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Hey ladies been busy visiting with my mom and going places poor Fallon has been out more in the last two weeks then either of my other babies had been at her age. She is a really good baby she sleeps loads and fusses only long enough to get her booty clean and dry and a boobie in her mouth. She gained one ounce shy of a whole pound in two weeks and her brother and sister love her to bits but I do have to keep after them to be careful. I am still bleeding weirdly on and off two days without anything then bam I have a tiny bit. I am dying to go back to having my daily soaks! I have bad pulled muscles because I always lift to damn much... Anyway here are some piccies.

Bless her she's beautiful, congratulations !
Thank you Blue! How are you? I know ive not met a lot of you newer ladies since ive been so busy.
Lovely pictures USAF :-)

Seth- yesterday was a tough day being fathers day and due date the same day but I'm glad I managed to get through the day. All my friends were lovely texting and messaging me checking I was doing ok. 2nd sweep booked in for this afternoon hoping for some changes since last week to make the sweep more successful been bouncing and rotating my hips and had :sex: last night . Going back on my ball this morning to help things on their way.
Usaf those photos are gorgeous.

Jelly im glad youv had a tonne of support around you. Fingers crossed bubbs is ready to come out soon.

Afm... well ladies im about to rant so apologies in advance.

As some of you know seth has had weight problems sice day 1 bouncing between the 2nd and 0.4th percentiles. Well as h.v had called to see how we were doing I took both boys to get weighed 2 weeks ago. I was told ethan was doing great and is following the 9th percentile just nicely. As for seth he dropped back to 0.4th from inbetween the 2 and we agreed id take him back in 1 months time to. See if he was putting the weight back on.

Well iv just had a phone call saying the health visitor has spoken to a doctor and has concerns that ethan hasnt put enough weight on. I questioned the woman who phoned and told her I was told ethan is fine and explained it wqs seth whod dropped after being ill for 2 weeks. So now I have to take both boys out tothe doctors tomorrow to get weighed which will show fuck all since its only been 2 weeks since they got weighed. So of course now I am majorly pissed off that shes gone behind my back and she will be told so when I call them soon. She chose the wrong day to do this since mother nature has just given me my first timw of the month since having ethan!
Seth - I don't understand why the hv would still be weighing Seth, if it was that much of an issue surely a doctor would be monitoring him, what are they expecting you to do ?? It must just be a family trait that both were in the low percentiles for weight and whose to say what is average anymore. I remember my friend was bf her girl who was always in the low percentiles and she got do much pressure to formula feed etc. now at 6 they have decided she's just tiny no other issues as she eats a well balanced and nutritional diet.
Urghhh so sorry you're having yet more issues with health "professionals" Seths. Don't understand why they don't either butt out or, if they're genuinely concerned, mention it to you directly. Hopefully after the next visit they'll see that Seth is still following the .4-2%ile that he always has been and leave the matter alone. Poor boy.

Jelly, glad you've had plenty of support over the weekend. I do hope Baby Jelly comes soon. Bet it feels like you e been preggy forever!

Afm... I'm doing ok. The twins are a little out of sync with their schedules so I'm exhausted but trying to get them back on track. Meanwhile Toby has officially reached Devil status in the terrible twos. I've hurt myself a couple of times trying to lift him when he's kicking off, and the tiredness and hormones have made me super emotional so Toby's playing on that at the moment. I'm feeling guilty that maybe he's not getting enough attention from me and it's knocked my confidence but it'll work itself out eventually.
Having said all that, he's with MIL today and I miss him loads!
Oh bless him dh and I were talking last night about the effect of having a baby in the family and how JJ will act and feel - really plays at your heart strings. Hope the boys sync again soon can't imagine having 2 newborns and toddler

Off for my sweep in a minute :-)
jelly i hope your sweep went well hun! Almost wrote sweet there lol

Cottleston - aww hun terrible twos is just awful, i really hope Toby stops being a little devil soon! And i hope the twins get into a nice routine again so its less stressfull for you! But just always remember you are a fantastic mummy and its not an easy job having a toddler and baby twins all at the same time. big big hugs for you :hugs: :hugs:

Jelly - seth was under a pediatric specialist up until last year who kept an eye on his weight and height, but she discharged him since he stayed on track with both his height and weight being in proportion. I wanted him weighed this time round after him having the gastroenteritis for 2 weeks, i wanted to see how much weight he had dropped if any. I agreed with the H.V there and then to take him back in a month to re-check his weight and just make sure hes putting back on what he had lost.
So thats what has peed me off the most... a) it wasnt Ethan who had not put the weight on.. he is following the 9th percentile and i swear down does not even look that small! he is a little chunk (scoffed half a jar of sweet squash with chicken today!!) and b) she said when we were there that ethan was fine and agreed on the re-check for seth so for her to go behind my back and tell a doctor she has concerns over the weight has really really got to me. If they were "concerned" they should have told me to my face... and i swear down if they have themselves mixed up regarding which boy it is then ill loose it even more! They should know by now that seth has always had his problems and should have it in their notes he was discharged byt he peads. I am going to write a letter of complaint tonight to hand in while i am at the doctors tomorrow and I will be telling them i want no more contact with them apart from development reviews that i have no choice about.

