Claire and matilasmummy, of course you can both join

Congratulations to you both on your :BFP:
Claire i also felt my little bean at around the same point

totally unexpected since i hadnt felt my first born till 18 weeks.
seems like your going to have a busy pregnancy

Cholastasis sucks my sister had that with her first pregnancy too, but she went on to have a totally normal second, third and fourth pregnancy
Sorry to hear you'v had abnormal smears hun i hope it turns out to be nothing
I also have Lax joints but not had physio mentioned to me... and to be honest i had it during my first but it didnt help at all with the spd. Iv hit the point already where im hurting most of the time, I'm kind of glad though its a constant problem and not just a pregnancy one since it means im kind of used to the pain.. well apart from when it happens trying to roll over in bed lol.
I'm supposed to have my GTT at 26 weeks but not heard anything about it yet. So have to ask my midwife next week. I was supposed to have it at 28 weeks, but my consultant pulled it forward (not that he told me just wrote it in my notes). Not had a healthy thing mentioned though.. i think id have told them to pee off with that one. Just because we are bigger ladies doesnt mean we don't know how to eat healthily.