Woo, I just realised today is V-day!
Hi ladies!
I had my consultant appointment! I was in there for an HOUR! Omg!
Bad news is I have ridiculously high blood pressure so now I have to have it checked every week! it's always been fine up till now so it was a bit of a shock! She also said I have to take asprin and vitamin d everyday! But the lady I saw was lovely so that's something at least!
Hope everyone is doing good today? Xxxxx
Aww Lynds sorry about the news of a high bp hun! I have a question for you ladies in the uk though, do you always have to share rooms? Or can you have privacy? I assume you have the LO's in another room then just have to share after or else that be awkward.
I am so excited my gender/ anomaly scan is tomorrow!! I'll be sure to post the results!