I am so sick to death of stupid condescending health professionals making me feel like a shit mum just because i have a small child. i am not going to sit there and force feed seth just so he gains "normal" weight. he is small and that is all there is to it, my sister and I were both very small and slim till we hit our teens.

agh sorry ladies, can you tell iv not calmed down about it lol. i tried calling but the h.v wasnt there and she didnt bother her arse to call me back. :growlmad:
:hugs: that makes sense must be so stressful all the time worrying about his weight etc
It can be but I dont let it get to me as much anymore. The gp didnt even know why we were there. She looked at ethan and refused to weigh him saying its obvious there is no problem. So she weighed seth and he's went from 11.6kg to 12.2kg in just 2 weeks whih is fab. Shes going to have a word with the health visitor as in her opinion there is no problem although she wants to see seth again when we come home from my mums xxx

How are things going with you jelly? Xx
Ugh Seths, sounds a pain. This is why I don't bother with the health visitors aside from the usual scheduled checks, you know best if your child is healthy or not, some kids are just small!
See, I'm wondering if there's any point in booking in Toby's 2 year check be side of stuff like this. Health visitors have to be overly cautios and it does nothing but make parents feel bad or worry. My last hv told me I had to urgently book an appointment for Dylan because she was concerned about his jaundice at 2 weeks telling us it could be a symptom of something serious. Went to the dr in a panic and she said "nah he's fine what's she on about?" and sent us on our way.

Sooo I'm on my 4th lot of antibiotics in just over 2 weeks. Fun times!
jeezz cottleston! why so many? would have thought they would check to see which antibiotic its not reziliant to! idiots.
I think these checks are stupid! Seth has to get one a year just now, and i swear down the last one was just rediculous... seth failed one part because i said i would not allow him to run up and down the stairs (i live in a flat, and the stairs up and down from our floor are just concrete!), he wouldnt hop on one foot while they were here so he failed that oh and the best one which cracked me up (i hope this link works) They had one of these;200;155

and they scattered 8 pegs around close by it and seth had to pick them up individually and place them in the holes in 10 seconds! I mean come on!! Its just stupid what they expect a child to be able to do.... they dont even consider whether a child has had access to things like this before or if its there first time (which it was seths with the peg board).

imagine scaring you over the jaundice.. although the h.vs do tend to go overboard with it. although in a way i understand why they do as it can cause cerebral paulsy (i think i spelled that right).

krafty - yep seth is one of those who is just small and always is going to be untill he hits puberty at least, and ethan is on the smaller side too as hes only on the 9th %ile but he looks so chubby lol xxxxx
Glad to hear the doctor had sense Seth :-)

Jaundice in newborns is so common its the third time OK n couple if days where mW it HV have gone up in arms with panic of jaundice.

Cottleston hope these antibiotics sort the problem .

Afm - I'm booked for sweep Friday induction Monday but I'm now considering to refuse as I'm worried there is going to be too much intervention in regards to monitoring. Main worry with this is with JJ had to lay on my back as the struggled with my weight to keep a constant monitoring. As I'm expected to have a big baby of 10lb plus I want to be mobile and upright as much as possible. Thinking of asking for more sweeps before a later induction date.
Out your foot down hun and refuse the induction, how much longer would you want to wait. I agree induction leads to far too much intervention. It was the same for me with seth. Xxx
I'd wait till the end of the week I think so 42wks, I just can't see the baby gaining that much extra weight in 7 days? Just makes me nervous being induced and having too much intervention or waiting and something going wrong ...... Think I will wait to see what they say Friday. Getting lots of lower belly aches and cervix pains tonight so may not even come to needing an induction
Jelly hows it going hun...I hope eerythig is ok.

How are you all ladies? Xxx
Baby Jelly has arrived! I'll let her post the details :D

How are you Seths hun?
I'm in a naff mood... Won't bore you but I feel sick and Eddies got a sore bum and my landlords a prat. If he turns up while I'm still tired, hormonal and seething, I'll probably nut him.
I'm so peed off. I've started trying to crochet and I really can't do it. I can do my chain stitches but then that is it. I want to make a blankie :(

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