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The first row of crochet into the chain is the hardest, is that what you're struggling with?
yeeyyyy for baby Jelly! omg i cant wait for details and pics!! :happydance: :wohoo: super excited.

Cottleston - awww im so sorry things are being so naff just now... go ahead and bore me :D Will probably do you some good to get it off your chest hun. Have you got a good cream for Eddies bum hun? I hope it clears up soon.

Noo - oooooo stick at it hun you can do it! I used to crochet when i was little but probably couldnt do it now if i tried

OMG haha i got a new jacket for Ethan in 3 to 6 months... now Seth is walking around in it! I cant believe it fits him haha xxx
Hey ladies! Grats to Jelly! EEP! Hope all is going well in pregnancy and those of you with littles!

AFM- Fallon is having weird breathing junk going on and I have to keep suctioning snot UGH! She is a great sleeper and rarely wakes to feed and normally that might scare me but shes up to 9lbs and 10oz so shes a healthy little piggy! I had to drive 45 mins today for what I thought was an ultrasound but SURPRISE military tells me nothing or the wrong info it was going to be an x-ray and cath with dye! The doctors decided not to because her last scan showed such little dilation they think she will be ok to just ultrasound at 6 months of life unless she gets an infection. I am doing pretty good so happy to be more mobile but im still having issues from spd I am sure I always will.
I'm so peed off. I've started trying to crochet and I really can't do it. I can do my chain stitches but then that is it. I want to make a blankie :(

When you turn after chaining, you crochet into I think it's the third chain from your crochet hook. I should make my baby a blanket or something.
I'm so peed off. I've started trying to crochet and I really can't do it. I can do my chain stitches but then that is it. I want to make a blankie :(

When you turn after chaining, you crochet into I think it's the third chain from your crochet hook. I should make my baby a blanket or something.

What stitch would you recommend? I've been trying to do single stitch but its ended up SO tight its all curling (I am only doing 20 chained stitches whilst practising though). My Grandad's wife is doing a blanket with granny squares and within 2 hours she'd done half a bloody blanket! Hubby has been trying to do double.
Hey ladies! Grats to Jelly! EEP! Hope all is going well in pregnancy and those of you with littles!

AFM- Fallon is having weird breathing junk going on and I have to keep suctioning snot UGH! She is a great sleeper and rarely wakes to feed and normally that might scare me but shes up to 9lbs and 10oz so shes a healthy little piggy! I had to drive 45 mins today for what I thought was an ultrasound but SURPRISE military tells me nothing or the wrong info it was going to be an x-ray and cath with dye! The doctors decided not to because her last scan showed such little dilation they think she will be ok to just ultrasound at 6 months of life unless she gets an infection. I am doing pretty good so happy to be more mobile but im still having issues from spd I am sure I always will.

wow hun i cant believe they told you one thing and wanted to do another! I hope she is ok though. woop for weight gain. The SPD should slowly get better hun although it could take some time. Fingers crossed it wont take too long though.

how is everyone else doing?? I hope you and bubbs are doing ok Jelly :hugs:

Ethan has tooth number 4 starting to pop through! So far he has the corners of 2 back teeth through along with another thats just pushing through.. and now the front of his gum is extra white so im guessing thats number 4 about to try pop through. poor boy has been misserable the last week.. wish they would just pop through already. HE is a fab sleeper though asnd slept till 8am this morning :o what a shock that was lol xx
Man... I dread to think how huge I'm gonna end up.... Here is my 27 week bump!


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I love your bump hun!

How is everyone doing? All mamas to be I hope your pregnancies are going well and all mammas I hope all babies are being good.

Cottleston hun I am sending you the most hugest hugs ever, you are doing absolutele amazing and dont you ever doubt it. Xxx:hugs::hugs:
Lovely bump Noo x
Thanks seths hun. Really struggling at the mo. DH has stopped being supportive now I've shown him that I'm not restricted by my scar anymore. Today he came in from work, got me out in the garden to help him fix his motorbike then when I went back to see to Eddie who has a poorly tummy just now, DH came in and moaned because there was a butter knife on the kitchen worktop that I hadn't put next to the sink. The reason for that? Toby was climbing my leg and pulling at my dress moaning because Cars 2 has just finished as I was doing his lunch, Eddie was crying and Dylan was screaming because he dropped his dummy. Moving a butter knife 6ft to the right wasn't top on my list of priorities. Apparently it's top of his though so the first thing he did after coming indoors was complain that I'm a "messy cow"...
What a twat! I think I'd have shoved it up his arse using the butter as extra lube!
Blimey Cotts, he'd have a fit if he saw my house then! As if being immaculately clean and tidy is your top priority with 3 children under 3!

We're doing good, think we're settling nicely into a routine, Ella has around 6-7oz of formula every three hours between 8am and 8pm, then she goes down awake and touch wood she sleeps around 11-12 hours. She rarely naps longer than half an hour during the day. We're using infant gaviscon now to help with her regurgitation. At last appointment she weighed 12lb and is on the 22nd centile for weight, 50th for height and 75th for head circumference. She's a pretty happy little lady all in all, she's rolled to her front a couple of times but hates tummy time.


