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I've opted to not have NT screening so I was hoping that since I just want a dating scan that they would be able to fit me in a little earlier but doesn't look that way. I can't have so little notice for appts though as I work pretty much full time and I don't get time off work for appts so would have to actually cancel a shift and lose money (potentially 2/3 shifts if the appt falls in middle of a set of nights!) if they sent the appt with less than 3 weeks or so notice. Which realistically since I'm 10 weeks tomorrow - it'll be with less than 3 weeks notice though I'd been hoping for an appt mid-month (around 15th).
Noo - could you phone them and chase them up?? I have heard of them "forgetting" people before. Thats really not good that you would have to cancel so many shifts if they give you short notice of your appointment! How is the sickness hun? Are you feeling any better?

Jelly - :D hey hun, and thank you :D only 3 days to go.. i cant believe its come so fast!!

Cherry - woot on the ball!! Thats the one i had with Seth :thumbup: Lots of bouncing and rolling from now on :thumbup:

Jenny - thanks for the info hun :D That sounds like what i had the other day when i went in to be checked hun! Turned out to be Watery Discharge. I was told if you put a pad on.. and its not soaked through after around 30 mins then its not your waters that have gone.

I had my friend over tonight... were supposed to be here around 2pm and didnt show up till 5 :growlmad: again she was trying to tell me what i will and wont be doing after my section. I wouldnt mind if shed ever had one herself or even a baby.. but she hasnt. I told her point blank i will do things as and when i feel up to it.. my body will soon let me know if its too soon. Just because her friend was silly enough to do the hoovering 2 days after her section and bust her wound open.. Im not that bloody stupid.. especially since you need a tank liscense just to use my stupid hoover. And she was getting herself all concerned about making sure she sees baby before my sister .. which i told her she wouldnt.. so she then went on to "oh but i will see him before her kids do wont I" :growlmad: :dohh: Jeezzz its not a bloody competition!!
My back is still sore.. and my bloody hips are killing as as per usual i had to sit on the bloody floor because friends bf took my chair and wouldnt move when i was ready to sit back down :growlmad:
Ooh Jenny if it your water thats early aint it?

I get loads of discharge still :( but i find it worse when im walking for long period of time :s. I wear towels all the time now as i find it such a pain in the butt. I always get alot of period pains these past few days. Sleeping has become uncomfy again.

Im little worry about the thought incase my waters go and i havent noticed lol like when your sleeping although you should wake up all wet own there. I also have noticed and dont laugh (TMI) if i have dribbled (little pee) few hours later i noticed it gone brownish stain mark :s. remember i said i woke up one morning with this and was confussed now i know why. Guess i dribble trying to hold it in or something in my sleep and its done that but it think its still the strangest thing ever.. Also ive noticed people mention lighting crotch. Is that when the baby is pushing down on your bladder and its pretty sore? If so i get this and i have to pause until the pain pausing over.

Also today i have flats on walking in town my feet started to get rather sore. I had to sit so much and my feet were rather red guessing for the heat and from walking.

Sorry for these questions lol just curious all these random pains are bothering me to i question everything lol.

Was going to go for a bath before bed but i need to heat the darn water up :( so ive pop it on for an hour. Would love just to get a nice sleep. or if bawbag was nice enought to let me nap on couch but nope he was working last night and has slept from 6am and is still sleeping lol lazy shit..

Sorry for rambling ladies.

Noo. thats not right you have to cancels shifts to go to apps. They are meant to give you them off so you can go.. Which i didnt realise until my come apps my miwife told me. lol. Some companys really do things weird eh. xx
Oh seth i would have said to him can i get my seat back.. I cant sit on the floor my butt goes all sort and i get super uncomfy lol xxx
ladies is this normal my lower back started hurting about an 1hour ago & it feels like im getting my period ??
im guessing yes as i get alot of lower back ache and period pains. im in bed now with hot water bottle. really hope i get a good sleep tonight. super sleepy right now xx
Sparkle huni how are you feeling now?? It can be normal but it can also be a sign of the start of labor.. BUT I have been having lower back ache and period cramping for the last week and nothing has come of it. So maybe its just one of those things... if you get really worried or it progresses into more pain then contact your midwife hun :hugs:

Cherry - Im not sure if lightening crotch is caused by baby pressing on bladder... BUT it is a pretty severe shooting pain down in your cervix/foof and i do have to stop until its gone. I can now be found frequently stopping in the middle of the street saying "oh you F*ker" and then not moving for a few minutes.. it gets really irritating especially when seths running late for nursery lol.
Your feet will deff be sore just simply from all the walking hun.

