Hiya girls/ladies,
I thought it important that i start this thread as I had this condition when i was PG with Jack and there was very little information about it.
We all know the signs to look for with Pre Eclampsia but non of the baby books i was given explained about this.
This condition can be a threatening one to both mum and baby if not treated correctly (please don't be scared).
I started with mild itching on my arms at about 30 weeks, my MW sent me for blood tests and it was OC.
Basically it is a blood/ liver disorder flow of bile is restricted as the liver is not fuctioning properly which leads to a build up of bile acids in the blood which is what causes the itching.
I was given steroids and various other pill and potions (15 a day in all!!) and monitered very closly and the delivered Jack at 37 weeks
The main signs to look for are ITCHINESS, TIREDNESS(i know we are more tired anyway!) and FEELING INCREASINGLY HOT
I thought it important to post this now as it could be confused with the warm weather and it would be better to be safe than sorry.
I am going to put some links up for you if you have any questions please feel free to ask either on here or PM me
Hmmm personally I don't like the soundof that
When is your next MW appointment?
My MW sent me straight to the hospital for my bloods done.
Asking you to wait nearly a week to have bloods is not on IMO
If the creams don't work I would go straight back and ask for a refferal to hospital