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Here's a poem for your hubby Cotts ;)

Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
Oh my god!! Aww hun im so sorry he's gone back to being an unsuportive twat. Seriously hun I would have it out with him....the fact that you manage to get any housework done right now is amazing.... so for there to only be a butter knife out of place is damngood. Hed have a heart attack if he came into my house!! But then id clobber him over the head ;)

Have you had a go athim hun? I had to do it with my dh hun, we had a massive row 2 weeks ago where I told he either stops complaining and helps or he gets his ass out my door....simples. he's been a lot better since.

Or do you just want us all to come down and clobber him :gun:


Krafty, glad ella has settled into a nice routine. I hope the gaviscon is doing the trick hun!

I need to get ethan weighed again. He takes between 4 and 6 oz nomally ever 3 hours from 7am till 6pm. Although he has slept through his 10am feed this morning and its almost time to go get seth...its his last day in nursery before summer hols xxx
Urghhh I haven't had a go at him yet. Need to though because if I let it bubble under the surface too long I'll end up with PND like last time. He's working from home today so after a bad night I fed the babies at 7:30am and asked him to take the twins downstairs so I could get some sleep til 10am when I'd come down and prepare the bottles for the rest of the day. He said no "just in case" he got a call from work (bear in mind his work always tell him about calls in advance so he could come get me if he needed to)... So once again his work from home day where he's meant to help out more is just upsetting me because he's not helping. In fact he's just losing his rag at Toby for stuff I have to deal with every day, meaning I have an upset toddler wanting attention while I'm cleaning spit up off one baby and feeding the other.
Sigh. This is such hard work.

Omg hun is Ethan sleeping through already? You lucky mummy!!
Can't believe it's summer holidays already... Madness.
Awww hun he really doesnt appreciate what he's got does he....he should be making a big effort to spend lots of time with toby when he can to make up for the twins needin your attention not yelling st him and making things worse.

Id bring it up with him soon hun, his feelings are not worth you getting pnd. Is this what he was like when you had toby hun? Id kick him out to his mothers for a week and see if that makes him realise what he would loose if he stays the same. It worked for me hun...well mostly john still has days where he is pure lazy or a knobhead.

Yeah he's slept trough from around 7 weeksish hun. He was going from 9 till 5 then bk down till 8. Now he goes to bed at 7.30 or 8pm and thats his through till 6 or 7 oclock.

Argh madness isn't it! Summer hols have come so quick! Xxxx
Hi ladies sorry it's taken me so long to popin

My yellow bump surprisingly turned pink. Florence was born last Monday and I avoided the induction as had already started contracting :-). Here's an overview of the day.

In the morning was getting strong pains in pelvis but wasn't sure if SPD as was very frontal and low. Once on our way to hospital to hopefully postpone our induction, in the car I was getting these pains every 8 minutes so made me think this could be the start of something anyway.

Once at hospital they had lost our induction booking but wanted to monitor and get signed off by consultant. Was put on heart monitor for an hour and was still contracting throughout, afterwards midwife gave me my 4th sweep and wasnt much progress from previous ie 2cm, was about 1/2vm thick etc. whilst waiting for consultant my contractions were starting to get shorter and stronger and u felt sorry for all the others in the room whilst I huffed and puffed. Finally they agreed to induce on Friday if nothing happened before , dh and I decided that we may aswell see if they continue to get shorter and stronger.

Stayed around the hospital as they were coming every 4-6 minutes by now and strong to the point of needing dh hand to grip. Went to costa for lunch as hadn't eaten and then walked around the carpark back and forth up and down for couple of hours. Went back to antenatal unit to put on tens as pain was still building . By 4pm we went back again as I knew I wouldn't be able to cope with the 40minute car journey home and felt that they were getting stronger but worryingly were getting further apart and lasting less time.

Saw midwife and student we saw in the morning who reassessed us and found to be paper thin and 4cm but easily stretched to 6cm so surprisingly booked to delivery - yay not going home! The student midwife came and stayed with us and said if we could have baby in next 3hrs before her shift finished then great - I thought she was crazy .

However within an hour I'd progressed to 7cm and mw and student were keen to keep me mobile as I hoped to avoid a labour similar to jjs. As baby was expected to be big they wanted me monitored continuously and so all agreed to pop my waters do a clip to monitor the heart rate could be used and I could stay mobile. I either stood or eventually moved into the birthing ball. As labour progressed my tens was fantastic to take the edge off with gas & air as a topper up of pain relief. When I moved to leaning across back of bed squating baby wasn't happy - I was then checked and confirmed ready to push. This was a totally different experience to labour vs JJ having the urge to push etc. baby arrived 30 minutes later all in one long push of head and body. The consultants didn't even have time to get there who were meant to be due to risk of shoulders been stuck etc. Once placed on me dh took a look and said we have a girl - Completly stunned and knew her name immediatly just what I wanted.

My 9lb 10 oz beautiful girl after a 4 hour complete labour just how I so longily hoped for but never thought possible. She latched on quickly to breastfeeding and has been a keen feeder ever since, yes I'm Feeding continuously at time but it seems to be working so well, painful but know this can be worked on.

JJ loves stroking Flo's hair and giving her kisses - its adorable
I'm not sure why/what part of that made me teary eyed. So happy you got the birth you wanted hun... She's gorgeous, congrats xx
Oh my gosh hun congratulations!! She is beautiful. I am so so happy that you got the birth you wanted and deserved! And what a beautiful name for a beautiful little lady.

Cottleston how are things today hun? Xx

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