Dh decided he wanted :sex: last night :dohh: and i thought id best let him since hes not going to get it for 6/7 weeks after this. I really wish i hadn't now. I swear it hurt so darn much and this morning i have a chaffed foof :dohh: Also some blood tinged discharge, so wondering if thats more plug coming away. My lovely back ache is back although i did get a better sleep last night as i used one of Seth's teddies as a pillow lol. So i had 2 instead of 1. Even only got up 4 times for the toilet :happydance: now that is progress since the other night when i got up 8 times :dohh:
Hoping my folks are coming over today.. although i wont hold my breathe too much. They took my niece for the night last night... which normally wouldn't bother me (i get a lil jelous as mum never has Seth but my eldest niece is her fave and the ONLY one she will have overnight.. she wont even have seth overnight when i have Ethan... yet she had sisters dd1 for a whole week when she had dd2). BUT my sisters youngest has been really ill the last few days with a bad temp etc, so Id told my sister she couldnt come anywhere near us this weekend in fear of it being passed on, so what does she do... she went to my parents with all the kids.. and left her eldest there :growlmad: She knows fine well my mum is supposed to have Seth on Tuesday, and it really has annoyed me that neither of them have thought of me at all.. the one time i needed them to put me first and it doesn't happen. So i now need to phone my mum soon and tell her if she is still planning on coming over here then she needs to take my niece home first as she is not bringing her to my house incase she is carrying the germs that her brother has had. And i have to cross my damn fingers that my mum doesn't get ill again (shes only just got over 2 lots of flu last week) otherwise i shall be having my section by myself as DH will have to stay home and look after Seth :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad: Sorry bit of a rant there but it really freaking pissed me off. I will not risk the health of Seth or Ethan for anything. My sister was the first to moan when ill people came to her house (or any1 whos family member was ill) when she was due her last baby... and now shes forcing that very thing on us :growlmad:
Ohhhh good luck for tomo, what time do you go in?

I hate when families are like that! iv lived 3 doors from my parents for 5 years, they had the kids over night once lol.
Omg hun can't believe it's tomorrow, eeeeek!!! :D
Sorry you're having trouble with your family. I assume they know your dates and why you need Seth to stay? I'd be having words if I were you hun. It's really unfair what they're doing, especially with your niece being poorly. Hope you get it sorted and DH doesn't have to watch Seth :hugs:
In case I don't get back on here today (I'm sure I will but) best of luck tomorrow! Can't wait for updates :happydance: xx

Afm, positives first... 26 weeks and I'm in double figures yaaaay! Can't believe I'll be in third tri next week, yikes!
And now I have to moan sorry lol. Having mil issues again. She looks after Toby every few weeks. Usually for three nights as she lives 60 odd miles away and doesn't drive. So yesterday I packed his bag for 3 nights and we took toby down there. Mil was all nice and did us lunch and then said "right, so, how would you feel if I had Toby til the end of the week?"
I said to her I've only packed til Tuesday and I'd get lonely, I want my baby with me. Yknow, since im his mum. DH gave his mum a look and was like "we'll talk about it" but he said it in a way that was more like he'll convince me. So I felt backed into a corner. MIL took Toby down the shop and while they were gone Dh insisted we leave. I was a bit upset so he distracted me by taking me to a reptile shop to look at pretty things but when I got home I was so upset. I told DH I was looking at getting the train because I can't go without seeing my lil man for 5 or 6 days and he told me we can't afford trains and that I'm only thinking of myself and Toby will be having fun. I've basically been told I have no choice and I'm selfish and should make the most of my "time off"... But how can I do that when all I want is to have him home. I want to make mothers day crafts and play in the garden and snuggle up with his favourite book. But that's selfish.
I'm pregnant ffs. I'm hormonal and my maternal instincts are in overdrive and all I want is to hold my baby boy but I just keep being told its not natural to want that and that it's natural to let other people have him for a while. So now I won't see him til Thursday and I've written a bloody essay and he's shouting at me because he promised he wouldn't expect me to do anything but rest but now doesn't want me having a bath because I've got too much to do and I'm crying again. Urghhhhhh. I might just get the train anyway.
Omg hun can't believe it's tomorrow, eeeeek!!! :D
Sorry you're having trouble with your family. I assume they know your dates and why you need Seth to stay? I'd be having words if I were you hun. It's really unfair what they're doing, especially with your niece being poorly. Hope you get it sorted and DH doesn't have to watch Seth :hugs:
In case I don't get back on here today (I'm sure I will but) best of luck tomorrow! Can't wait for updates :happydance: xx

