ladies can anyone help me or offer me any reassurance as regards raised ALT levels?
Mine arent due to OC, I have gallstones and was admitted to hospital for 5 days 3 weeks ago, one was blocking my bile duct which caused me to have deranged LFT's.
at their highest my ALT levels were at 552 and I had raised bilirubin levels. bloods were repeated a week later and they had dropped down to 325, and my bilirubin level was back to within a normal range. I was really happy that the levels had improved but my midwife scared me by saying that the ALT level was still too high. She kept on saying that I had to call her immediately if I noticed any reduced movements but wouldnt really give me anything more to go on. She arranged for me to go to day assessment unit where I was put on a trace and all seemed fine with the baby. I spoke to a doctor who was happy with my results and said that the level had dropped dramatically within a week, and that my other levels being back to normal was a good sign.They are going to repeat bloods again this week, they didnt want to do it any sooner as they said that they needed to give them a chance to change.
Even though my levels had improved I am extremely worried as I feel that everyone is telling me something different and it scares me that different people's opinions could determine the wellbeing of my baby.
I was initially told by a different doctor when I was taken into a hospital that the raised ALT levels could poison the baby and there was a risk of them affecting the baby's liver and possibly even causing stillbirth
ive since been reassured over this but those words have stayed with me.
I dont know if these complications with my liver results could mean id need to be induced early. im scared that something will be overlooked and my baby could of been saved and wont be.
sorry if this upsets anyone im just in a right state over this tonight, i suffer badly with anxiety and depression anyway and this is driving me mad with worry, i feel so out of control with it