Plus-Size Pregnancy

I'm at two weeks postpartum and I'm already under my starting weight. I started at 215, lost all the way down to 203, and weighed in at 242 the last time I was weighed (38 1/2 weeks) for a net gain of almost 30 lbs. I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 208. The weight is hanging around my tummy though, so I'm still wearing my maternity clothes. Hopefully ill be able to start exercising a little soon to get rid of a bit of the bulge and fit back into my clothes. All my maternity clothes are bright and striped and really emphasize the roundness of my tummy-cute when you're pregnant...not what I'm looking for now.

I'm wondering if the weight is coming off easily because it was a healthy gain- I didn't eat junk or sweets really at all. Perhaps. I'm sure the breastfeeding is helping too- my little one looooooves to eat.

I didn't have any after pains at all! I guess my body gave me a break after that excruciating labor. Its crazy but I feel almost normal now, except for when I sit on hard surfaces.
Thats awesome Caliginger!! I hope I have a similar experiance our starting out weights are with in a couple pounds of each other. I lost 13 pounds at the begining and have gaing 4 1/2 back. and that was just in the last 5 weeks. eek. I really hope my body responds as well as yours!!
That's great Caliginger :thumbup: I'm really hoping to be lighter when I finish. I started at 287 :blush: but am currently 269 so keeping the weight off well. I'm really hoping not to go above 277 but not sure this is realistic as I'm not quite in 3rd tri yet.
I was back to pre baby weight within 3 weeks, but my body completely changed and none of my clothes fit (they are too big thankfully. can't complain lol)
Prepregnancy was 285, I was 281 right after having the baby and I am at 269 now, hopefully to continue losing. Sorry I have been MIA, no net (still) & I have had my hands full... has colic and possible reflux, worse on cows milk based formula, switched to soy and now she is constipated, only screams for hours on end 1-2 days a week now instead of 5... She goes but her stool is really hard, comes out like pebbles/rocks. Put a call into her pediatrician and got a call back from someone else... Baby is "formula intolerant"... Had to talk to the outpatient lactation consultant, they want me to relactate so she could at least get 1/2 breast milk... Thougj i'd need to produce at least 12ounces. So, I had to start on herbal supplements friday and start pumping with my hand pump... Wic was apparentky closed even though they said they were open :/ once my milk comes in good we have to teach baby to latch again.

My post partum appt was amazing, I have lost all the weight plus some, was released to exercise tjough finding time to is hard. My 1 stitch fell out weeks ago. My dr said sge read the delivery notes "looks like dr begley pretty much ran in and caught the baby" haha.

Sorry for the typos. Wish me luck ladies.
Good luck Keslinger! I'm sorry baby is having tummy troubles. No fun at all. Hope baby feels better soon. Way to go on loosing that baby weight!!
Tomorrow is the day! I get to meet my little girl! Excited and nervous all at the same time!
We couldnt take watching her be in so much pain... Broke down and bought a can of (expensive) nutramigen. Hoping it helps.
Keslinger yes try that or Alimentum. I was able to get a prescription so that WIC gives me cans of it. It took a few days but he is a totally different baby now.
Keslinger yes try that or Alimentum. I was able to get a prescription so that WIC gives me cans of it. It took a few days but he is a totally different baby now.

I am hoping it works, she is miserable.
:( I just weighed myself! I've put on a stone and a half!! How do I stop it?!?!
I think it might be working, we'll see soon, hopefully. Instead of all day she screams for a lesser amount of time 1-2 times a day. She always sounds congested after feeds, hiccups alot, likes to be upright and spits up alot along with the tummy pain so I think we are dealing with reflux, too. Poor girl. The tea we use can usually elimate or drastically take away from her pain which is great. Whatever works, I hate seeing her like that and not being able to do anything.
trying! im staying out of the heat as much as possible .. i tend to swell up at the drop of a hat :(
Just saw on my ticker I have less than 100 days to go! Woohoo fit small mile stones :)
I am waiting till after our baby shower to really start getting things ready for baby. I really hope I am leaving myself enough time. Baby will be bunking with mom and dad for awhile as we only have 2 bedrooms so we don't have a whole room to get ready. But I want her to have a nice area. I don't have nesting drive yet. I wish it would kick in. Last time I started on things at 20 weeks and couldn't stop cleaning. This time I only do chores as nessassary:dohh:
Hi, ladies. :) Thinking about all you new moms and moms-to-be in the heat! I feel lucky every day to be in the one corner of the U.S. not sweltering this summer. Even here it's in the upper 80s this week, and I'm such a wimp that I don't like it at all. I spend my time at home in front of the fan with lots of ice water. Thank goodness for AC at work!

Still seeing my OB for NSTs twice per week, everything has been going well. A little bit of protein in my urine, but that's not so weird for someone who has been diabetic for 13 years (it takes its toll on your kidneys). Blood pressure is staying in the 120s/70-80 range, which is okay. I've slowed waaaaay down over the past couple weeks. It hurts to sleep now....and to sit up....and to stand. :dohh: That's all to be expected at this point, though.

We had our baby shower last weekend, and it was a lot of fun. We didn't get any diapers (we're using cloth), or stroller, or a bunch of other essentials, so it's shopping time. People were so thoughtful and generous, though, I certainly can't complain. It was fun just to be with everyone, even though I was super low on energy. I'm always the one to host huge parties and cook for a crowd, so it was weird and really, really cool to have friends come over to my house (where we held the shower) and set up decorations, food, etc. That will never happen again, I'll wager! ;) I just sat back and smiled.

Hope you're all healthy and happy!

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