Afm, positives first... 26 weeks and I'm in double figures yaaaay! Can't believe I'll be in third tri next week, yikes!
And now I have to moan sorry lol. Having mil issues again. She looks after Toby every few weeks. Usually for three nights as she lives 60 odd miles away and doesn't drive. So yesterday I packed his bag for 3 nights and we took toby down there. Mil was all nice and did us lunch and then said "right, so, how would you feel if I had Toby til the end of the week?"
I said to her I've only packed til Tuesday and I'd get lonely, I want my baby with me. Yknow, since im his mum. DH gave his mum a look and was like "we'll talk about it" but he said it in a way that was more like he'll convince me. So I felt backed into a corner. MIL took Toby down the shop and while they were gone Dh insisted we leave. I was a bit upset so he distracted me by taking me to a reptile shop to look at pretty things but when I got home I was so upset. I told DH I was looking at getting the train because I can't go without seeing my lil man for 5 or 6 days and he told me we can't afford trains and that I'm only thinking of myself and Toby will be having fun. I've basically been told I have no choice and I'm selfish and should make the most of my "time off"... But how can I do that when all I want is to have him home. I want to make mothers day crafts and play in the garden and snuggle up with his favourite book. But that's selfish.
I'm pregnant ffs. I'm hormonal and my maternal instincts are in overdrive and all I want is to hold my baby boy but I just keep being told its not natural to want that and that it's natural to let other people have him for a while. So now I won't see him til Thursday and I've written a bloody essay and he's shouting at me because he promised he wouldn't expect me to do anything but rest but now doesn't want me having a bath because I've got too much to do and I'm crying again. Urghhhhhh. I might just get the train anyway.

Hugs hun, you need to put your foot down. Hubby is being too controling there. Your child is you child, and if you want him home go and get him hun. Hubby can just piss off, sorry if that sounds harsh, I dont want to upset you more, but dont let him push you around, else you will be stuck being treated like crap for as long as your with him.

Do what you please, and if he doesn't like it.....well isn't that tough titty!!
Ahh I'm afraid I do have to cancel shifts for appts - I have a zero hour contract which also means I'm only entitled to statutory maternity pay even though I've worked there over a year! Pfft!
I agree with jen. Think i would be the excat same as you cottle. Think im going to be pretyt over protective towards paige once she is born also. I know people like to help out but i would rather be the one bring up my own kid and not replying on everyone else. i think your hubby could have been little more supportive towards you since you are carrying 2 babies and may feel better if your little boy was close by than miles away from you both. Not sure how ill cope when this happens to me like. As me and ryan aint together i think ill fine it pretty tough :(

Oh seths what is it with parents eh. Im pretty sure my mums is going to be the same way. As my other sister told me that if Allison ever moved out she'd be welcome back but if i needed a place to stay i wouldnt be welcome back i was like thats not fair.. Your meant to treat you kids all the same not pick your favourite and toss the rest to a side. My neice is 3 right now and tbh allison does take the piss and over abuse her living in my mum house. she actaully shouted in my mums face earlier because ammie was wanting her action. I could have said something but after last week i kept out of it. even my other sister said she does that alot pure walk all over my mum. I hate it but there aint much i cant do unless my mum grows a back bone and tell her to her face. I think the problem is she might be scared she wont see Ammie as Allison uses ammie like that tell her to stay away from me and jen when she has had an arugement with one of us. So today was the first day i was over there all week. Mum as told me that she isnt please or happy with allison uses ammie like that or doing things that will teach her to do the others. Ammie now copys things we do and say. so you have to be cafeful about swearing..

