired at the moment.
Lady V-The ava sounds awesome I'll have to look into it more hope your training goes well and you have a great holiday 😁.
Tmccarthy- welcome to the group.
We have had some of the other halfs friends around baby talk still continues and he has been looking at a vintage pram for me it's so exciting convinced him I need one and he decided to get a second one for himself and for when we travel back to Wales as a vintage pram won't fit in the boot of the car but talked it through with him and said we can get one that grows with baby so we only need one and we can use them again when we have more babies so it's worth it and vintage pram have a good resale value, although I'll probably con him into keeping it
Welcome tmc.

Lady, I understand. I was against temping for like 5 months. I kind of enjoy it in a weird way :rofl: I hope you ae having a lovely vacation right now.

Miss it's cute when our OHs get excited about baby things. I was superstitious about getting things before we conceived. I know it's weird, but it's just how I felt.

AFM, we had sex 2x in 36 hours leading to O. Didn't really intend to the first time. Was kind of like wth, why not the 2nd. DH was aware I had positive opk and didn't pull out. I think he didn't want to wait it out this cycle. Deep down, I didn't either.

Next month we officially ttc though. Do you guys want me to update on ttc or not? Don't want to be insensitive.
Welcome tmc.

Lady, I understand. I was against temping for like 5 months. I kind of enjoy it in a weird way :rofl: I hope you ae having a lovely vacation right now.

Miss it's cute when our OHs get excited about baby things. I was superstitious about getting things before we conceived. I know it's weird, but it's just how I felt.

AFM, we had sex 2x in 36 hours leading to O. Didn't really intend to the first time. Was kind of like wth, why not the 2nd. DH was aware I had positive opk and didn't pull out. I think he didn't want to wait it out this cycle. Deep down, I didn't either.

Next month we officially ttc though. Do you guys want me to update on ttc or not? Don't want to be insensitive.
He isn't excited about it to be honest but knows that that's the one thing I really really want and it's part of the announcement plan the pram that is 😁.
Oh totally keep us updated on ttc hun
Lady- ah. makes sense. i used a bbt with my second but its hard if you arent consistently waking up around the same time. i might ave to look into the ava if/when we are ready to try! how do you like it so far? i hope you are enjoying your trip!

TM- welcome! July isnt far off off at all! how exciting!! will this be your first?

misswaiting- its sweet that he is getting so involved and wanting to plan ahead. even if he isnt excited (tbh, i think thats the norm for first time dads) he's still taking steps to prepare. For me, I found the old phase "moms fall in love with their baby when they get pregnant and dads when baby is born" to be true. My DH isnt a fan of pregnancy and can stay detached. But as soon as those babies are out is head over heels and goes into Papa Bear mode.

Flueky- aahhh!! how exciting!! FX for you! Definitely want updates!

AFM, things here are going well! we were out of town last week (hence my absence on here) for a quick vacation and had a lot of fun. Kids did well and it was so nice to get some time away together. we talked quite a bit about baby 3 and I left the conversations feeling somewhat frustrated. he said that he just wants to move on to the next phase in life, which i completely understand and to some degree agree with. we met up with some friends who are pregnant with their second and they are done after this one. DH was going on (in front of them) about how he wished i felt the same as our friends and how he's going to stand his ground and not give in etc. I just felt like it wasn't a conversation to have with others and was insensitive towards how emotionally charged this whole thing is for me (he will do the same thing around my BIL and SIL, both of whom will jump in with "2 is a great number and we are so happy that we stopped and you guys should be done" so then its me feeling ganged up on).

then on the drive home he said i was just being selfish, which really really bothered me. we talked about it and he did wind up apologizing. It's not selfish for me to want another one. i have never come out and ASKED him to have another or demanded/decreed what our plan was. I've simply talked about how I am feeling. so i dont know. i feel open to being done but i dont feel like his is being open to having another, which is frustrating that we aren't putting in the same amount of thought and effort into the decision. we both agreed that it isn't the time to make any decisions and will reevaluate down the road. I'm hoping that in a year from now, with the baby weaned (we started a few days ago, hallelujah! it will take 4-6 weeks to be fully weaned but we started!), getting to go on some trips and continue on our fitness journey that it will feel more right.

It doesn't help that one of my close friends announced she is pregnant today. She has 2 boys also and this is #3...even though i am ridiculously happy for her (she has been one of my closest friends since we were 9) the little green monster is showing its face.

sorry for the long rant. i will say that our past conversations he has seemed more open to the idea and i still have a lot of hope that another will happen. it was just a lot of brick walls in a short time span so im feeling kind of down

i hope everyone is having a nice week!
Miss it's still nice he talks about it though. I think so:) it gets me excited at least. Time's getting closer. Can't wait for everyone to ttc.

Kksy9b thank you. I will. I'm thinking of testing Monday!

Wow, I would be hurt with DH saying that especially to others. I'm glad he apologized. I do hope he reconsiders. I hope my DH will be willing to have 3. He's undecided right now. We have to have number 2 first though.

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