hi there i am lee,i am 8 weeks 2 days gone and feel so ill,have really gone off food,cant keep anything down and just wanna hide in bed all day cos i feel so rubbish,i wondered if me being a big girl could make my sickness worse??
also i keep getting tummy cramps,just feeeling a bit concerned x
i agree with sethsmummy i do not think your sickness has anything to do with you being a big girl!!
when i was pregnant with my DS i never had no MS at all just headachs but this pregnancy that is all im ever doing is throwing up or feeling like i have to throw up but my doctor wrote me for some zofran

if its really that bad then id ask ur doctor about the zofran! good luck sweetie feel better

Jsmom congratulations on your bfp, it seems the month we all stop trying properly is the month we get it lol.

JJsmom congratulations on your bfp

omg good luck for your scan, i have my 25 week midwife apointment on the same day so i will be thinking of you

spookykitty sorry i cant be of any help with the clomid etc, i didnt seek help when i was having problems so have no experience with it at all. But i do wish you the best of luck with this cycle! Fingers crossed you get a little christmas surprise!
How are we all today? I'm feeling a little stressed, money issues. its only tuesday and i am about to run out of Gas... and its FREEZING, only have £5 to stick on my electric so i best hope that lasts till Friday when we get paid. Also worried because last night i did a dip test in my urine and i have ++ protein and +++ Leukocytes along with + glucose!! Need to re dip this morning to see what its like today. Also tried to measure my own abdomen... and if i got it right im only measuring 20cm... which is 5 less than i should be right now! Argh why is everything there just to stress us out. Would love one week where there's nothing to worry about or panic about.
hope your all doing good xx
hey sethsmummy
so sorry about the things that your having to go threw! i know times get ruff but remember you can do it

do you guys have a soical services down there?! i know here in the US they have a program that helps with electric/gas bill?!? maybe you should try to look into if they have something like that in scotland!.
I mean hey you and ur dh work you pay ur taxes so therefore if u need some help then why not

have you thought of maybe getting some electric heaters?!would that be cheaper then the gas?!?! or u know what we down here in baltimore we turn the oven on and open it up and it actually keeps the house nice & warm maybe u should try that out?!?!
also sorry to hear about ur pee test maybe would drinking lots of water would help out?!?
next i wanted to thank you so very much for all of ur kind supportive words

you are so right everyone isnt perfect and we have all had bad times in life and you know im a stronger person because of what i went threw and cause i ddint fail i made it out on top

i also suffer with mental issues such as bipolar depressing anxiety and have tried to hurt myself ones or 2s too but i got that over that when i was 15yrs old.
it is not a easy thing to get threw what we have got threw but we did it and we are just that much better and that much stronger for have getting threw it

big congrats to you as well im proud of you and if no body has told u how proud of you that they are today just know that ur web surfing mama is very proud of you especially because ive been threw what u have and know that it is not a easy thing to come out on top and thank god that you are here because you have a very handsome young son who loves u more then lifes its self and then here you were blessed a 2nd time with another wonderful little baby boy that will be here H&H

thanks again it really means alot
Hello All! I finally decided to join and share my story.

I'm 35 years old, approx 260 lbs and have been ttc for a about 6 months with no luck. I started going to an RE for the past 4 months, had lots of tests and labs. It appears I have all my parts and everything is working properly. The major buzzkill is the PCOS I've had for years. Fast forward to present day...I just finished my first round of clomid 100mg a few days ago. I am also on 2000 mg of metformin. Today was my second u/s to check on follicle growth. I was told I was good to go with one follicle. I took the hcg trigger shot today as well. I'm trying to stay positive! Has anyone else been on this same fertility regimen? Anyone else a plus size and ttc with clomid/metformin? Maybe there's a little Christmas Magic in my future? HaHa

Don't hesitate to say hi!
~SpOokY KittY
i do believe that there is christmas magic out there! you know i havent been threw none of that but i indeed a LTTCer me and dh had been ttc for 2 years and one month finally after getting my

on our 2yr anniversary i told myself that it was time to take a break,that i just couldnt take getting

anymore so what i did was i kept busy relaxed still made sure we bd all the time but that was nothing new for us lol and i took my prenatals still as they had my hair skin and nails looking WONDERFUL!!!! so october 21st af still hadnt come so i took a test and of course got a BIG FAT NOOOOO i cry so hard i just couldnt take it anymore so i told myself i wasnt going to test again well then oct 22 i woke up feeling really really sick and i even got sick:-/ i thought maybe it was the mexican food i ate last night well then the 23rd i was at the doctors and u know they did a test and of course it was a BIG NO AGAIN ha i wasnt susprised about it i thought maybe it was time to think about doing fertiliy but probably after i was done school and got a good job so that i could help out some as my insuracne didnt cover it and dh already had enough on his shoulders as far as bills go

well i still kept waking up feeling sick so idk why but i thought id do one of my internet cheapys that i had got from amazon with the opk test that i order and keep in mind that the month of october i did not use nothing no temping no charting no opks no preseed nothing beside my prenatals well anyway as i was about to throw away the test as i thought it was NEG AGAIN!! i thought i started to see a line i said to myself noooooo this isnt right this is not right its probably just a bad EVAP so i ran out to cvs with my last $15bucks and got a pack of the ept digitals well guess what they were both ERRORS so i called the number up and the ladie said i did them wrong...which is crazy how can u do a pregnancy test wrong especially with all the freaking test ive took over the past years but anyway she told me they could send me the (+-) so i was ok with that but i still didnt know what the hell i was gonna do because dh was at work all day and i didnt even wanna say nothing to him until i was 1000% sure and i was broke:-/ well then i realized that i live across the street from the health department were they do free HPT but i wasnt sure if a nurse was in or not and i just had a feeling that they werent and that even if they was it was gonna be NO AGAIN! well so i called and just so happen a nurse was there to do the test so they told me to come in a hour later:-X fx so i went in left them a smaple and waited in the waiting room i couldnt stop walking back and forth side to side i was driving mySELF NUTS i had heard the timer go off 2s so i said to myself wat is going ON?!?! finally the nurse whom ive seen many many times who has told me many many times i was pregnant came out and told me just like this weeellllllll mrs simon we did a pregnancy test on u today ::im thinking DUH:: lol and she said well congrats it was positive omg i just couldnt freaking believe it!! so the best thing i can tell u to do is to just relax keep busy and god will bless you in time

good luck