So bloody crazy just hope i can make my mum proud once paige is here and show allie up.. Would never use a kid like that make sure she had my attention all the time to. lol.

Wow we have crazy familes dont we. xxxx

Thanks for the tip seth about the lighty crotch i have had something like that where i literally have to pause myself and screw my face up saying holy crap that hurts lol. now i know what its called xxx
Thanks Jenny - I have to be there between 3-3:30pm. so aiming for 3:15.. my friends bf starts work at 3pm so need to avoid him seeing me go in. :thumbup:
wow, id hate to live that close to my family :haha: To be honest.. i wouldnt let my mum have him overnight just for the sake of it so it doesnt bother me that way. Its just the fact that i know she wouldnt do for me what she did for my sister. But.. at least i will always know i brought my kids up by myself with not much help from anyone else :)

Cottleston - yeah they know my date as they will be first to meet baby :) They were good and took my neice home first before coming over. Mum brought the bits she'd bought for baby and although she said shes not excited yet... you should have seen her face as i was looking through the stuff lol.
I wont be able to get on here while in hospital but i should be able to text facebook :thumbup: and iv asked dh to log in for me and update you all quickly when he gets home :D (be around 9pm ish when he gets back). Although that depends on whether he is on the phone to his folks all night.. hes going to call them when he gets home to tell them ethan is born.. BUT if they are drunk then hes not telling them till the next day.
AS FOR YOUR DH... i really freaking want to kill him!!! How freaking dare he do that to you!! If i were you I would be getting on that train and going and picking up my child.. and MIL would be getting told she is NOT having him again until she accepts your rules! :growlmad: And also how dare he make you leave while MIL had Toby out at the shop!! That pisses me off more than anything else!!! Not that anything will happen... but i always refuse to leave anywhere without a kiss and a cuddle as we never know what life is going to bring. If that were my DH I would seriously blow out at him! He needs put in his place hun... please dont let him walk all over you again!! He can get his fucking lazy ass up and do what needs done and you can go have a bath that you damn well deserve to have!! There is NOTHING selfish about you wanting Toby with you all the time... jesus .. i wont let people have seth for the day.. never mind a few days! I swear down if your husband was mine i would be kicking the supid mother fucker out the door :growlmad: :growlmad: If you wanna go get Toby on Tuesday hun then like i say .. do it.. dont give a crap what that idiot says. He is your child.. and you are his main carer. Just because your dh cant be assed to have him around all the time doesnt mean that you are the same! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Cherry - that sucks how your mum is with you! I dont get to see mine that often so it doesnt effect me that much. And i cant stand when people use kids as a weapon.. really annoys me. I banned MIL from seeing seth but had really good reasons behind it. Its disgusting to do so just to get what you want.
I am sure you are going to make her very proud hun! Your going to be a great mum!!

Well my mum said whilst she was here that she wont be coming in for night time visiting on Tuesday as she is on early shift the next morning so it will just be my dad and my sister. BUT she did say she will come in on the Thursday since its her day off :D I'm super happy since last time shed said she wouldnt see us again for quite a while.

I have started loosing my plug for definite today! There was no mistaking it this time. I cant believe I'v got to the end of my pregnancy without ruining the surprise for my dad :happydance: haha 1 out of 6 isnt bad... the other 5 grandchildren he always knew what they were. He still thinks little Ethan is a little Mia :pink: lol

Seth... Omg baby time. Its a lil awkward cuz im in the states and we have such a time difference lol. Idk if my today is u going or last night Smh. Kinda confusing.

Anyhoo... hope all goes well, can't wait to hear the story, im sure you'll have a good one =)
lol realbeauty it is still Sunday here.. right now its 5:17pm. Thanks hun, :D I still need to finish packing haha. trust me to still be doing stuff last minute.

For my last proper meal before hospital crap im having home made battered sausage and chip roll num num num xxx
Lol the states are only a few hours behind us. I think some parts are like 6 hours behind as i have a friend in Iowa :)

Thanks seths. Im with on you on killing that husband lol no one she have to go through that pregnant or not. *shaking my head*

Glad your mum is going to pop back to see you thursday hun...Im hoping for my mum to be there when i go into labor as its ryans mum driving us up lol when ever i go x

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